813 research outputs found

    Discard sampling of the Dutch Nephrops fishery in 2007-2008

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    Dit rapport bevat de resultaten van een bemonsteringsprogramme van discards (DCR programma) in de Nederlandse visserij op Noorse kreeft in de Noordzee in 2007 en 2008. Het bemonsteringsprogramma is als "pilot studie" uitgevoerd binnen EU Verordeningen 1543/2000 en 1639/2001. Gedurende deze jaren zijn 6 reizen uitgevoerd, 3 in ieder jaar, aan boord van otter trawl schepen vissend met 80 mm maaswijdte op Nephrops. Het grootste gedeelte van de Nederlandse visserij op Nephrops vindt plaats in Botney Gut – Silver Pit (functional unit 5). De discards en aanlandingen werden bemonsterd en gemeten en vervolgens opgewerkt tot vangsten per vis uur, per reis, per kwartaal en per jaar

    Discard sampling of the Dutch beam trawl fleet in 2008

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    Resultaten van het discardbemonsteringsprogramma van de Nederlandse boomkorvisserij in de Noordzee in 2008. In 2008 zijn tien reizen op de Nederlandse boomkorschepen met een motorvermogen groter dan 300 PK vissend met een maaswijdte van 80 mm bemonsterd. De discards en aanlandingen werden geteld en gemeten en vervolgens opgewerkt tot vangsten per vis uur, per reis, per kwartaal en per jaar. Andere commercial bodem trawlers zijn niet bemonsterd binnen dit project

    Discard sampling of the Dutch pelagic freezer fishery in 2003-2007

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    This report contains the results of the discard sampling programme on the Dutch pelagic trawl fisheries in the North East Atlantic in the period 2003-2007, which was instigated as part of the EC regulation 1543/2000 and 1639/2001 on data collection in European waters. Five to twelve trips were sampled per year. The present study suggests that, with the exception of mackerel, discarding of target species on an annual level (includes discard data of season) in the pelagic freezer fleet is low. Concluding that this fishery has a high level of efficiency when targeting fis

    Discard sampling of Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) and Cod (Gadus morhua) in the North Sea by the Dutch demersal fleet from 2004 tot 2008

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    The PVis discard data used in the analysis presented in this report clearly shows where and when most discarding takes place. Although previous analysis (Aarts & van Helmond 2007) and the latest Flatfish Benchmark Assessment (2009), indicate that the data cannot be incorporated into the ICES stock assessment, it still provides an important reference points that can be used to evaluate the current DCR discard estimates and methods used. In 2009 Wageningen IMARES started a new DCR sampling program. The most remarkable difference with the previous program is the integration of self-sampling next to a less intensive observer program. We encourage this initiative, since the increase of discard data available over space and time will be of great value, but strongly recommend clarity of sampling procedures, thorough training and intensive communication with fishermen. Hence, inaccurate data on discards will have a significant impact on future management strategies

    Value orientation, left-right placement and voting

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    In this article we try to disentangle the constraints between traditional lines of political polarization (left-right placement) and newer distinctions (materialist/postmaterialist values) among mass publics. It is shown that voting or party preference is most clearly related to the left-right placement of the respondents. However, this placement is directly and strongly dependent on the materialist/postmaterialist orientation, while background variables like education, income and age are linked to voting via this value orientation. The materialist/postmaterialist orientation appears to be the present-day interpretation of the dominant political conflict in advanced industrial society. Although alignments and orientations count for a substantive part of the variance in voting, the power of these models to predict the actual vote of people turns out to be rather poor

    Energie- en eiwitbehoefte van biologisch gehouden pluimvee = Energy and protein requirements of organic housed poultry

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    In this literature review, the physiological basis for possible differences in energy and protein requirements of organic versus conventional poultry is investigated. Energy need for maintenance of organic housed poultry seems to be increased, whereas protein requirements might not differ between the two systems. This might result in an increased energy to protein ration in organic diets

    Ex-ante evaluation of Seasonal, Real Time and Move-on Closures

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    The Ministry of EL&I asked IMARES to do an ex ante evaluation of temporal / spatial closures based on effort and cod catches by the Dutch demersal, TR1

    Study of the effect of a By-catch Reduction Panel in a twin-trawl on reducing plaice discards

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    Comparative fishing trials were conducted in November 2008 on the euro-cutter MFV TH-7 “Adriana Maria” on fishing grounds in the North Sea to investigate the effect of By-catch Reduction Panels inserted in a twin-trawl. In a total of 17 experimental hauls two nets were fished simultaneously, a conventional net on the starboard side and a net with a By-catch Reduction Panel inserted in the top sheet on the port side. The codend meshsize used was 80 mm. The main target species is plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.). The By-catch Reduction Panel (BRP) tested was a square mesh panel with: 25 bars across and 22 bars deep of mesh size 150 mm, euroline™ single braid of 5 mm thickness. The panel was built in surrounding 80 mm netting and joined to 38 meshes in width and 19 meshes in depth in the port net of the twin-trawl, 12 meshes deep in front of the joining round of the codend. The panel reduced the by-catch of juvenile plaice by some 20% compared to the conventional net, but there may be a loss of marketable plaice. However, commercial losses were not confirmed by the skipper when regarding earnings over a longer period. When plaice discards are expressed as a fraction of total catch the differences were not found to be significant

    Discards monitoring in the Gillnet Sole Fishery

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    The Gillnet Sole Fishery Study Group started discards monitoring. Data were supposed to be collected in three different ways: Self-sampling, catch monitoring by means of onboard cameras (CCTV) and monitoring under the Data Collection Regulation
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