73 research outputs found

    The Farm and Ranch Hired Labor Market

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    The historical causality between increased agricultural mechanization and reduction in farmlabor is a well-known relationship. The reduction in both family and hired farmworkers onU.S. f arms from 1950 to 2000 is presented in Figure 1. In 1950, the nearly 10 million farmlabor force was composed of 23.5% hired farm workers. In 2000, the last year this data wasavailable, farm labor had reduced to 3.19 million workers and was comprised of 35.4% ofthose workers being hired. The reduction in total farm workers and the trend of reduced farmlabor and a relative increase in hired farm labor appears to have stabilized during the 1990\u27s . The contemporary inaccessibility and expense of farm labor are two factors that areinfluencing the continued adoption of labor-saving technologies in many of the ag sectors. The inaccessibility of farm labor has also been a driving factor in the steady increase of farmlabor wages. The hourly wage rate for crop, animal, and all-ag producers in the NorthernPlains region (Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas), along with the national nonfarm wageand the Nebraska minimum wage from 1995-2022 are presented in Figure 2. Since 2010,wage data from the USDA Farm Labor Survey has only been available on a regional basis. Examining wage rates between Nebraska and the Northern Plains regions from 1995 to2009, showed that Nebraska farm wage rates were comparable to the Northern Plans region,with the average farm wage rates being 8.76and8.76 and 8.82 per hour, respectively, over thatperiod. A few things to note from Figure 2. First, the U.S. nonfarm wage rate has been anaverage of 6.13/hourhigherthantheall−agwagerateduringthisperiod,withthewagegapexpandingovertime.Second,thecropandall−agworkers’wageshavebeenquitesimilarandhaveoutpacedthewageforlivestockworkerssincethemid−20002˘7s.Since2018,thecropwagehasaveraged6.13/hour higher than the all-ag wage rate during this period, with the wage gapexpanding over time. Second, the crop and all-ag workers’ wages have been quite similar and have outpaced the wage for livestock workers since the mid-2000\u27s . Since 2018, the cropwage has averaged 16.51, and the livestock workers’ wage has averaged $14.93. Third,although agricultural workers are excluded from the Nebraska state minimum wage law, thereported ag wage rates have surpassed the Nebraska minimum wage since at least 1995, withthe difference continuing to widen

    The New Center for Agricultural Profitability

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    The complex problems faced by agriculture today cannot be solved by isolated disciplines. A holistic, systems approach is needed to address the profitability of agriculture. To assist with these needs, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has approved the development of the Center for Agricultural Profitability (CAP) within the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. CAP will be housed in the Department of Agricultural Economics and will provide a uniting locale for faculty from various disciplines to engage with faculty from the department. CAP will seek to bridge departmental silos and bring together faculty with expertise in several areas (e.g., agribusiness, economics, business, animal science, agronomy, bioengineering, veterinary science and natural resources) to focus on the economic well-being of Nebraska’s farmers and ranchers through a systems and holistic approach. This will include applied research and educational outreach efforts

    How Much Nebraska Ag Land is Owned by Foreign Entities?

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    The Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act of 1973 (AFIDA) established a mandatory reporting system, overseen by the USDA, that requires foreign entities to provide information on all U.S. agricultural and non-agricultural land in which they hold an interest. “Interest” is reported as a fee interest (legal possession of both the surface and mineral rights), partial fee interest (must state percent ownership), life estate, trust beneficiary, purchase contract, or other. “Other” includes leases that are 10-years or longer. The regulations exempt foreign entities with interests solely in mineral rights and leases of less than 10 years in duration from reporting. In this report, the terms “owner” and “ownership” will refer to all types of interest held by the foreign entity, including long-term leases. According to the most recent AFIDA report, foreign investment in agricultural lands has increased over the past decade. As of December 31, 2021, just over 30 million acres (3.1%) of agricultural land in the U.S. was held by foreign entities. Texas has the distinction of having the most acreage held by foreign entities (almost 5.3 million acres or 3.4% of Texas’ acreage) but Maine holds the number one spot for the highest percentage of agricultural land held by foreigners (3.6 million acres equating to 20.1% of Maine’s acreage). Canada holds the largest percentage of Maine’s foreign-held acreage for the purpose of timber production (Foreign Ownership and Holdings of U.S. Agricultural Land, 2023)

    The Cattle Price Cycle: An Exploration in Simulation

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    The simulation of commodity prices has been undertaken using a myriad of techniques, with some omitting the cyclical component and others ignoring the presence of inter-temporal relationships expressed as autoregressive errors. This study examines the periodicity of cattle prices and the modeling of the cattle cycle for simulation purposes. The AIC criterion is used to determine lengths of various cycles to be included in a harmonic model, with a chained modeling approach providing the best representation of the cattle cycle.cattle Price cycle, harmonic model, simulation,

    Do Only Americans Own America? Foreign Investment in Agricultural Lands in the United States

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    Foreign investment in the United States, while not a new phenomenon, has recently caught the attention of the American public and members of the U.S. House and Senate after an Air Force officer raised concerns when the Fufeng Group, based in Shandong, China, purchased 300 acres of farmland 12 miles from an Air Force base in Grand Forks, North Dakota, to build a corn milling plant (Javers, 2022). National security concerns prompted the U.S. Senate to propose a bill prohibiting the purchase of land in the U.S. by companies or individuals from China, North Korea, Iran, or Russia

    Using Breakeven Analysis for Better Decisions

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    One of the merits of enterprise budgeting is the value of statistics obtained by producers as they engage in decision-making activities. Some of the easiest and most useful computations that can be obtained from enterprise data are breakeven values. As the name suggests, a breakeven gives the price or yield required for the revenue obtained from the enterprise to equal the costs encumbered to produce that revenue


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    Self-employment taxes, "effective" marginal tax rates, and discounting schemes which allow for alternative purchase and disposal dates of machinery are incorporated into the traditional optimal replacement interval model. Empirical results indicate that these alterations decrease the optimal replacement intervals by up to three years from those obtained with traditional modeling assumptions. Inclusion of self-employment taxes decreases both the penalty attached to early replacement and the net present value (cost) of tractor ownership.Agricultural and Food Policy,


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    Vector autoregression was utilized to investigate dynamic relationships existing between prices of purebred bulls and prices of slaughter steers, utility cows, feeder calves, and cow-calf pairs. Results suggest purebred bull prices respond most quickly to an increase in utility cow prices (proxy for slaughter bull prices). Feeder calf prices exhibited the most pronounced positive effect on the price of herd sires, with a lagged response which took over two years to build.Demand and Price Analysis,


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    The cyclical nature of numbers and prices of sheep and lambs was examined from 1924 through 1993. Tests for structural change also were conducted utilizing the minimization of Akaike's information criterion (MAIC). Results indicate that cyclical length in both stock sheep numbers and lamb prices has decreased over time, with a current 10- and 27-year cycle in stock sheep numbers and nine- and 27-year cycle lamb prices. Structural changes occurred in 1951 and 1968 for stock sheep number and in 1952 and 1972 for lamb prices.Livestock Production/Industries,


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    Wyoming Game and Fish Department depredation payments were established to increase landowner tolerance toward, and this the supply of, certain types of wildlife. This study examined how socio-economic and demographic characteristics of farmers and ranchers in Wyoming relate to tolerance toward wildlife and depredation claim submission. The severity of depredation and landowner satisfaction with the depredation policy were evaluated. The financial stability and economic intent of farmers and ranchers significantly influenced tolerance toward wildlife. Landowners tended to be less tolerant of depredation ensuing from elk. The complexity of the submission process was a deterrent to damage claim submissions.depredation, probit model, wildlife, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,
