572 research outputs found

    Cumulative Exposure Assessment of Triazole Pesticides

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    In the EFSA opinion on identification of new approaches to assess cumulative and synergistic risks from pesticides to human health a tiered approach for cumulative risk assessment has been proposed. The first tier is a deterministic approach using average and large portion consumption statistics. The higher tiers include probabilistic exposure assessment and Benchmark Dose (BMD) modeling. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility and applicability of a higher tier assessment of cumulative exposure using probabilistic modeling in combination with the relative potency factor (RPF) approach. The RPFs are used to weigh the toxicity of each pesticide relative to the toxicity of a chosen index compound (pesticide). In this report the authors address both the short-term and long-term cumulative exposure to triazoles using different statistical model

    Impact of foods with health logo on ssaturated fat, sodium and sugar intake of young Dutch adults

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    Objective Health logos are introduced to distinguish foods with ‘healthier’ nutrient composition from regular foods. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of changed food compositions according to health logo criteria on the intake of saturated fat, sugar and sodium in a Dutch population of young adults. Design Foods in the Dutch food composition table were evaluated against nutrient criteria for logo eligibility. Three replacement scenarios were compared with the nutrient intake ‘as measured’ in the Dutch consumption survey. The foods not complying with health logo criteria were replaced either by ‘virtual’ foods exactly complying with the health logo criteria, with real 2007 market shares (scenario I) and 100 % market shares (scenario II), or by existing similar foods with a composition that already complied with the health logo criteria (scenario III). Results The percentage reduction in nutrient intake with the current 2007 market shares of ‘health logo foods’ was -2·5 % for SFA, 0 % for sodium and -1 % for sugar. With a 100 % market share these reductions would be -10 % for SFA, -4 % for sodium and -6 % for sugar. This may lead to a reduction of -40 % for SFA, -23 % for sodium and -36 % for sugar in the most optimal replacement scenario. Conclusions With ‘health logo foods’, available in 2007 and current consumption patterns, small reductions can be achieved for SFA and sugar. For additional reductions, lowering the fat/sodium content of meat (products) towards health logo criteria and drinks without sugar towards limits far below health logo criteria would be the most effective reformulation strategy

    The 2008 Dutch NRL/IAG proficiency test for detection of animal proteins in feed

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    The results of a proficiency test for the detection of animal proteins in animal feed by microscopy, PCR (DNA detection) and immunoassay methods are presented in this report

    Transparant afwegen; Waarden en risico's beoordelen van voedselkwaliteit

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    Transparante beleidsafwegingen en bredere risicobeoordelingen lijken cruciaal voor het waarmaken van de maatschappelijke aspiraties die het ministerie van LNV zich op het gebied van voedselkwaliteit heeft gesteld. De implementatie van instrumenten die dergelijke afwegingen ondersteunen blijkt echter problematisch. In dit rapport wordt ingegaan op de toepassing van een TRansparant Afwegingskader (TRAK) en het instrument van een Brede Risicobeoordeling (BRB). Deze instrumenten bieden zeker kansen, maar een succesvolle implementatie zal tijd en energie vergen gezien de knelpunten die er tegenover staan. Transparent policy decisions and broader risk assessments seem to be crucial for fulfilling the social aspirations established by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality with regard to food quality. However, the use of instruments which support such decision(making seems to be encountering problems. This report discusses the application of a Transparent Consideration Framework (TRansparant AfwegingsKader, TRAK) and a Broad Risk Assessment (Brede Risicobeoordeling, BRB). These instruments certainly offer potential, but successful implementation will take time and energy in view of the problems facing them
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