9 research outputs found

    Rapid online buffer exchange for screening of proteins, protein complexes and cell lysates by native mass spectrometry

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    It is important to assess the identity and purity of proteins and protein complexes during and after protein purification to ensure that samples are of sufficient quality for further biochemical and structural characterization, as well as for use in consumer products, chemical processes and therapeutics. Native mass spectrometry (nMS) has become an important tool in protein analysis due to its ability to retain non-covalent interactions during measurements, making it possible to obtain protein structural information with high sensitivity and at high speed. Interferences from the presence of non-volatiles are typically alleviated by offline buffer exchange, which is time-consuming and difficult to automate. We provide a protocol for rapid online buffer exchange (OBE) nMS to directly screen structural features of pre-purified proteins, protein complexes or clarified cell lysates. In the liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) approach described in this protocol, samples in MS-incompatible conditions are injected onto a short size-exclusion chromatography column. Proteins and protein complexes are separated from small molecule non-volatile buffer components using an aqueous, non-denaturing mobile phase. Eluted proteins and protein complexes are detected by the mass spectrometer after electrospray ionization. Mass spectra can inform regarding protein sample purity and oligomerization, and additional tandem mass spectra can help to further obtain information on protein complex subunits. Information obtained by OBE nMS can be used for fast (<5 min) quality control and can further guide protein expression and purification optimization

    Rapid online buffer exchange for screening of proteins, protein complexes and cell lysates by native mass spectrometry

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    It is important to assess the identity and purity of proteins and protein complexes during and after protein purification to ensure that samples are of sufficient quality for further biochemical and structural characterization, as well as for use in consumer products, chemical processes and therapeutics. Native mass spectrometry (nMS) has become an important tool in protein analysis due to its ability to retain non-covalent interactions during measurements, making it possible to obtain protein structural information with high sensitivity and at high speed. Interferences from the presence of non-volatiles are typically alleviated by offline buffer exchange, which is time-consuming and difficult to automate. We provide a protocol for rapid online buffer exchange (OBE) nMS to directly screen structural features of pre-purified proteins, protein complexes or clarified cell lysates. In the liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) approach described in this protocol, samples in MS-incompatible conditions are injected onto a short size-exclusion chromatography column. Proteins and protein complexes are separated from small molecule non-volatile buffer components using an aqueous, non-denaturing mobile phase. Eluted proteins and protein complexes are detected by the mass spectrometer after electrospray ionization. Mass spectra can inform regarding protein sample purity and oligomerization, and additional tandem mass spectra can help to further obtain information on protein complex subunits. Information obtained by OBE nMS can be used for fast (<5 min) quality control and can further guide protein expression and purification optimization

    De novo design of protein logic gates

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    The design of modular protein logic for regulating protein function at the posttranscriptional level is a challenge for synthetic biology. Here, we describe the design of two-input AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XNOR, and NOT gates built from de novo–designed proteins. These gates regulate the association of arbitrary protein units ranging from split enzymes to transcriptional machinery in vitro, in yeast and in primary human T cells, where they control the expression of the TIM3 gene related to T cell exhaustion. Designed binding interaction cooperativity, confirmed by native mass spectrometry, makes the gates largely insensitive to stoichiometric imbalances in the inputs, and the modularity of the approach enables ready extension to three-input OR, AND, and disjunctive normal form gates. The modularity and cooperativity of the control elements, coupled with the ability to de novo design an essentially unlimited number of protein components, should enable the design of sophisticated posttranslational control logic over a wide range of biological functions

    Probing the structure of nanodiscs using surface-induced dissociation mass spectrometry

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    In the study of membrane proteins and antimicrobial peptides, nanodiscs have emerged as a valuable membrane mimetic to solubilze these molecules in a lipid bilayer. We present the structural characterization of nanodiscs using native mass spectrometry and surface-induced dissociation, which are powerful tools in structural biology. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry.12 month embargo; first published 17 November 2020This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Determination of ultra-trace metal-protein interactions in co-formulated monoclonal antibody drug product by SEC-ICP-MS

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    ABSTRACTTransition metals can be introduced in therapeutic protein drugs at various steps of the manufacturing process (e.g. manufacturing raw materials, formulation, storage), and can cause a variety of modifications on the protein. These modifications can potentially influence the efficacy, safety, and stability of the therapeutic protein, especially if critical quality attributes (CQAs) are affected. Therefore, it is meaningful to understand the interactions between proteins and metals that can occur during the manufacturing process, formulation, and storage of biotherapeutics. Here, we describe a novel strategy to differentiate between ultra-trace levels of transition metals (cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, and nickel) interacting with therapeutic proteins and free metal in solution in the drug formulation using size exclusion chromatography coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SEC-ICP-MS). Two monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were coformulated and stored up to nine days in a scaled down model to mimic metal exposure from manufacturing tanks. The samples containing the mAbs were first analyzed by ICP-MS for bulk metal analysis, then studied using SEC-ICP-MS to measure the extent of metal-protein interactions. The SEC separation was used to differentiate metal associated with the mAbs from free metal in solution. Relative quantitation of metal-protein interaction was then calculated using the relative peak areas of protein-associated metal to free metal in solution and weighting it to the total metal concentration in the mixture as measured by bulk metal analysis by ICP-MS. The SEC-ICP-MS method offers an informative means of measuring metal-protein interactions during drug development

    Dissecting the heterogeneous glycan profiles of recombinant coronavirus spike proteins with individual ion mass spectrometry

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    Surface-embedded glycoproteins, such as the spike protein trimers of coronaviruses MERS, SARS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2 play a key role in viral function and are the target antigen for many vaccines. However, their significant glycan heterogeneity poses an analytical challenge. Here, we have utilized individual ion mass spectrometry (I2MS), a form of charge detection mass spectrometry (CDMS) that uses a commercially available Orbitrap analyzer, to directly produce heterogeneous glycan mass profiles of these three coronavirus spike protein trimers under native-like conditions. Analysis by I2MS shows that glycosylation contributes to the molecular mass of each protein trimer more significantly than expected by bottom-up techniques. This highlights the importance of obtaining complementary intact mass information when characterizing glycosylation of such heterogeneous proteins. Enzymatic dissection to remove sialic acid or N-linked glycans demonstrates that I2MS can be used to better understand the glycan profile from a native viewpoint. Deglycosylation of N-glycans followed by I2MS indicates that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein trimer contains glycans that are more difficult to remove than its MERS and SARS-CoV counterparts and differences in glycan removal are correlated with solvent accessibility. I2MS technology enables characterization of protein mass and intact glycan profile and is orthogonal to traditional protein mass analysis methods such as size exclusion chromatography-multiple angle light scattering (SEC-MALS) and field flow fractionation-multiple angle light scattering (FFF-MALS). An added advantage of I2MS is low sample use, requiring 100-fold less than other methodologies. This work highlights how I2MS technology can enable efficient development of vaccines and therapeutics for pharmaceutical development

    Ultrahigh-Throughput Intact Protein Analysis with Acoustic Ejection Mass Spectrometry

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    The need for high-throughput intact protein analysis has been rising as drug discovery increasingly requires the analysis of large sets of covalent modifiers and protein therapeutics. Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is the primary analytical tool used to date to characterize proteins within the biopharmaceutical industry. However, the speed of LC-MS prevents the analysis of large-scale sample sets (>1000 within a day). Acoustic ejection mass spectrometry (AEMS) has recently been established as an electrospray ionization (ESI)-MS based platform with both fast analytical throughput and high data quality. Since its introduction, this technology has been applied in numerous fields with a primary focus on small-molecule analysis in high-throughput drug discovery and development. Here we explore the application of AEMS to high-throughput intact protein analysis for proteins ranging in molecular weight from 17 to 150 kDa on a prototype high-resolution quadrupole time-of-flight (HR QTOF) based AEMS system. Data quality obtained on this platform is comparable to LC-MS, while the analysis speed is significantly improved to one-second-per-sample. This ultrahigh-throughput intact protein analysis platform has the potential to be used broadly in drug discovery

    De novo design of protein logic gates

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    The design of modular protein logic for regulating protein function at the posttranscriptional level is a challenge for synthetic biology. Here, we describe the design of two-input AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XNOR, and NOT gates built from de novo–designed proteins. These gates regulate the association of arbitrary protein units ranging from split enzymes to transcriptional machinery in vitro, in yeast and in primary human T cells, where they control the expression of the TIM3 gene related to T cell exhaustion. Designed binding interaction cooperativity, confirmed by native mass spectrometry, makes the gates largely insensitive to stoichiometric imbalances in the inputs, and the modularity of the approach enables ready extension to three-input OR, AND, and disjunctive normal form gates. The modularity and cooperativity of the control elements, coupled with the ability to de novo design an essentially unlimited number of protein components, should enable the design of sophisticated posttranslational control logic over a wide range of biological functions