6 research outputs found

    Isolation of mycobacterium tuberculosis from cerebrospinal fluid by the centrifugation and filtration methods

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    Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples were collected in 2 bottles each, from 112 children, examined clinically for tuberculous meningitis (TBM). One was processed by the centrifugation method and the other by the filtration method for the isolation of M. tuberculosis. Of these specimens, 11 and 13 yielded M. tuberculosis by the centrifugation method and the filtration method, respectively. In 7 specimens M. tuberculosis was isolated by both the methods; in 4, only by the centrifugation method, and in 6, only by the filtration method. Using both the methods, 17 (15.2%) of 112 specimens were culture positive for M. tuberculosis. The improvement in the rate of isolation, thus obtained, assumes importance as the confirmation of the diagnosis of TBM in all the clinically suspected cases is always desired. Moreover, the filtration method is simple and inexpensive and it can be carried out even in remote hospitals and the membranes, after filtration, can be transported to central mycobacteriology laboratory for culture of tubercle bacilli

    Transportation of lymph node biopsy specimens in selective Kirchner’s liquid medium for culture of tubercle bacilli

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    Lymph node biopsy specimens, obtained from 297 paediatric and adult patients with tuberculous lymphadenitis at Madurai, were transported in selective Kirchner’s liquid medium (KL-T) to the Tuberculosis Research Centre, Madras and processed for culture. Mycobucterium tuberculosis was isolated from 201 (68%) specimens. Of the 192 specimens received within 4 days of resection, 134 (69.8%) yielded M. tuberculosis on culture and of the 105 specimens received after 5 days, 67 (63.8%) were culture positive; the difference was not statistically significant. By incubating KL-T alone further, after removing the gland for processing, it was found that mere contact with the excised node during transportation was enough to retrieve 77 (38.3%) of the total of 201 positive isolates obtained, the delay did not affect the culture positivity rate. Thus, lymph node specimens for culture of tubercle bacilli can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 15 days and transported in KL-T at ambient temperature for 18-20 h without any loss in culture positivity

    Isolation of tubercle bacilli from sputum samples of patients in the field studies by the cetylpyridinium chloride-sodium chloride & sodium hydroxide methods

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    A total of 125 sputum specimens, collected in the field, were homogenised, aliquoted in sterile universal containers and randomly allocated to the cetylpyridinium chloride - sodium chloride (CPCNaCl) method and sodium hydroxide ( NaOH) method for culture of tubercle bacilli. After storage for 8 days at ambient temperature in the field laboratory at Thiruvallur, the aliquots were transported to the main laboratory at Madras where they were processed for culture by the respective methods. The yield of positive cultures in the CPC-NaCl (31/125) method was only marginally better than that in the NaOH method (27/125) (95% Cl being-3.4 to 9.8%), while the contamination of cultures was significantly less in the CPC-NaCl method ( 3/125) than in the NaOH method (12/125) (95% Cl being 2.2 to 12.2%). As the CPC-NaCl method has advantages over the NaOH method in reducing contamination, in augmenting the yield of positive cultures and also in its simplicity, it can be applied in field studies

    Mycobacteriuria in pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Madras, South India

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    Three consecutive, entire, early morning urine specimens, collected from each of 137 bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis patients aged more than 12 years were processed for culture of M. tuberculosis by the usual centrifugation method. Of the 411 urine specimens, 5 yielded M. tuberculo- sis. About 50 ml each from 405 of the above specimens, from 135 patients, was also processed for culture by a filtration method and M. tuberculosis was isolated from only one of them. In all, mycobacteriuria was present in 5 (3.6%) of 137 patients (95% confidence inter- val being 1.2% to 8.4%). Of these patients, 92 had no history of previous chemotherapy and 3 (3.3%) excreted tubercle bacilli in Urine (95% confidence interval being 0.6% to 9.3%)