63 research outputs found

    The absoption refrigerator as a thermal transformer

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    The absorption refrigerator can be considered a thermal transformer, i.e. a device that is analogous to the electric transformer. The analogy is based on a correspondence between the extensive quantities entropy and electric charge and that of the intensive variables temperature and electric potential

    1/3-Octave Analysis of Core/Combustor-Noise Measurements for the DGEN Aeropropulsion Research Turbofan with Application to Noise Prediction

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    This work continues the analysis of data obtained during a 2017 NASA DGEN Aeropropulsion Research Turbofan (DART) core/combustor-noise baseline test in the NASA GRC Aero-Acoustic Propulsion Laboratory (AAPL). The DART is a cost-efficient testbed for the study of core-noise physics and mitigation. Acoustic data were simultaneously acquired using the AAPL overhead microphone array in the engine aft-quadrant farfield, a single midfield microphone, and two infinite-tube-probe sensors for unsteady pressures at the core-nozzle exit. The data are here examined on an 1/3-octave basis as a first step in extending and improving core-noise prediction capability

    A Novel Approach for Modeling Chemical Reactions in Generalized Fluid System Simulation Program

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    Empirical Heat Capacity Equations for Ideal Gases

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