4 research outputs found

    Strategy For A Sampling Of The Population And The Land Structure In Studies On The Use, Covering And Domestic Units Of The Land [estratégia Para Amostragem Da População E Da Paisagem Em Pesquisas Sobre Uso E Cobertura Da Terra]

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    This article describes the strategy used in a study carried out in Santarém, State of Pará, Brazil, in 2003, to sample plots represented on maps produced by the Brazilian Government's Land Reform Department (INCRA). The purpose of this sampling strategy is to describe demographic and environmental changes on the scale of the rural landholdings and on a regional scale. The sample was chosen according to the distribution of plots of land along four different roads that underwent different processes of occupation. Twenty cells of 9km2 each were chosen at random along each road and, in each direction, plots were chosen to be visited. In the field work, persons at all the domestic units existing in each of the plots selected were interviewed. Sampling carried out by successive segmentation of the area of study is described, as well as the way in which the resulting data can be used differently on the scales of domestic units, plots of land, and regions, according to the questions and variables of interest.242263275BATISTELLA, M., MORAN, E.F., Dimensões humanas do uso e cobertura das terras na Amazônia: Uma contribuição do LBA. (2005) Acta Amazonica, 35 (2), pp. 239-247BRONDÍZIO, E., Land cover in the Amazon estuary: Linking of the thematic mapper with botanical and historical data (1996) Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 62 (8), pp. 921-929BRONDÍZIO, E., The colonist footprint. Toward a conceptual framework of land use and deforestation trajectories among small farmers in the Amazonian frontier (2002) Deforestation and land use in the Amazon, pp. 133-161. , WOOD, C. H, PORRO, R, Eds, University Press of FloridaBROWDER, J.O., Land use patterns in the brazilian Amazon: Comparative farm-level evidence from Rondônia (2004) Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 32 (2-28), pp. 197-224. , April pCRESSIE, N., (1993) Statistics for spatial data, , New York: J. WileyEVANS, T. P.MORAN, E. F. Spatial integration of social and biophysical factors related to landcover change. In: LUTZ, W. et al. (Eds.). Population and environment: methods of analysis, Supplement to v. 28, 2002, p. 165-186FEARNSIDE, P.M., (1986) Human carrying capacity of the brazilian rainforest, , New York: Columbia University PressGUILHON, N., (1983) Confederados em Santarém, , Rio de Janeiro: PresençaESTATÍSTICA-IBGE. Censo Demográfico (2000) Brasilia: Sistema IBGE de Recuperação Automática (Sidra), , INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE GEOGRAFIA E, IBGEINSTITUTO NACIONAL DE PESQUISAS ESPACIÀIS - INPE. Coordenação Geral de Observação da Terra (OBT). Monitoramento da Floresta Amazônica por Satélite. Projeto PRODES, 2006. Disponível em: KISH, L., (1965) Survey sampling, , New York: J. Wiley(1998) People and pixels: Linking remote sensing and social science, , LIVERMAN, D, et al, Eds, Washington, D.C, National Academy PressedMARQUETTE, C.M., Land use patterns among small farmer settlers in the northeastern ecuadorian Amazon (1998) Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 26 (4), pp. 573-598MCCRACKEN, S., Land use patterns on an agricultural frontier in Brazilinsights and examples from a demographic perspective (2002) Deforestation and land use in the Amazon, pp. 162-192. , WOOD, C. H, PORRO, R, Eds, Gainsville, FL: University Press of FloridaMCCRACKEN, S.D., Deforestation trajectories in a frontier region of the brazilian Amazon (2002) Linking people, place, and policy: A GIScience Approach, pp. 215-234. , WALSH, S. J, CREWS-MEYER, K, Eds, Boston: Kluwer Academic PublishersMCCRACKEN, S.D., Remote sensing and GIS at farm property level: Demography and deforestation in the brazilian Amazon (1999) Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 65 (11), pp. 1311-1320MORAN, E.F., (1981) Developing the Amazon, , Bloomington: Indiana University PressMORAN, E.F., Trajectories of land use: Soils, succession, and crop choice (2002) Land use and deforestation in the Amazon, pp. 193-217. , WOOD, C. H, PORRO, R, Eds, Gainsville: University of Florida PressMORAN, E.F., BRONDIZIO, E., VANWEY, L., Population and environment in Amazônia: Landscape and household dynamics (2005) Population, land use, and environment, pp. 106-134. , ENTWISLE, B, STERN, P, Eds, Washington, D.C, National Academies PressMUCHAGATA, M., BROWN, K., Colonist farmer's perceptions of fertility and the frontier environment in eastern Amazonia (2000) Agriculture and Human Values, 17 (4), pp. 371-384PICHÓN, F.J., Settler households and land-use patterns in the Amazon frontier: Farm-level evidence from Ecuador (1997) World Development, 25 (1), pp. 67-91. , JanREIS, A.C.F., (1979) Santarém, , Rio de Janeiro: Civilização BrasileiraSCHMINK, M., WOOD, C., (1992) Contested frontiers In Amazonia, , New York: Columbia University PressSIQUEIRA, A.D., Women and work in a brazilian agricultural frontier (2003) Gender at work in economic life, pp. 243-267. , CLARK, G, Ed, New York: Altamira PressSTEWARD, C. The Santarém agricultural landscape, Pará, Brazil: a working paper on agro-industrial and smallholder agriculture in Santarém. (Thesis in partial fulfillment of Master's of Environmental Science). Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale, 2004WALKER, R., Land use and land cover change in forest frontiers: The role of household life cycles (2002) International Regional Science Review, 25 (2), pp. 169-199WOOD, C., SCHMINK, M., Blaming the victim: Small farmer production an Amazon Colonization Project (1979) Studies in Third World Societies, 7, pp. 77-9

    Collecting Sketch Maps To Understand Property Land Use And Land Cover In Large Surveys

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    This article describes a method to collect data on the spatial organization of land use within a rural property as part of a large-scale project examining the linkages between household demographic change and land use and land cover change in the Brazilian Amazon. Previous studies used several different spatial approaches, including maps and satellite images, to improve the information collected in standard survey questionnaires. However, few used sketch maps to obtain information from the point of view of the survey respondent about the spatial organization of land use and infrastructure. We developed a method of creating sketch maps with respondents to describe their properties. These maps then provided a spatially referenced database of the social and land use organization of the properties from the perspective of the respondent. Systematic rules allowed sketches to be used in subsequent spatial analyses in combination with satellite images and Global Positioning System reference points. © 2008 Sage Publications.2016684Bilsborrow, R.E., Barbieri, A.F., Pan, W., Changes in population and land use over time in the Ecuadorian Amazon (2004) Acta Amazonica, 34 (4), pp. 635-647Brondizio, E.S., Intraregional analysis of land-use change in the Amazon (2005) Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Human-environment Interactions in Forest Ecosystems, pp. 223-252. , In edited by E. F. Moran and E. Ostrom Cambridge, MA: MIT PressBrondizio, E.S., McCracken, S.D., Moran, E.F., Siqueira, A.D., Nelson, D.R., Rodriguez-Pedraza, C., The colonist footprint: Toward a conceptual framework of land use and deforestation trajectories among small farmers in the Amazonian frontier (2002) Deforestation and Land Use in the Amazon, pp. 133-161. , In edited by C. H. Wood and R. Porro Gainesville: University Press of FloridaCastro, F., Silva-Fosberg, M.C., Wilson, W., Brondizio, E.S., Moran, E.F., The use of remotely sensed data in rapid rural assessment (2002) Field Methods, 14 (3), pp. 243-269Evans, T.P., VanWey, L.K., Moran, E.F., Human-environment research, spatially explicit data analysis, and geographic information systems (2005) In Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Human-environment Interactions in Forest Ecosystems, pp. 161-185. , In edited by E. F. Moran and E. Ostrom Cambridge, MA: MIT PressFox, J., Rindfuss, R.R., Walsh, S.J., Mishra, V., (2003) People and the Environment: Approaches for Linking Household and Community Surveys to Remote Sensing and GIS, , Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers(2000) IBGE System of Automatic Data Retrieval SIDRA. Table 200: Resident Population By Sex, Location, and Age Group, , http://www.sidra.ibge.gov.br, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics). 2000 Demographic Census. (accessed on January 10, 2006)Liverman, D., Moran, E.F., Rindfuss, R.R., Stern, P., (1998) People and Pixels: Linking Remote Sensing and Social Science, , Washington, DC: National Academy PressMoran, E.F., (1981) Developing the Amazon, , Bloomington: Indiana University PressMoran, E.F., Brondizio, E.S., Mausel, P., Wu, Y., Integrating Amazonian vegetation, land-use, and satellite data (1994) Bioscience, 44, pp. 329-338Rindfuss, R.R., Turner II, B.L., Walsh, S., Moran, E.F., Entwisle, B., Linking pixels and people (2004) Land Change Science: Observing, Monitoring, and Understanding Trajectories of Change on the Earth's Surface, pp. 379-394. , In edited by G. Gutman, A. Janetos, C. Justice, E. F. Moran, J. Mustard, R. R. Rindfuss, D. Skole, and B. L. I. Turner Dordrecht, The Netherlands: KluwerTurner II, B.L., Moran, E.F., Rindfuss, R.R., Integrated land-change science and its relevance to the human sciences (2004) Land Change Science: Observing, Monitoring, and Understanding Trajectories of Change on the Earth's Surface, pp. 431-447. , In edited by G. Gutman, A. Janetos, C. Justice, E. F. Moran, J. Mustard, R. R. Rindfuss, D. Skole, and B. L. I. Turner Dordrecht, The Netherlands: KluwerTurner II, B.L., Cortina Villar, S., Foster, D., Geoghegan, J., Keys, E., Klepeis, P., Lawrence, D., Vance, C., Deforestation in the southern Yucatán peninsular region: An integrative approach (2001) Forest Ecology and Management, 154 (3), pp. 343-37