27 research outputs found

    The human cytomegalovirus-encoded G protein- coupled receptor UL33 exhibits oncomodulatory properties

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    Herpesviruses can rewire cellular signaling in host cells by expressing viral G protein- coupled receptors (GPCRs). These viral receptors exhibit homology to human chemokine receptors, but some display constitutive activity and promiscuous G protein coupling. Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) has been detected in multiple cancers, including glioblastoma, and its genome encodes four GPCRs. One of these receptors, US28, is expressed in glioblastoma and possesses constitutive activity and oncomodulatory properties. UL33, another HCMV-encoded GPCR, also displays constitutive signaling via Gαq, Gαi, and Gαs proteins. However, little is known about the nature and functional effects of UL33-driven signaling. Here, we assessed UL33's signaling repertoire and oncomodulatory potential. UL33 activated multiple proliferative, angiogenic, and inflammatory signaling pathways in HEK293T and U251 glioblastoma cells. Notably, upon infection, UL33 contributed to HCMV-mediated STAT3 activation. Moreover, UL33 increased spheroid growth in vitro and accelerated tumor growth in different in vivo tumor models, including an orthotopic glioblastoma xenograft model. UL33-mediated signaling was similar to that stimulated by US28; however, UL33-induced tumor growth was delayed. Additionally, the spatiotemporal expression of the two receptors only partially overlapped in HCMV-infected glioblastoma cells. In conclusion, our results unveil that UL33 has broad signaling capacity and provide mechanistic insight into its functional effects. UL33, like US28, exhibits oncomodulatory properties, elicited via constitutive activation of multiple signaling pathways. UL33 and US28 might contribute to HCMV's oncomodulatory effects through complementing and converging cellular signaling, and hence UL33 may represent a promising drug target in HCMV-associated malignancies

    89Zr immuno-PET: Comprehensive procedures for the production of 89Zr-labeled monoclonal antibodies

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    The use of immuno-PET, the combination of PET with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), is an attractive option to improve tumor detection and mAb quantification. The long-lived positron emitter 89Zr has ideal physical characteristics for immuno-PET, such as a half-life of 3.27 d, which is compatible with the time needed for intact mAbs to achieve optimal tumor-to-nontumor ratios. Thus far, a major limitation in the use of 89Zr has been the lack of suitable methods for its stable coupling to mAbs. In this article, practical protocols for reproducible isolation of highly pure 89Zr and the production of optimal-quality mAb-89Zr conjugates are provided. Methods: 89Zr was produced by a (p,n) reaction on natural yttrium (89Y), isolated with a hydroxamate column, and used for labeling of premodified mAbs. mAbs were premodified with a novel bifunctional derivative of the chelate desferrioxamine B (Df) via a new linker chemistry. To this end, Df was initially succinylated (N-sucDf), temporarily filled with Fe(III), esterified by use of tetrafluorophenol, and then directly coupled to mAbs. Chimeric mAb (cmAb) U36, directed against head and neck cancer, was used for in vitro and in vivo evaluation. The in vitro stability of cmAb U36-N-sucDf-89Zr was assessed in human serum, and its in vivo behavior was evaluated by biodistribution and PET imaging studies in tumor-bearing nude mice. A cmAb U36-Df-89Zr conjugate containing a previously described succinimide ring-thioether unit in the linker was used as a reference. Results: 89Zr was produced in large batches (6.5-13.5 GBq) and isolated with improved radionuclidic purity (>99.99%) and high yield (>94%). The Df-premodified mAbs gave 89Zr-labeling efficiencies of 80% within 30 min, resulting in conjugates with preserved integrity and immunoreactivity. With respect to stability, the novel cmAb U36-N-sucDf- 89Zr conjugate appeared to be superior to the reference conjugate. In vivo, the novel conjugate demonstrated selective tumor targeting, and on PET images obtained at 24, 48, and 72 h after injection of this conjugate, small tumors in the range of 19-154 mg were readily visualized. Conclusion: Methods were developed for improved purification of the long-lived positron emitter 89Zr. Moreover, a novel bifunctional Df chelate was synthesized for the reproducible coupling of 89Zr to mAbs. The suitability of such conjugates to detect millimeter-sized tumors in xenograft-bearing nude mice was demonstrated

    89Zr as a PET surrogate radioisotope for scouting biodistribution of the therapeutic radiometals 90Y and 177Lu in tumor-bearing nude mice after coupling to the internalizing antibody cetuximab

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    Immuno-PET as a scouting procedure before radioimmunotherapy (RIT) aims at confirming tumor targeting and accurately estimating radiation dose delivery to both tumor and normal tissues and might therefore be of value for selection of patient candidates for RIT. A prerequisite for this approach is that PET radioimmunoconjugates and RIT radioimmunoconjugates must show a similar biodistribution. In the present study, we evaluated the potential of the long-lived positron emitter 89Zr to predict biodistribution of the residualizing therapeutic radiometals 88Y (as a substitute for 90Y) and 177Lu when labeled to the monoclonal antibody (mAb) cetuximab via different types of chelates. Cetuximab was selected as a model mAb because it abundantly internalizes after binding to the epidermal growth factor receptor. Methods: Cetuximab was labeled with 89Zr using succinylated desferrioxamine B (N-sucDf). The chelates p-benzyl isothiocyanate-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7, 10-tetraacetic acid (p-SCN-Bz-DOTA) and p-isothiocyanatobenzyl diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (p-SCN-Bz-DTPA) were both used for radiolabeling with 88Y and 177Lu. For measurement of the in vitro stability of each of the 5 radioimmuno-conjugates, samples were incubated in freshly prepared human serum at 37°C up to 16 d. Biodistribution was assessed at 24, 48, 72, and 144 h after intraperitoneal coinjection of the PET and RIT conjugates in nude mice bearing the squamous cell carcinoma xenograft line A431. Results: Cetuximab premodification with N-sucDf, p-SCN-Bz-DOTA, or p-SCN-Bz-DTPA resulted in chelate-to-mAb molar ratios of about 1. After radiolabeling and purification, the radiochemical purity and immunoreactive fraction of the conjugates always exceeded 97% and 93%, respectively. All conjugates were stable in serum, showing a radioactivity release of less than 5% until day 7. From day 7 until day 16, an enhanced release was observed for the 89Zr-N-sucDf, 88Y-p-SCN-Bz-DTPA, and 177Lu-p-SCN-Bz-DTPA conjugates. The coinjected PET and RIT conjugates showed similar biodistributions, except for the thighbone and sternum. For example, the 89Zr-N-sucDf conjugate showed a 2.0-2.5 times higher radioactivity accretion in the thighbone than did the RIT conjugates at 72 h after injection. Conclusion: In view of the advantages of PET over SPECT, 89Zr-immuno-PET is a promising modality for in vivo scouting of 90Y- and 177Lu-labeled mAbs, although care should be taken when estimating bone marrow doses

    Radioimmunotherapy of head and neck cancer xenografts using 131I-labeled antibody L19-SIP for selective targeting of tumor vasculature

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    The extra domain B of fibronectin (ED-B) is a marker of tumor angiogenesis. The human monoclonal antibody (mAb) L19-SIP (∼80 kDa; SIP is "small immunoprotein") has been selected for targeting of ED-B. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of radioimmunotherapy (RIT) with L19-SIP, either alone or in combination with cetuximab, for treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Combination with cetuximab was considered because this anti-EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) mAb has proven value for the treatment of HNSCC. Methods: HNSCC xenograft lines FaDu and HNX-OE were evaluated for ED-B and EGFR expression. L19-SIP was radiolabeled with 2 candidate radionuclides for RIT, 177Lu and 131I (or 125I as substitute). The biodistribution of coinjected 177Lu-L19-SIP and 125I-L19-SIP was assessed in FaDu-bearing nude mice, whereas 131I-L19-SIP was evaluated in both xenograft lines. After labeling with high-dose 131I (623-789 MBq/mg), the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) was assessed. The efficacy of RIT with injected 131I-L19-SIP, either alone or in combination with unlabeled cetuximab (1 mg 2 times a week intraperitoneally for 4 wk), was evaluated in both xenograft lines. Results: Xenograft lines expressed both antigens, with similar EGFR expression and the highest ED-B expression in FaDu. Radioiodinated L19-SIP performed better than 177Lu-L19-SIP and was further exploited. The biodistribution of 131I-L19-SIP was most favorable in FaDu-bearing mice, with tumor uptake values at 24, 48, and 72 h after injection of 8.± 6 1.6, 5.8 ± 0.4, and 3.4 ± 0.2 %ID/g (%ID/g is percentage injected dose per gram of tissue), respectively, and ratios of tumor to normal tissues that gradually increased in time, such as for blood from 4.4 ± 1.8 at 24 h to 21.4 ± 1.7 at 72 h, after injection. RIT at the MTD level of 74 MBq caused significant tumor growth delay and improved survival in both lines. Although FaDu was most sensitive for RIT, with size reduction of all tumors, HNX-OE was most sensitive for treatment with cetuximab. The best survival and cure rates were obtained, however, when RIT and cetuximab were combined. Conclusion: RIT with 131I-L19-SIP appeared efficacious in HNSCC xenografts. The efficacy of RIT was enhanced by combination with cetuximab, without increase of toxicity

    Targeting the cell cycle in head and neck cancer by Chk1 inhibition: a novel concept of bimodal cell death

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    Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs) coincide with poor survival rates. The lack of driver oncogenes complicates the development of targeted treatments for HNSCC. Here, we follow-up on two previous genome-wide RNA and microRNA interference screens in HNSCC to cross-examine tumor-specific lethality by targeting ATM, ATR, CHEK1, or CHEK2. Our results uncover CHEK1 as the most promising target for HNSCC. CHEK1 expression is essential across a panel of HNSCC cell lines but redundant for growth and survival of untransformed oral keratinocytes and fibroblasts. LY2603618 (Rabusertib), which specifically targets Chk1 kinase, kills HNSCC cells effectively and specifically. Our findings show that HNSCC cells depend on Chk1-mediated signaling to progress through S-phase successfully. Chk1 inhibition coincides with stalled DNA replication, replication fork collapses, and accumulation of DNA damage. We further show that Chk1 inhibition leads to bimodal HNSCC cell killing. In the most sensitive cell lines, apoptosis is induced in S-phase, whereas more resistant cell lines manage to bypass replication-associated apoptosis, but accumulate chromosomal breaks that become lethal in subsequent mitosis. Interestingly, CDK1 expression correlates with treatment outcome. Moreover, sensitivity to Chk1 inhibition requires functional CDK1 and CDK4/6 to drive cell cycle progression, arguing against combining Chk1 inhibitors with CDK inhibitors. In contrast, Wee1 inhibitor Adavosertib progresses the cell cycle and thereby increases lethality to Chk1 inhibition in HNSCC cell lines. We conclude that Chk1 has become a key molecule in HNSCC cell cycle regulation and a very promising therapeutic target. Chk1 inhibition leads to S-phase apoptosis or death in mitosis. We provide a potential efficacy biomarker and combination therapy to follow-up in clinical setting