4,840 research outputs found

    Evolution of hepatitis B virus liver disease after hepatic replacement. Practical and theoretical considerations

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    The morphologic evolution of hepatitis B virus (HBV) liver disease in 45 hepatic allograft recipients who were HBV surface-antigen positive (HBs-Ag+) at the time of liver replacement and who survived for more than 60 days was studied by routine histologic and immunocytochemical analysis of serial pathology specimens. The findings in these patients were compared to a control group of 30 individuals who were immune to the HBV (anti-HBs antibody positive), but required hepatic replacement for other reasons. Eight of the forty-five (18%) HBsAg-positive patients have no serologic evidence of HBV reinfection after transplantation. All 37 remaining patients are reinfected; 21 (47%) developed chronic active hepatitis and/or cirhosis, 3 (7%) developed submassive necrosis, and 6 (14%) developed chronic lobular hepatitis. One patient lost her graft to chronic rejection, despite reinfection with the B virus. Four other patients (9%) developed a chronic carrier state. No long-term follow-up biopsies were available in the remaining two patients. The histologic features associated with dysfunction related to recurrent HBV infection evolved from an acute to chronic phase and were similar to hepatitis B seen in nonallografted livers. Furthermore HBV-related lesions could be separated from rejection using routine histology alone. The only exception to this conclusion was the occurrence of a peculiar HBV-related lesion in two recipients, described herein. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated the presence of viral antigens in almost all cases. Hepatic inflammation also was commonly present during HBV disease and consisted mostly of accessory cells and T lymphocytes. Analysis of the effect of major histocompatibility complex matching revealed no clear association between the number of class I or II matches or mismatches and the development, or pattern, of active hepatitis in the allograft. Peculiar pathologic alterations in several of the biopsies and failed allografts after HBV reinfection suggests that, under special circumstances, the B virus may by cytopathic

    Sensitivity of activated human lymphocytes to cyclosporine and its metabolites

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    Alloreactive T cells generated as clones from mixed lymphocyte cultures, or propagated from heart or liver transplant biopsies, were tested for secondary proliferation measured in the primed lymphocyte test in the presence of Cyclosporine A and metabolites fractionated from human bile. Significant differences were observed in Cyclosporine A sensitivity between various cell cultures ranging as high as 100-fold. The liver is the primary site of Cyclosporine A metabolism, which yields a number of hydroxylated and N-dimethylated derivatives that are eventually secreted into the bile. Bile was collected from adult liver transplant patients on Cyclosporine A therapy and following extraction with diethyl ether, separated by high pressure liquid chromatography. Thirteen fractions were tested for their effect on lymphocyte proliferation in concanavalin A activation, mixed lymphocyte cultures and primed lymphocyte test assays. The strongest immunosuppressive effect was found with fraction 8, which contained metabolite M17, which has a single hydroxylation in position 1. Only three other fractions 9, 10, and 13, which contained metabolites M1, M18, and M21, respectively, exhibited immunosuppressive activity, albeit much lower than that of Cyclosporine A. Differences in Cyclosporine A sensitivity among alloreactive T cells followed similar patterns with Cyclosporius A metabolites. Thus, the assessment of the Cyclosporine A effect must consider differences in drug sensitivity of lymphocytes involved in transplant immunity and the generation of metabolites with immunosuppressive activity. © 1988

    The effect of different types of hepatic injury on the estrogen and androgen receptor activity of liver

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    Mammalian liver contains receptors for both estrogens and androgens. Hepatic regeneration after partial hepatectomy in male rats is associated with a loss of certain male-specific hepatic characteristics. In this study we investigated the effects of lesser forms of hepatic injury on the levels of estrogen and androgen receptor activity in the liver. Adult male rats were subjected to portacaval shunt, partial portal vein ligation, hepatic artery ligation, or two-thirds partial hepatectomy. Another group of animals was treated with cyclosporine. At the time of sacrifice the livers were removed and used to determine the estrogen and androgen receptor activity in the hepatic cytosol. A significant reduction (p < 0.05) in the hepatic cytosolic androgen receptor activity and a slight increase in the estrogen receptor activity occurred following total portosystemic shunting. Partial ligation of the portal vein, which produces a lesser degree of portosystemic shunting, had no effect on the levels of the estrogen and androgen receptor activity present within hepatic cytosol. Cyclosporine-treated animals had significantly greater (p < 0.01) levels of estrogen receptor activity in the hepatic cytosol compared to vehicle-treated control animals. Levels of estrogen and androgen receptor activity within the hepatic cytosol remained unchanged after ligation of the hepatic artery. The reduction in the cytosolic estrogen and androgen receptor activity in the liver after partial hepatectomy was confirmed. In summary, certain types of hepatic injury are associated with profound changes in the estrogen and androgen receptor content within the liver. © 1989 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted

    Patients' and public views and attitudes towards the sharing of health data for research: a narrative review of the empirical evidence.

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    INTRODUCTION: International sharing of health data opens the door to the study of the so-called 'Big Data', which holds great promise for improving patient-centred care. Failure of recent data sharing initiatives indicates an urgent need to invest in societal trust in researchers and institutions. Key to an informed understanding of such a 'social license' is identifying the views patients and the public may hold with regard to data sharing for health research. METHODS: We performed a narrative review of the empirical evidence addressing patients' and public views and attitudes towards the use of health data for research purposes. The literature databases PubMed (MEDLINE), Embase, Scopus and Google Scholar were searched in April 2019 to identify relevant publications. Patients' and public attitudes were extracted from selected references and thematically categorised. RESULTS: Twenty-seven papers were included for review, including both qualitative and quantitative studies and systematic reviews. Results suggest widespread-though conditional-support among patients and the public for data sharing for health research. Despite the fact that participants recognise actual or potential benefits of data research, they expressed concerns about breaches of confidentiality and potential abuses of the data. Studies showed agreement on the following conditions: value, privacy, risk minimisation, data security, transparency, control, information, trust, responsibility and accountability. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that a social license for data-intensive health research cannot simply be presumed. To strengthen the social license, identified conditions ought to be operationalised in a governance framework that incorporates the diverse patient and public values, needs and interests
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