9 research outputs found

    The genus Myceliophthora

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    The hyphomycetous genus Myceliophthora Cost. is reintroduced with its type species, M. lutea Cost., and two new combinations are proposed: Myceliophthora thermophila and M. fergusii. The genus is characterised by blastoconidia with narrow basal attachments (sometimes borne on ampulliform swellings) and by lacking arthroconidia. All three species are more or less thermophilic, with temperature optima between 30 and 45°C

    A redescription of some genera with staurospores

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    Three plant-inhabiting fungi with tetraradiate conidia, Tricornispora bambusae Bonar, Fumagopsis triglifioides Speg., and Eriosporella calami (Niessl) Höhn., the type species of monotypic genera, are redescribed and illustrated from type specimens. These genera are regarded as distinct. Fumagopsis is possibly closely related to Kazulia Nag Raj. Since the type specimen of Tridentaria Preuss did not bear a fungus which agreed with the very brief original description, the genus Tridentaria Preuss is regarded as doubtful. The nematode-trapping Hyphomycetes formerly placed in Tridentaria should be reclassified

    Controle biológico de helmintos parasitos de animais: estágio atual e perspectivas futuras Biological control of helminth parasites of animals: current stage and future outlook

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    O controle biológico é um método desenvolvido para diminuir uma população de parasitas pela utilização de antagonista natural. A administração de fungos nematófagos aos animais domésticos é considerada uma promissora alternativa na profilaxia das helmintíases gastrintestinais parasitárias. Os fungos nematófagos desenvolvem estruturas em forma de armadilhas, responsáveis pela captura e destruição dos estágios infectantes dos nematóides. Os fungos dos gêneros Arthrobotrys, Duddingtonia e Monacrosporium têm demonstrado eficácia em experimentos laboratoriais e no campo no controle de parasitos de bovinos, eqüinos, ovinos e suínos. Diversas formulações fúngicas têm sido avaliadas, no entanto, ainda não há nenhum produto comercial disponível. A associação dos grupos de pesquisa e o envolvimento das indústrias poderão colaborar para o sucesso na implementação desta forma de controle.<br>Biological control is a non-chemical alternative method with its main goal to reduce the amount of parasite population using natural antagonists. The administration of nematophagous fungi to animals has been considered an alternative in gastrointestinal helminthiasis prophylaxis. The nematophagous fungi produce trap-shaped structures, which are responsible for capturing and destroying the free-living stages of nematodes. The genera Arthrobotrys, Duddingtonia and Monacrosporium has been shown efficacy in laboratory and field experiments against cattle, equine, ovine and swine parasites. Several fungi formulations have been evaluated, but there is so far no commercial product available. The association of research groups with industry could improve the successful implementation of this control method