868 research outputs found

    Mathematical Explanation: A Contextual Approach

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    PurposeIn this article, we aim to present and defend a contextual approach to mathematical explanation.MethodTo do this, we introduce an epistemic reading of mathematical explanation.ResultsThe epistemic reading not only clarifies the link between mathematical explanation and mathematical understanding, but also allows us to explicate some contextual factors governing explanation. We then show how several accounts of mathematical explanation can be read in this approach.ConclusionThe contextual approach defended here clears up the notion of explanation and pushes us towards a pluralist vision on mathematical explanation

    Vagueness unlimited: In defence of a pragmatical approach to sorites paradoxes

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    As far as ‘modern’ logical theories of vagueness are concerned, a main distinction can be drawn between ‘semantical’ ones and ‘pragmatical’ ones. The latter are defended here, because they tend to retake into account important contextual dimensions of the problem abandoned by the former. Their inchoate condition seems not alarming, since they are of surprisingly recent date. This, however, could very well be an accidental explanation. That is, the true reason for it might sooner or later turn out to be bearing exactly on the fundamental human limitations, when it comes to theorizing, that these approaches are urging us to appreciate

    H5N1/highly pathogenic avian influenza in Cambodia : evaluating poultry movement and the extent of interaction between poultry and humans

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    Since 2003, highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), subtype H5N1, has spread across the Asian, African and European continents at an exceptional rate. To date, H5N1 remains primarily a pandemic within poultry populations with limited onward transmission to humans. Since there have been a limited number of human cases throughout the world, epidemiologic uncertainties exist regarding the extent of contact necessary to result in successful transmission between infected poultry and humans. In this thesis I undertook two large-scale surveys to evaluate poultry movement and the extent of interaction between humans and poultry to better define the risks of sustained transmission of H5N1 in poultry and onward transmission to humans. The thesis begins with a review of current knowledge on the epidemiology of HPAI, specifically subtype H5N1, and current options for its control worldwide and specifically within Cambodia. The first half of the thesis presents the methodology and results from a large-scale cross sectional survey of 3,600 rural subjects from 115 villages in six provinces throughout Cambodia. The results from this survey are used to explore animal ownership and husbandry, poultry mortality experienced and poultry mortality reporting, and the extent and frequency of poultry handling behaviours of subjects and how they differ by age and gender. The second half of the thesis presents results from a second cross-sectional survey of 715 rural villagers, 123 rural, peri-urban and urban market sellers and 139 middlemen from six Provinces and Phnom Penh, which was conducted to evaluate poultry movement and trading practices. The results from this survey are used to construct poultry movement networks using social network analysis techniques, to identify critical points for surveillance and to understand the potential transmission and control of HPAI over this network and to identify a spatial model to predict poultry movements. Finally in the last chapter the key findings are presented and discussed in the context of HPAI transmission in the region

    Investigation of mediastinitis due to coagulase-negative staphylococci after cardiothoracic surgery.

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    Six cases of coagulase-negative staphylococcal mediastinitis were identified in the latter half of 1999. A new preoperative cleansing solution was suspected by hospital staff to be a factor in the outbreak. We evaluated this possible risk factor along with other known and suspected surgical site infection risk factors in this case-control study

    A review of epidemiological parameters from Ebola outbreaks to inform early public health decision-making.

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    The unprecedented scale of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa has, as of 29 April 2015, resulted in more than 10,884 deaths among 26,277 cases. Prior to the ongoing outbreak, Ebola virus disease (EVD) caused relatively small outbreaks (maximum outbreak size 425 in Gulu, Uganda) in isolated populations in central Africa. Here, we have compiled a comprehensive database of estimates of epidemiological parameters based on data from past outbreaks, including the incubation period distribution, case fatality rate, basic reproduction number (R 0), effective reproduction number (R t) and delay distributions. We have compared these to parameter estimates from the ongoing outbreak in West Africa. The ongoing outbreak, because of its size, provides a unique opportunity to better understand transmission patterns of EVD. We have not performed a meta-analysis of the data, but rather summarize the estimates by virus from comprehensive investigations of EVD and Marburg outbreaks over the past 40 years. These estimates can be used to parameterize transmission models to improve understanding of initial spread of EVD outbreaks and to inform surveillance and control guidelines

    Paying More for the American Dream: A Multi-State Analysis of Higher-Cost Home Purchase Lending

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    This report demonstrates that African-American and Latino borrowers are paying more than their white counterparts for home purchase loans in six geographic areas: Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and Rochester. This review of federal lending data shows dramatic disparities. For example, in New York, African-American borrowers were five times more likely to receive higher-cost home purchase loans than were white borrowers

    Vacuum biopsy of the breast

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    Background. Mammotome is a percutaneous biopsy technique with a large needle, assisted by vacuum aspiration. The single insertion technique allows to collect multiple large tissue samples, which gives a more reliable histological result. The technique can be used under stereotactic, MRl or ultrasound guidance. The technique is used under local anesthesia, on an outpatient basis. Conclusions. Altough it is essentially a diagnostic technique, it has a therapeutic potential in some cases. Recently, the technique has been FDA approved for the removal of benign nodular lesions. Worldwide, over 2 million procedures have already been performed. It has the potential to replace surgical open biopsy, with a similar accuracy and at a lower cost, and it is less invasive

    Paying More for the American Dream - The Subprime Shakeout and Its Impact on Lower-Income and Minority Communities

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    A joint report by: California Reinvestment Coalition, Community Reinvestment Association of North Carolina, Empire Justice Center, Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance, Neighborhood Economic Development Advocacy Project, Ohio Fair Lending Coalition, and Woodstock Institut