217 research outputs found

    A Marshallian model of share tenancy

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    Despite persistent empirical support for the Marshallian model of share tenancy it remains out of favour at the theoretical level. There appear to be two reasons for this: Firstly, earlier attempts at theorizing an endogenous share rent under Marshallian assumptions implied that either the marginal product of land would have to be zero everywhere or that a competitive share rent equilibrium would fail to exist. The second objection to the Marshallian approach has been its failure to explain why inefficient Marshallian type contracts should survive under competitive conditions. ,p\u3eThe aim of this paper is to develop a simple Marshallian model in which the share rent is endogenous and which is free from these objections. It is argued that an explanation for the persistence of ‘inefficient’ sharecropping may be that it allows landlords to appropriate a portion of tenant surpluses even though landlords have no individual market power. Moreover, it is shown that (for a suitable set of parameters) the inefficient share rent equilibrium would survive competition from ‘efficient’ contracts

    Procjena uzgoja Aspergillus niger u geometrijski različitim bioreaktorima na osnovi morfoloških analiza

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    The growth of Aspergillus niger, citric acid production and mycelia morphology changes were compared under different mixing conditions in bioreactors with two types of stirrers: Rushton turbine stirrers (RTS1 or RTS2) and axial counterflow stirrers (ACS1 or ACS2). The characteristics of growth, productivity and morphology varied with the mixing system and the applied agitation regime. In the first series of experiments, the flow characteristics of Aspergillus niger broth under different mixing conditions were analysed in a model bioreactor using RTS1 and ACS1. The kinetic energy E of flow fluctuations was measured in gassed and ungassed water and fermentation broth systems using a stirring intensity measuring device (SIMD-f1). The difference of energy E values at different points was more pronounced in the bioreactor with RTS1 than in the case of ACS1. High viscous A. niger broths provided higher energy E values in comparison with water. It was observed that the Aspergillus niger growth rate and citric acid synthesis rate decreased at very high energy E values, the behaviour obviously being connected with the influence of the irreversible shear stress on the mycelial morphology. In the second series of experiments, a higher citric acid yield was achieved in the case of ACS2 at a power input approximately twice lower than in the case of RTS2. Morphological characterization of A. niger pellets was carried out by the image analysis method. ACS2 provided the development of morphology, where pellets and cores had larger area, perimeter and diameter, and the annular region of pellets was looser and more »hairy« in comparison with the case of RTS2. The pellets from the fermentation with RTS2 were smaller, denser, with shorter hyphae in the annular region of pellets, and the broth was characterized by a higher percentage of diffuse mycelia. Power input studies of RTS2 and ACS2 were made at different agitator rotation speeds and gas flow rates using water and Aspergillus niger broths. RTS2 was a high power number mixing system (PO = 6.8), whose PO was practically invariable in different media under study. For ACS2, PO increased approximately 3 times from 0.68 in water to 2.11 in high viscous Aspergillus niger broth. The effect of the agitation and aeration rates on the power input of RTS2 and ACS2 was analysed. ACS2 proved to be more effective, since it lost much less power due to aeration.Ispitivani su rast Aspergillus niger, proizvodnja limunske kiseline i promjene u morfologiji micelija pod različitim uvjetima miješanja u bioreaktorima s dva tipa miješalica: Rushton turbinske miješalice (RTS1 ili RTS2) i aksijalno protustrujne miješalice (ACS1 i ACS2). Značajke rasta, proizvodnosti i morfologija mijenjali su se s vrstom miješalica i načinom miješanja. U prvoj seriji pokusa analizirane su značajke protoka komine s A. niger pod različitim uvjetima miješanja u modelnom bioreaktoru s miješalicama RTS1 i ACS1. Kinetička energija E fluktuacije protoka mjerena je u vodi s aeracijom i bez nje, te u fermentacijskim kominama koristeći uređaj za mjerenje intenziteta miješanja (SIMD-f1). Razlika u količini energije E na različitim mjestima u bioreaktoru bila je izrazitija u bioreaktoru s RTS1 nego s ACS1. Jako viskozna A. niger komina zahtijevala je veće vrijednosti E u usporedbi s vodom. Opaženo je da brzina rasta A. niger i sinteza limunske kiseline opadaju pri visokim vrijednostima energije E, što je očito povezano s utjecajem ireverzibilnog naprezanja na posmik na morfologiju micelija. U drugoj seriji pokusa postignuti su veliki prinosi limunske kiseline primjenom ACS2, pri približno dvostruko manjem utrošku energije u usporedbi s primjenom RTS2. Morfološka karakterizacija peleta A. niger provedena je postupkom analize fotografija. Primjenom ACS2 peleti i jezgre bili su veći po opsegu i promjeru, a anularno područje peleta bilo je labavije i »dlakavije« u usporedbi s pokusima s RTS2. Peleti od fermentacije s RTS2 bili su manji, gušći, s kraćim hifama u anularnom području peleta, a komina je sadržavala veći postotak difuznih micelija. Studije utroška snage primjenom RTS2 i ACS2 provedene su pri različitim brzinama okretaja miješalica i protoka zraka u vodi i u komini s A. niger. RTS2 ima sustav miješanja s velikim utroškom snage (P0 = 6,8) koji se praktički ne mijenja ako se promijeni medij. Za ACS2 se P0 povećava približno tri puta, od 0,68 u vodi do 2,11 u viskoznoj komini s A. niger. Analiziran je utjecaj miješanja i jačine aeracije na utrošak energije primjenom RTS2 i ACS2. ACS2 bio je djelotvorniji jer se aeracijom gubilo puno manje energije

    Reconstituted high-density lipoproteins promote wound repair and blood flow recovery in response to ischemia in aged mice

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    Background: The average population age is increasing and the incidence of age-related vascular complications is rising in parallel. Impaired wound healing and disordered ischemia-mediated angiogenesis are key contributors to age-impaired vascular complications that can lead to amputation. High-density lipoproteins (HDL) have vasculo-protective properties and augment ischemia-driven angiogenesis in young animals. We aimed to determine the effect of reconstituted HDL (rHDL) on aged mice in a murine wound healing model and the hindlimb ischemia (HLI) model. Methods: Murine wound healing model—24-month-old aged mice received topical application of rHDL (50 μg/wound/ day) or PBS (vehicle control) for 10 days following wounding. Murine HLI model—Femoral artery ligation was performed on 24-month-old mice. Mice received rHDL (40 mg/kg) or PBS, intravenously, on alternate days, 1 week pre-surgery and up to 21 days post ligation. For both models, blood flow perfusion was determined using laser Doppler perfusion imaging. Mice were sacrificed at 10 (wound healing) or 21 (HLI) days post-surgery and tissues were collected for histological and gene analyses. Results: Daily topical application of rHDL increased the rate of wound closure by Day 7 post-wounding (25 %, p < 0.05). Wound blood perfusion, a marker of angiogenesis, was elevated in rHDL treated wounds (Days 4–10 by 22–25 %, p < 0. 05). In addition, rHDL increased wound capillary density by 52.6 %. In the HLI model, rHDL infusions augmented blood flow recovery in ischemic limbs (Day 18 by 50 % and Day 21 by 88 %, p < 0.05) and prevented tissue necrosis and toe loss. Assessment of capillary density in ischemic hindlimb sections found a 90 % increase in rHDL infused animals. In vitro studies in fibroblasts isolated from aged mice found that incubation with rHDL was able to significantly increase the key pro-angiogenic mediator vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) protein (25 %, p < 0.05). Conclusion: rHDL can promote wound healing and wound angiogenesis, and blood flow recovery in response to ischemia in aged mice. Mechanistically, this is likely to be via an increase in VEGF. This highlights a potential role for HDL in the therapeutic modulation of age-impaired vascular complications

    Model Predictive Feeding Rate Control in Conventional and Single-use Lab-scale Bioreactors: A Study on Practical Application

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    A developed solution for fed-batch process modeling and model predictive control (MPC), facilitating good manufacturing practice (GMP) based on process elaboration, control, and validation, is presented in the paper. The step-by-step evolution of the so-called “golden batch” optimal biomass growth profile and its control during the process is demonstrated. The case study of an advanced fed-batch control was performed on the recombinant E. coli BL21 lab-scale (5.4 L) biomass production process using the conventional stirred tank glass reactor. Additionally, a test experiment for control reproducibility and applicability assessment of the proposed approach was carried out in a single-use stirred tank reactor (5.7 L). Four sequentially performed experiments are demonstrated as an example for desirable feeding profile evolution for E. coli BL21 biomass production in a glucose-limited fed-batch process. Under different initial biomass and glucose conditions, as well as for different reference feeding profiles selected in the explorative experiments, good tracking quality of preset reference trajectories by the MPC system has been demonstrated. Estimated and experimentally measured biomass mean deviations from the preset reference value at the end of the processes were 4.6 and 3.8 %, respectively. Biomass concentration of 93.6 g L–1 (at 24 h) was reached in the most productive run. Better process controllability and safer process run, in terms of avoiding culture overfeeding but still maintaining a sufficiently high growth rate, was suggested for the process with biomass yield of 79.8 g L–1 (at 24 h). Practical recommendations on the approach application and adaptation for fed-batch cultures of interest are provided

    The small heat shock proteins αB-crystallin and Hsp27 suppress SOD1 aggregation in vitro

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a devastating neurodegenerative disease. The mechanism that underlies amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) pathology remains unclear, but protein inclusions are associated with all forms of the disease. Apart from pathogenic proteins, such as TDP-43 and SOD1, other proteins are associated with ALS inclusions including small heat shock proteins. However, whether small heat shock proteins have a direct effect on SOD1 aggregation remains unknown. In this study, we have examined the ability of small heat shock proteins αB-crystallin and Hsp27 to inhibit the aggregation of SOD1 in vitro. We show that these chaperone proteins suppress the increase in thioflavin T fluorescence associated with SOD1 aggregation, primarily through inhibiting aggregate growth, not the lag phase in which nuclei are formed. αB-crystallin forms high molecular mass complexes with SOD1 and binds directly to SOD1 aggregates. Our data are consistent with an overload of proteostasis systems being associated with pathology in ALS

    Impact of storage conditions on preparation of activated carbon from sheep wool fibres

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    Received: January 31st, 2023 ; Accepted: June 16th, 2023 ; Published: July 6th, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] the European Union, up to 200 thousand tons (Zoccola et al., 2015) of sheep wool fibres, that are not used for textile fabrication, are a secondary by-product with wide field of application possibilities, including preparation of activated carbon. Taking into account, that wool fibres can be stored for long time, under impact of the local climate conditions (including low temperatures) before their application, for example, under variety of temperature, presence of air and light, different moisture conditions, it is necessary to estimate the impact of wool’s storage conditions on the preparation of activated carbon. In the present work, various parameters, such as, temperature, presence of air and daylight as well as humidity, were selected for comparison. After storage of wool fibres under selected various conditions, thermogravimetry/differential thermal analysis (TG/DTA) followed by with Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometry were used in order to estimate the impact of each parameter on the thermal decomposition processes: release of moisture, sulphur and nitrogen containing compounds and oxidative degradation followed by release of carbon dioxide. It was estimated, that one year of storage under varying conditions does not significantly affect the thermal decomposition properties of the wool fibres. However, minor impact of humidity absorbed from air on wool is observed. Wool samples that were stored at elevated humidity gave higher residual carbon yield (R) in comparison to the fibres stored in dry conditions. The obtained results are used to develop recommendations for preparation of activated carbon from wool fibres and for its application in air filtrating systems

    Evaluation of synthetic vascular grafts in a mouse carotid grafting model

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    Current animal models for the evaluation of synthetic grafts are lacking many of the molecular tools and transgenic studies available to other branches of biology. A mouse model of vascular grafting would allow for the study of molecular mechanisms of graft failure, including in the context of clinically relevant disease states. In this study, we comprehensively characterise a sutureless grafting model which facilitates the evaluation of synthetic grafts in the mouse carotid artery. Using conduits electrospun from polycaprolactone (PCL) we show the gradual development of a significant neointima within 28 days, found to be greatest at the anastomoses. Histological analysis showed temporal increases in smooth muscle cell and collagen content within the neointima, demonstrating its maturation. Endothelialisation of the PCL grafts, assessed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis and CD31 staining, was near complete within 28 days, together replicating two critical aspects of graft performance. To further demonstrate the potential of this mouse model, we used longitudinal non-invasive tracking of bone-marrow mononuclear cells from a transgenic mouse strain with a dual reporter construct encoding both luciferase and green fluorescent protein (GFP). This enabled characterisation of mononuclear cell homing and engraftment to PCL using bioluminescence imaging and histological staining over time (7, 14 and 28 days). We observed peak luminescence at 7 days post-graft implantation that persisted until sacrifice at 28 days. Collectively, we have established and characterised a high-throughput model of grafting that allows for the evaluation of key clinical drivers of graft performance.Alex H.P. Chan, Richard P. Tan, Praveesuda L. Michael, Bob S.L. Lee, Laura Z. Vanags, Martin K.C. Ng, Christina A. Bursill, Steven G. Wis

    The apolipoprotein A-I mimetic peptide, ETC-642, reduces chronic vascular inflammation in the rabbit

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High-density lipoproteins (HDL) and their main apolipoprotein, apoA-I, exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. The development of peptides that mimic HDL apolipoproteins offers a promising strategy to reduce inflammatory disease. This study aimed to compare the anti-inflammatory effects of ETC-642, an apoA-I mimetic peptide, with that of discoidal reconstituted HDL (rHDL), consisting of full-length apoA-I complexed with phosphatidylcholine, in rabbits with chronic vascular inflammation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>New Zealand White rabbits (n = 10/group) were placed on chow supplemented with 0.2% (w/w) cholesterol for 6-weeks. The animals received two infusions of saline, rHDL (8 mg/kg apoA-I) or ETC-642 (30 mg/kg peptide) on the third and fifth days of the final week. The infusions of rHDL and ETC-642 were able to significantly reduce cholesterol-induced expression of intracellular cell adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) in the thoracic aorta (p < 0.05). When isolated rabbit HDL was pre-incubated with human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAECs), prior to stimulation with TNF-α, it was found that HDL from ETC-642 treated rabbits were more effective at inhibiting the TNF-α-induced increase in ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and p65 than HDL isolated from saline treated rabbits (p < 0.05). There were, however, no changes in HDL lipid composition between treatment groups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Infusion of ETC-642 causes anti-inflammatory effects that are comparable to rHDL in an animal model of chronic vascular inflammation and highlights that apoA-I mimetic peptides present a viable strategy for the treatment of inflammatory disease.</p

    The regulation of miRNAs by reconstituted high-density lipoproteins in diabetes-impaired angiogenesis

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    Diabetic vascular complications are associated with impaired ischaemia-driven angiogenesis. We recently found that reconstituted high-density lipoproteins (rHDL) rescue diabetes-impaired angiogenesis. microRNAs (miRNAs) regulate angiogenesis and are transported within HDL to sites of injury/repair. The role of miRNAs in the rescue of diabetes-impaired angiogenesis by rHDL is unknown. Using a miRNA array, we found that rHDL inhibits hsa-miR-181c-5p expression in vitro and using a hsa-miR-181c-5p mimic and antimiR identify a novel anti-angiogenic role for miR-181c-5p. miRNA expression was tracked over time post-hindlimb ischaemic induction in diabetic mice. Early post-ischaemia when angiogenesis is important, rHDL suppressed hindlimb mmu-miR-181c-5p. mmu-miR-181c-5p was not detected in the plasma or within HDL, suggesting rHDL specifically targets mmu-miR-181c-5p at the ischaemic site. Three known angiogenic miRNAs (mmu-miR-223-3p, mmu-miR-27b-3p, mmu-miR-92a-3p) were elevated in the HDL fraction of diabetic rHDL-infused mice early post-ischaemia. This was accompanied by a decrease in plasma levels. Only mmu-miR-223-3p levels were elevated in the hindlimb 3 days post-ischaemia, indicating that rHDL regulates mmu-miR-223-3p in a time-dependent and site-specific manner. The early regulation of miRNAs, particularly miR-181c-5p, may underpin the rescue of diabetes-impaired angiogenesis by rHDL and has implications for the treatment of diabetes-related vascular complications