59 research outputs found

    Imaging beta-adrenoceptors in the human brain with (S)-1'-[F-18]fluorocarazolol

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    We evaluated the suitability of fluorocarazolol for in vivo studies of cerebral beta-adrenoceptors because (S)-1'-[F-18]fluorocarazolol has a higher affinity to beta-adrenoceptors than to serotonergic receptors (pK(i) beta(1) 9.4, beta(2) 10.0, 5HT(1A) 7.4, 5HT(1B) 8.1) and rapidly crosses the blood-brain barrier. Methods: The (S)-[F-18]fluorocarazolol (74 MBq, >37 TBq/mmol) was intravenously administered to healthy volunteers on two separate occasions with an interval of at least 1 wk, The initial injection was without pretreatment, but before the second injection, the volunteers received the beta blocker (+/-)-pindolol (3 x 5 mg orally, during 18 hr). The brain was studied with a PET camera in dynamic mode. Results: Uptake of radioactivity delineated gray matter and was particularly high in the posterior cingulate, precuneus and striatum, Low uptake occurred in the thalamus, whereas the lowest uptake was observed in the white matter of the corpus callosum. After pindolol pretreatment, uptake was reduced and its distribution became homogeneous throughout the brain, The ratio of total-to-nonspecific binding was about 2 at 60 min, increasing to 2.5-2.75 at longer intervals. Conclusion: Fluorocarazolol is the first radioligand that can visualize cerebral beta-adrenoceptors and may enable monitoring of these binding sites during disease

    Imaging beta-adrenoceptors in the human brain with (S)-1'-[F-18]fluorocarazolol

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    We evaluated the suitability of fluorocarazolol for in vivo studies of cerebral beta-adrenoceptors because (S)-1'-[F-18]fluorocarazolol has a higher affinity to beta-adrenoceptors than to serotonergic receptors (pK(i) beta(1) 9.4, beta(2) 10.0, 5HT(1A) 7.4, 5HT(1B) 8.1) and rapidly crosses the blood-brain barrier. Methods: The (S)-[F-18]fluorocarazolol (74 MBq, >37 TBq/mmol) was intravenously administered to healthy volunteers on two separate occasions with an interval of at least 1 wk, The initial injection was without pretreatment, but before the second injection, the volunteers received the beta blocker (+/-)-pindolol (3 x 5 mg orally, during 18 hr). The brain was studied with a PET camera in dynamic mode. Results: Uptake of radioactivity delineated gray matter and was particularly high in the posterior cingulate, precuneus and striatum, Low uptake occurred in the thalamus, whereas the lowest uptake was observed in the white matter of the corpus callosum. After pindolol pretreatment, uptake was reduced and its distribution became homogeneous throughout the brain, The ratio of total-to-nonspecific binding was about 2 at 60 min, increasing to 2.5-2.75 at longer intervals. Conclusion: Fluorocarazolol is the first radioligand that can visualize cerebral beta-adrenoceptors and may enable monitoring of these binding sites during disease

    Characterization of pulmonary and myocardial beta-adrenoceptors with S-1'-[fluorine-18]fluorocarazolol

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    S-1'-[F-18]fluorocarazolol was administered to healthy volunteers to assess its potential for noninvasive measurement of regional pulmonary and myocardial beta-adrenoceptor densities. Methods: High-specific activity fluorocarazolol was intravenously injected on two separate occasions within a 1-wk interval. The initial injection was without pretreatment, but before the second injection, the volunteers either inhaled salbutamol (2 x 200 mu g aerosol) or they ingested pindolol (3 x 5 mg during a 12-hr interval). Twenty-eight PET time frames of 31 planes were acquired over a period of 60 min after each injection. Blood samples were drawn and analyzed for the presence of fluorocarazolol and radioactive metabolites. Results: Uptake of fluorocarazolol in the target tissues was hardly affected by salbutamol but was strongly depressed by pindolol. Pulmonary and myocardial tissue-to-plasma concentration ratios of fluorocarazolol reached plateau values of 11.6 +/- 0.6 (lungs) and 18.1 +/- 1.0 (heart) at 45-50 min postinjection. These values were reduced to 2.0 +/- 0.4 and 2.0 +/- 0.6 after treatment with pindolol. Conclusion: These data indicate that: 1. Pulmonary and myocardial uptake of radioactivity after intravenous administration of S-1'-[F-18]fluorocarazolol represents radioligand binding to beta-adrenoceptors. 2. Pulmonary binding occurs mainly in alveoli rather than in airway smooth muscle under these conditions. 3. Binding kinetics do not preclude quantification of receptors with compartment models

    Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of living systems: Applications in comparative physiology

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    The most attractive feature of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is the noninvasive and nondestructive measurement of chemical compounds in intact tissues. MRS already has many applications in comparative physiology, usually based on observation of P-31, since the levels of phosphorus compounds indicate tissue energy status and are changed during exercise, fatigue, recovery, hypometabolism, anesthesia, hypoxia, hypercapnia, and osmotic and acid stress. Nuclei other than P-31 may also be monitored, such as H-1, C-13, N-15, F-19, or Na-23, and applied in biological research. Particularly, C-13-MRS is interesting because it allows the analysis of metabolic pathways in living systems. Applications of MRS in comparative physiology and biochemistry are comprehensively discussed in this review. The main focus is on anaerobic metabolism during hypoxia, ischemia, and exercise. Species as widely different as slime molds, nematodes, frogs, turtles, and ducks have been studied by P-31-MRS. It is not surprising that striking species differences do occur, but many similarities are also observed. Unique is the occurrence of six different phosphagens with different values of Gibbs free energy in polychete worms. The presence of a particular phosphagen may be related to the average oxygen tension within the tissues. Phosphagens and their kinases are also discussed in relation to hypercapnia and acid stress. Other topics discussed in this paper are enzyme kinetics, anesthetics, development and growth, parasitism, and the detection of previously unknown compounds