10 research outputs found

    An idealized description for the diurnal cycle of the dry atmospheric boundary layer

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    We present a conceptual model for the diurnal cycle of the dry atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). It may serve as a framework for future numerical studies on the transitional dynamics that characterize the ABL over land. The conceptual model enables us to define expressions for relevant physical scales as a function of the most prominent forcing parameters and the low degree of complexity facilitates a dimensionless description. This is useful to help generalize boundary layer dynamics that occur on a diurnal time scale. Further, the model’s application for numerical studies is illustrated herein with two examples: a single-column-model study that assesses the effect of wind forcing on the main characteristics of the diurnal cycle, and a large-eddy-simulation study on the daily evolution of turbulence under weak-wind-forcing conditions. The results from these studies sketch the general evolution of the present set of diurnal-cycle systems in more detail. We discuss how the setups are able to reproduce well-known dynamical features of the ABL and also highlight limitations, where the simple conceptual system is unable to describe realistic ABL behavior. We conclude that the present conceptual model has an interesting balance between model-system complexity and physical realism, such that it is useful for future idealized studies on the diurnal cycle of the ABL.Atmospheric Remote Sensin

    Local characteristics of the nocturnal boundary layer in response to external pressure forcing

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    Geostrophic wind speed data, derived from pressure observations, are used in combination with tower measurements to investigate the nocturnal stable boundary layer at Cabauw, the Netherlands. Since the geostrophic wind speed is not directly influenced by local nocturnal stability, it may be regarded as an external forcing parameter of the nocturnal stable boundary layer. This is in contrast to local parameters such as in situ wind speed, the Monin-Obukhov stability parameter (z/L), or the local Richardson number. To characterize the stable boundary layer, ensemble averages of clear-sky nights with similar geostrophic wind speeds are formed. In this manner, the mean dynamical behavior of near-surface turbulent characteristics and composite profiles of wind and temperature are systematically investigated. The classification is found to result in a gradual ordering of the diagnosed variables in terms of the geostrophic wind speed. In an ensemble sense the transition from the weakly stable to very stable boundary layer is more gradual than expected. Interestingly, for very weak geostrophic winds, turbulent activity is found to be negligibly small while the resulting boundary cooling stays finite. Realistic numerical simulations for those cases should therefore have a comprehensive description of other thermodynamic processes such as soil heat conduction and radiative transfer.Atmospheric Remote Sensin

    Towards a physics-based understanding of fruit frost protection using wind machines

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    Wind machines are used in the agricultural sector to prevent or mitigate the adverse effects of night frost in spring. In this study we aim to quantify the impact of wind machine operation on the local temperature field in an orchard. To this end, a field experiment is conducted and experimental analysis is combined with numerical simulation studies in order to assess the functional relations between wind machine performance and the dominating physical processes occurring during radiative frost events. Experimental observations showed that the temperature response strongly depends on the radial distance to the fan and the height above the surface. In agreement with previous studies, the wind machine was able to achieve rotation-averaged temperature increases of up to 50% of the inversion strength ( ≈ 3 K) in an area of 3–5 ha at 1 m height. Furthermore, it was observed that even weak ambient winds (<1 m/s) already may cause strong upwind-downwind asymmetries in the protected area, the downwind area being larger. The numerical model, inspired by the field experiment, showed similar spatial temperature responses as compared to observations. Interestingly, it was found that slower rotation times of the wind machine (3 to 6 min) lead to a significant increase of affected area, while the temperature enhancement itself stayed relatively constant. Variation of the horizontal tilt angle showed that, in our model, temperature enhancement was maximized between 8∘ and 16∘. This nearly horizontal flow already facilitates efficient vertical mixing of momentum and heat, presumably due to generation of shear instabilities at the lower edge of the jet. Finally, like in the observations also the numerical result showed strong upwind-downwind asymmetry in the affected area due to background wind.Atmospheric Remote SensingWater Resource

    Broadband microwave spectroscopy of semiconductor nanowire-based Cooper-pair transistors

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    The Cooper-pair transistor (CPT), a small superconducting island enclosed between two Josephson weak links, is the atomic building block of various superconducting quantum circuits. Utilizing gate-tunable semiconductor channels as weak links, the energy scale associated with the Josephson tunneling can be changed with respect to the charging energy of the island, tuning the extent of its charge fluctuations. Here, we directly demonstrate this control by mapping the energy level structure of a CPT made of an indium arsenide nanowire with a superconducting aluminum shell. We extract the device parameters based on the exhaustive modeling of the quantum dynamics of the phase-biased nanowire CPT and directly measure the even-odd parity occupation ratio as a function of the device temperature, relevant for superconducting and prospective topological qubits.QRD/Geresdi LabQuTechQRD/Kouwenhoven LabQN/Kouwenhoven La

    Regime transitions in near-surface temperature inversions: A conceptual model

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    A conceptual model is used in combination with observational analysis to understand regime transitions of near-surface temperature inversions at night as well as in Arctic conditions. The model combines a surface energy budget with a bulk parameterization for turbulent heat transport. Energy fluxes or feedbacks due to soil and radiative heat transfer are accounted for by a "lumped parameter closure," which represents the "coupling strength" of the system. Observations from Cabauw, Netherlands, and Dome C, Antarctica, are analyzed. As expected, inversions are weak for strong winds, whereas large inversions are found under weak-wind conditions. However, a sharp transition is found between those regimes, as it occurs within a narrow wind range. This results in a typical S-shaped dependency. The conceptual model explains why this characteristic must be a robust feature. Differences between the Cabauw and Dome C cases are explained from differences in coupling strength (being weaker in the Antarctic). For comparison, a realistic column model is run. As findings are similar to the simple model and the observational analysis, it suggests generality of the results. Theoretical analysis reveals that, in the transition zone near the critical wind speed, the response time of the system to perturbations becomes large. As resilience to perturbations becomes weaker, it may explain why, within this wind regime, an increase of scatter is found. Finally, the so-called heat flux duality paradox is analyzed. It is explained why numerical simulations with prescribed surface fluxes show a dynamical response different from more realistic surface-coupled systems.Atmospheric Remote SensingAtmospheric Physic

    Global Brassicaceae phylogeny based on filtering of 1,000-gene dataset

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    The mustard family (Brassicaceae) is a scientifically and economically important family, containing the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and numerous crop species that feed billions worldwide. Despite its relevance, most phylogenetic trees of the family are incompletely sampled and often contain poorly supported branches. Here, we present the most complete Brassicaceae genus-level family phylogenies to date (Brassicaceae Tree of Life or BrassiToL) based on nuclear (1,081 genes, 319 of the 349 genera; 57 of the 58 tribes) and plastome (60 genes, 265 genera; all tribes) data. We found cytonuclear discordance between the two, which is likely a result of rampant hybridization among closely and more distantly related lineages. To evaluate the impact of such hybridization on the nuclear phylogeny reconstruction, we performed five different gene sampling routines, which increasingly removed putatively paralog genes. Our cleaned subset of 297 genes revealed high support for the tribes, whereas support for the main lineages (supertribes) was moderate. Calibration based on the 20 most clock-like nuclear genes suggests a late Eocene to late Oligocene origin of the family. Finally, our results strongly support a recently published new family classification, dividing the family into two subfamilies (one with five supertribes), together representing 58 tribes. This includes five recently described or re-established tribes, including Arabidopsideae, a monogeneric tribe accommodating Arabidopsis without any close relatives. With a worldwide community of thousands of researchers working on Brassicaceae and its diverse members, our new genus-level family phylogeny will be an indispensable tool for studies on biodiversity and plant biology.BT/Environmental Biotechnolog

    Search for anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking with the ATLAS detector based on a disappearing-track signature in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7TeV$

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    none3019G. Aad;B. Abbott;J. Abdallah;A. A. Abdelalim;A. Abdesselam;O. Abdinov;B. Abi;M. Abolins;H. Abramowicz;H. Abreu;E. Acerbi;B. S. Acharya;D. L. Adams;T. N. Addy;J. Adelman;M. Aderholz;S. Adomeit;P. Adragna;T. Adye;S. Aefsky;J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra;M. Aharrouche;S. P. Ahlen;F. Ahles;A. Ahmad;M. Ahsan;G. Aielli;T. Akdogan;T. P. A. Åkesson;G. Akimoto;A. V. Akimov;A. Akiyama;M. S. Alam;M. A. Alam;J. Albert;S. Albrand;M. Aleksa;I. N. Aleksandrov;F. Alessandria;C. Alexa;G. Alexander;G. Alexandre;T. Alexopoulos;M. Alhroob;M. Aliev;G. Alimonti;J. Alison;M. Aliyev;P. P. Allport;S. E. Allwood-Spiers;J. Almond;A. Aloisio;R. Alon;A. Alonso;B. Alvarez Gonzalez;M. G. Alviggi;K. Amako;P. Amaral;C. Amelung;V. V. Ammosov;A. Amorim;G. Amorós;N. Amram;C. Anastopoulos;L. S. Ancu;N. Andari;T. Andeen;C. F. Anders;G. Anders;K. J. Anderson;A. Andreazza;V. Andrei;M-L. Andrieux;X. S. Anduaga;A. Angerami;F. Anghinolfi;A. Anisenkov;N. Anjos;A. Annovi;A. Antonaki;M. Antonelli;A. Antonov;J. Antos;F. Anulli;S. Aoun;L. Aperio Bella;R. Apolle;G. Arabidze;I. Aracena;Y. Arai;A. T. H. Arce;J. P. Archambault;S. Arfaoui;J-F. Arguin;E. Arik;M. Arik;A. J. Armbruster;O. Arnaez;C. Arnault;A. Artamonov;G. Artoni;D. Arutinov;S. Asai;R. Asfandiyarov;S. Ask;B. Åsman;L. Asquith;K. Assamagan;A. Astbury;A. Astvatsatourov;B. Aubert;E. Auge;K. Augsten;M. Aurousseau;G. Avolio;R. Avramidou;D. Axen;C. Ay;G. Azuelos;Y. Azuma;M. A. Baak;G. Baccaglioni;C. Bacci;A. M. Bach;H. Bachacou;K. Bachas;G. Bachy;M. Backes;M. Backhaus;E. Badescu;P. Bagnaia;S. Bahinipati;Y. Bai;D. C. Bailey;T. Bain;J. T. Baines;O. K. Baker;M. D. Baker;S. Baker;E. Banas;P. Banerjee;Sw. Banerjee;D. Banfi;A. Bangert;V. Bansal;H. S. Bansil;L. Barak;S. P. Baranov;A. Barashkou;A. Barbaro Galtieri;T. Barber;E. L. Barberio;D. Barberis;M. Barbero;D. Y. Bardin;T. Barillari;M. Barisonzi;T. Barklow;N. Barlow;B. M. Barnett;R. M. Barnett;A. Baroncelli;G. Barone;A. J. Barr;F. Barreiro;J. Barreiro Guimarães da Costa;P. Barrillon;R. Bartoldus;A. E. Barton;V. Bartsch;R. L. Bates;L. Batkova;J. R. Batley;A. Battaglia;M. Battistin;G. Battistoni;F. Bauer;H. S. Bawa;S. Beale;B. Beare;T. Beau;P. H. Beauchemin;R. Beccherle;P. Bechtle;H. P. Beck;S. Becker;M. Beckingham;K. H. Becks;A. J. Beddall;A. Beddall;S. Bedikian;V. A. Bednyakov;C. P. Bee;M. Begel;S. Behar Harpaz;P. K. Behera;M. Beimforde;C. Belanger-Champagne;P. J. Bell;W. H. Bell;G. Bella;L. Bellagamba;F. Bellina;M. Bellomo;A. Belloni;O. Beloborodova;K. Belotskiy;O. Beltramello;S. Ben Ami;O. Benary;D. Benchekroun;C. Benchouk;M. Bendel;N. Benekos;Y. Benhammou;J. A. Benitez Garcia;D. P. Benjamin;M. Benoit;J. R. Bensinger;K. Benslama;S. Bentvelsen;D. Berge;E. Bergeaas Kuutmann;N. Berger;F. Berghaus;E. Berglund;J. Beringer;P. Bernat;R. Bernhard;C. Bernius;T. Berry;C. Bertella;A. Bertin;F. Bertinelli;F. Bertolucci;M. I. Besana;N. Besson;S. Bethke;W. Bhimji;R. M. Bianchi;M. Bianco;O. Biebel;S. P. Bieniek;K. Bierwagen;J. Biesiada;M. Biglietti;H. Bilokon;M. Bindi;S. Binet;A. Bingul;C. Bini;C. Biscarat;U. Bitenc;K. M. Black;R. E. Blair;J.-B. Blanchard;G. Blanchot;T. Blazek;C. Blocker;J. Blocki;A. Blondel;W. Blum;U. Blumenschein;G. J. Bobbink;V. B. Bobrovnikov;S. S. Bocchetta;A. Bocci;C. R. Boddy;M. Boehler;J. Boek;N. Boelaert;S. Böser;J. A. Bogaerts;A. Bogdanchikov;A. Bogouch;C. Bohm;V. Boisvert;T. Bold;V. Boldea;N. M. Bolnet;M. Bona;V. G. Bondarenko;M. Bondioli;M. Boonekamp;G. Boorman;C. N. Booth;S. Bordoni;C. Borer;A. Borisov;G. Borissov;I. Borjanovic;S. Borroni;K. Bos;D. Boscherini;M. Bosman;H. Boterenbrood;D. Botterill;J. Bouchami;J. Boudreau;E. V. Bouhova-Thacker;C. Bourdarios;N. Bousson;A. Boveia;J. Boyd;I. R. Boyko;N. I. Bozhko;I. Bozovic-Jelisavcic;J. Bracinik;A. Braem;P. Branchini;G. W. Brandenburg;A. Brandt;G. Brandt;O. Brandt;U. Bratzler;B. Brau;J. E. Brau;H. M. Braun;B. Brelier;J. Bremer;R. Brenner;S. Bressler;D. Breton;D. Britton;F. M. Brochu;I. Brock;R. Brock;T. J. Brodbeck;E. Brodet;F. Broggi;C. Bromberg;J. Bronner;G. Brooijmans;W. K. Brooks;G. Brown;H. Brown;P. A. Bruckman de Renstrom;D. Bruncko;R. Bruneliere;S. Brunet;A. Bruni;G. Bruni;M. Bruschi;T. Buanes;Q. Buat;F. Bucci;J. Buchanan;N. J. Buchanan;P. Buchholz;R. M. Buckingham;A. G. Buckley;S. I. Buda;I. A. Budagov;B. Budick;V. Büscher;L. Bugge;D. Buira-Clark;O. Bulekov;M. Bunse;T. Buran;H. Burckhart;S. Burdin;T. Burgess;S. Burke;E. Busato;P. Bussey;C. P. Buszello;F. Butin;B. Butler;J. M. Butler;C. M. Buttar;J. M. Butterworth;W. Buttinger;S. Cabrera Urbán;D. Caforio;O. Cakir;P. Calafiura;G. Calderini;P. Calfayan;R. Calkins;L. P. Caloba;R. Caloi;D. Calvet;S. Calvet;R. Camacho Toro;P. Camarri;M. Cambiaghi;D. Cameron;L. M. Caminada;S. Campana;M. Campanelli;V. Canale;F. Canelli;A. Canepa;J. Cantero;L. Capasso;M. D. M. Capeans Garrido;I. Caprini;M. Caprini;D. Capriotti;M. Capua;R. Caputo;C. Caramarcu;R. Cardarelli;T. Carli;G. Carlino;L. Carminati;B. Caron;S. Caron;G. D. Carrillo Montoya;A. A. Carter;J. R. Carter;J. Carvalho;D. Casadei;M. P. Casado;M. Cascella;C. Caso;A. M. Castaneda Hernandez;E. Castaneda-Miranda;V. Castillo Gimenez;N. F. Castro;G. Cataldi;F. Cataneo;A. Catinaccio;J. R. Catmore;A. Cattai;G. Cattani;S. Caughron;D. Cauz;P. Cavalleri;D. Cavalli;M. Cavalli-Sforza;V. Cavasinni;F. Ceradini;A. S. Cerqueira;A. Cerri;L. Cerrito;F. Cerutti;S. A. Cetin;F. Cevenini;A. Chafaq;D. Chakraborty;K. Chan;B. Chapleau;J. D. Chapman;J. W. Chapman;E. Chareyre;D. G. Charlton;V. Chavda;C. A. Chavez Barajas;S. Cheatham;S. Chekanov;S. V. Chekulaev;G. A. Chelkov;M. A. Chelstowska;C. Chen;H. Chen;S. Chen;T. Chen;X. Chen;S. Cheng;A. Cheplakov;V. F. Chepurnov;R. Cherkaoui El Moursli;V. Chernyatin;E. Cheu;S. L. Cheung;L. Chevalier;G. Chiefari;L. Chikovani;J. T. Childers;A. Chilingarov;G. Chiodini;M. V. Chizhov;G. Choudalakis;S. Chouridou;I. A. Christidi;A. Christov;D. Chromek-Burckhart;M. L. Chu;J. Chudoba;G. Ciapetti;K. Ciba;A. K. Ciftci;R. Ciftci;D. Cinca;V. Cindro;M. D. Ciobotaru;C. Ciocca;A. Ciocio;M. Cirilli;M. Citterio;M. Ciubancan;A. Clark;P. J. Clark;W. Cleland;J. C. Clemens;B. Clement;C. Clement;R. W. Clifft;Y. Coadou;M. Cobal;A. Coccaro;J. Cochran;P. Coe;J. G. Cogan;J. Coggeshall;E. Cogneras;C. D. Cojocaru;J. Colas;A. P. Colijn;N. J. Collins;C. Collins-Tooth;J. Collot;G. Colon;P. Conde Muiño;E. Coniavitis;M. C. Conidi;M. Consonni;V. Consorti;S. Constantinescu;C. Conta;F. Conventi;J. Cook;M. Cooke;B. D. Cooper;A. M. Cooper-Sarkar;K. Copic;T. Cornelissen;M. Corradi;F. Corriveau;A. Cortes-Gonzalez;G. Cortiana;G. Costa;M. J. Costa;D. Costanzo;T. Costin;D. Côté;R. Coura Torres;L. Courneyea;G. Cowan;C. Cowden;B. E. Cox;K. Cranmer;F. Crescioli;M. Cristinziani;G. Crosetti;R. Crupi;S. Crépé-Renaudin;C.-M. Cuciuc;C. Cuenca Almenar;T. Cuhadar Donszelmann;M. Curatolo;C. J. Curtis;C. Cuthbert;P. Cwetanski;H. Czirr;Z. Czyczula;S. D’Auria;M. D’Onofrio;A. D’Orazio;P. V. M. Silva;C. Via;W. Dabrowski;T. Dai;C. Dallapiccola;M. Dam;M. Dameri;D. S. Damiani;H. O. Danielsson;D. Dannheim;V. Dao;G. Darbo;G. L. Darlea;C. Daum;W. Davey;T. Davidek;N. Davidson;R. Davidson;E. Davies;M. Davies;A. R. Davison;Y. Davygora;E. Dawe;I. Dawson;J. W. Dawson;R. K. Daya-Ishmukhametova;K. De;R. Asmundis;S. Castro;P. E. Castro Faria Salgado;S. Cecco;J. Graat;N. Groot;P. Jong;C. Taille;H. Torre;B. Lotto;L. Mora;L. Nooij;D. Pedis;A. Salvo;U. Sanctis;A. Santo;J. B. Vivie De Regie;S. Dean;W. J. Dearnaley;R. Debbe;C. Debenedetti;D. V. Dedovich;J. Degenhardt;M. Dehchar;C. Papa;J. Peso;T. Prete;T. Delemontex;M. Deliyergiyev;A. Dell’Acqua;L. Dell’Asta;M. Pietra;D. Volpe;M. Delmastro;N. Delruelle;P. A. Delsart;C. Deluca;S. Demers;M. Demichev;B. Demirkoz;J. Deng;S. P. Denisov;D. Derendarz;J. E. Derkaoui;F. Derue;P. Dervan;K. Desch;E. Devetak;P. O. Deviveiros;A. Dewhurst;B. DeWilde;S. Dhaliwal;R. Dhullipudi;A. Ciaccio;L. Ciaccio;A. Girolamo;B. Girolamo;S. Luise;A. Mattia;B. Micco;R. Nardo;A. Simone;R. Sipio;M. A. Diaz;F. Diblen;E. B. Diehl;J. Dietrich;T. A. Dietzsch;S. Diglio;K. Dindar Yagci;J. Dingfelder;C. Dionisi;P. Dita;S. Dita;F. Dittus;F. Djama;T. 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Franchino;D. Francis;T. Frank;M. Franklin;S. Franz;M. Fraternali;S. Fratina;S. T. French;F. Friedrich;R. Froeschl;D. Froidevaux;J. A. Frost;C. Fukunaga;E. Fullana Torregrosa;J. Fuster;C. Gabaldon;O. Gabizon;T. Gadfort;S. Gadomski;G. Gagliardi;P. Gagnon;C. Galea;E. J. Gallas;V. Gallo;B. J. Gallop;P. Gallus;K. K. Gan;Y. S. Gao;V. A. Gapienko;A. Gaponenko;F. Garberson;M. Garcia-Sciveres;C. García;J. E. García Navarro;R. W. Gardner;N. Garelli;H. Garitaonandia;V. Garonne;J. Garvey;C. Gatti;G. Gaudio;O. Gaumer;B. Gaur;L. Gauthier;I. L. Gavrilenko;C. Gay;G. Gaycken;J-C. Gayde;E. N. Gazis;P. Ge;C. N. P. Gee;D. A. A. Geerts;Ch. Geich-Gimbel;K. Gellerstedt;C. Gemme;A. Gemmell;M. H. Genest;S. Gentile;M. George;S. George;P. Gerlach;A. Gershon;C. Geweniger;H. Ghazlane;N. Ghodbane;B. Giacobbe;S. Giagu;V. Giakoumopoulou;V. Giangiobbe;F. Gianotti;B. Gibbard;A. Gibson;S. M. Gibson;L. M. Gilbert;V. Gilewsky;D. Gillberg;A. R. Gillman;D. M. Gingrich;J. Ginzburg;N. Giokaris;M. P. Giordani;R. Giordano;F. M. Giorgi;P. Giovannini;P. F. Giraud;D. Giugni;M. Giunta;P. Giusti;B. K. Gjelsten;L. K. Gladilin;C. Glasman;J. Glatzer;A. Glazov;K. W. Glitza;G. L. Glonti;J. Godfrey;J. Godlewski;M. Goebel;T. Göpfert;C. Goeringer;C. Gössling;T. Göttfert;S. Goldfarb;T. Golling;S. N. Golovnia;A. Gomes;L. S. Gomez Fajardo;R. Gonçalo;J. Goncalves Pinto Firmino Da Costa;L. Gonella;A. Gonidec;S. Gonzalez;S. González de la Hoz;G. Gonzalez Parra;M. L. Gonzalez Silva;S. Gonzalez-Sevilla;J. J. Goodson;L. Goossens;P. A. Gorbounov;H. A. Gordon;I. Gorelov;G. Gorfine;B. Gorini;E. Gorini;A. Gorišek;E. Gornicki;S. A. Gorokhov;V. N. Goryachev;B. Gosdzik;M. Gosselink;M. I. Gostkin;I. Gough Eschrich;M. Gouighri;D. Goujdami;M. P. Goulette;A. G. Goussiou;C. Goy;S. Gozpinar;I. Grabowska-Bold;P. Grafström;K-J. Grahn;F. Grancagnolo;S. Grancagnolo;V. Grassi;V. Gratchev;N. Grau;H. M. Gray;J. A. Gray;E. Graziani;O. G. Grebenyuk;T. Greenshaw;Z. D. Greenwood;K. Gregersen;I. M. Gregor;P. Grenier;J. Griffiths;N. Grigalashvili;A. A. Grillo;S. Grinstein;Y. V. Grishkevich;J.-F. Grivaz;M. Groh;E. Gross;J. Grosse-Knetter;J. Groth-Jensen;K. Grybel;V. J. Guarino;D. Guest;C. Guicheney;A. Guida;S. Guindon;H. Guler;J. Gunther;B. Guo;J. Guo;A. Gupta;Y. Gusakov;V. N. Gushchin;A. Gutierrez;P. Gutierrez;N. Guttman;O. Gutzwiller;C. Guyot;C. Gwenlan;C. B. Gwilliam;A. Haas;S. Haas;C. Haber;H. K. Hadavand;D. R. Hadley;P. Haefner;F. Hahn;S. Haider;Z. Hajduk;H. Hakobyan;D. Hall;J. Haller;K. Hamacher;P. Hamal;M. Hamer;A. Hamilton;S. Hamilton;H. Han;L. Han;K. Hanagaki;K. Hanawa;M. Hance;C. Handel;P. Hanke;J. R. Hansen;J. B. Hansen;J. D. Hansen;P. H. Hansen;P. Hansson;K. Hara;G. A. Hare;T. Harenberg;S. Harkusha;D. Harper;R. D. Harrington;O. M. Harris;K. Harrison;J. Hartert;F. Hartjes;T. Haruyama;A. Harvey;S. Hasegawa;Y. Hasegawa;S. Hassani;M. Hatch;D. Hauff;S. Haug;M. Hauschild;R. Hauser;M. Havranek;B. M. Hawes;C. M. Hawkes;R. J. Hawkings;D. Hawkins;T. Hayakawa;T. Hayashi;D. Hayden;H. S. Hayward;S. J. Haywood;E. Hazen;M. He;S. J. Head;V. Hedberg;L. Heelan;S. Heim;B. Heinemann;S. Heisterkamp;L. Helary;C. Heller;M. Heller;S. Hellman;D. Hellmich;C. Helsens;R. C. W. Henderson;M. Henke;A. Henrichs;A. M. Henriques Correia;S. Henrot-Versille;F. Henry-Couannier;C. Hensel;T. Henß;C. M. Hernandez;Y. Hernández Jiménez;R. Herrberg;A. D. Hershenhorn;G. Herten;R. Hertenberger;L. Hervas;N. P. Hessey;E. Higón-Rodriguez;D. Hill;J. C. Hill;N. Hill;K. H. Hiller;S. Hillert;S. J. Hillier;I. Hinchliffe;E. Hines;M. Hirose;F. Hirsch;D. Hirschbuehl;J. Hobbs;N. Hod;M. C. Hodgkinson;P. Hodgson;A. Hoecker;M. R. Hoeferkamp;J. Hoffman;D. Hoffmann;M. Hohlfeld;M. Holder;S. O. Holmgren;T. Holy;J. L. Holzbauer;Y. Homma;T. M. Hong;L. Hooft van Huysduynen;T. Horazdovsky;C. Horn;S. Horner;J-Y. Hostachy;S. Hou;M. A. Houlden;A. Hoummada;J. Howarth;D. F. Howell;I. Hristova;J. Hrivnac;I. Hruska;T. Hryn’ova;P. J. Hsu;S.-C. Hsu;G. S. Huang;Z. Hubacek;F. Hubaut;F. Huegging;T. B. Huffman;E. W. Hughes;G. Hughes;R. E. Hughes-Jones;M. Huhtinen;P. Hurst;M. Hurwitz;U. Husemann;N. Huseynov;J. Huston;J. Huth;G. Iacobucci;G. Iakovidis;M. Ibbotson;I. Ibragimov;R. Ichimiya;L. Iconomidou-Fayard;J. Idarraga;P. Iengo;O. Igonkina;Y. Ikegami;M. Ikeno;Y. Ilchenko;D. Iliadis;N. Ilic;D. Imbault;M. Imori;T. Ince;J. Inigo-Golfin;P. Ioannou;M. Iodice;A. Irles Quiles;C. Isaksson;A. Ishikawa;M. Ishino;R. Ishmukhametov;C. Issever;S. Istin;A. V. Ivashin;W. Iwanski;H. Iwasaki;J. M. Izen;V. Izzo;B. Jackson;J. N. Jackson;P. Jackson;M. R. Jaekel;V. Jain;K. Jakobs;S. Jakobsen;J. Jakubek;D. K. Jana;E. Jankowski;E. Jansen;H. Jansen;A. Jantsch;M. Janus;G. Jarlskog;L. Jeanty;K. Jelen;I. Jen-La Plante;P. Jenni;A. Jeremie;P. Jež;S. Jézéquel;M. K. Jha;H. Ji;W. Ji;J. Jia;Y. Jiang;M. Jimenez Belenguer;G. Jin;S. Jin;O. Jinnouchi;M. D. Joergensen;D. Joffe;L. G. Johansen;M. Johansen;K. E. Johansson;P. Johansson;S. Johnert;K. A. Johns;K. Jon-And;G. Jones;R. W. L. Jones;T. W. Jones;T. J. Jones;O. Jonsson;C. Joram;P. M. Jorge;J. Joseph;T. Jovin;X. Ju;C. A. Jung;V. Juranek;P. Jussel;A. Juste Rozas;V. V. Kabachenko;S. Kabana;M. Kaci;A. Kaczmarska;P. Kadlecik;M. Kado;H. Kagan;M. Kagan;S. Kaiser;E. Kajomovitz;S. Kalinin;L. V. Kalinovskaya;S. Kama;N. Kanaya;M. Kaneda;T. Kanno;V. A. Kantserov;J. Kanzaki;B. Kaplan;A. Kapliy;J. Kaplon;D. Kar;M. Karagounis;M. Karagoz;M. Karnevskiy;K. Karr;V. Kartvelishvili;A. N. Karyukhin;L. Kashif;G. Kasieczka;R. D. Kass;A. Kastanas;M. Kataoka;Y. Kataoka;E. Katsoufis;J. Katzy;V. Kaushik;K. Kawagoe;T. Kawamoto;G. Kawamura;M. S. Kayl;V. A. Kazanin;M. Y. Kazarinov;J. R. Keates;R. Keeler;R. Kehoe;M. Keil;G. D. Kekelidze;J. Kennedy;C. J. Kenney;M. Kenyon;O. Kepka;N. Kerschen;B. P. Kerševan;S. Kersten;K. Kessoku;J. Keung;F. Khalil-zada;H. Khandanyan;A. Khanov;D. Kharchenko;A. Khodinov;A. G. Kholodenko;A. Khomich;T. J. Khoo;G. Khoriauli;A. Khoroshilov;N. Khovanskiy;V. Khovanskiy;E. Khramov;J. Khubua;H. Kim;M. S. Kim;P. C. Kim;S. H. Kim;N. Kimura;O. Kind;B. T. King;M. King;R. S. B. King;J. Kirk;L. E. Kirsch;A. E. Kiryunin;T. Kishimoto;D. Kisielewska;T. Kittelmann;A. M. Kiver;E. Kladiva;J. Klaiber-Lodewigs;M. Klein;U. Klein;K. Kleinknecht;M. Klemetti;A. Klier;A. Klimentov;R. Klingenberg;E. B. Klinkby;T. Klioutchnikova;P. F. Klok;S. Klous;E.-E. Kluge;T. Kluge;P. Kluit;S. Kluth;N. S. Knecht;E. Kneringer;J. Knobloch;E. B. F. G. Knoops;A. Knue;B. R. Ko;T. Kobayashi;M. Kobel;M. Kocian;P. Kodys;K. Köneke;A. C. König;S. Koenig;L. Köpke;F. Koetsveld;P. Koevesarki;T. Koffas;E. Koffeman;F. Kohn;Z. Kohout;T. Kohriki;T. Koi;T. Kokott;G. M. Kolachev;H. Kolanoski;V. Kolesnikov;I. Koletsou;J. Koll;D. Kollar;M. Kollefrath;S. D. Kolya;A. A. Komar;Y. Komori;T. Kondo;T. Kono;A. I. Kononov;R. Konoplich;N. Konstantinidis;A. Kootz;S. Koperny;S. V. Kopikov;K. Korcyl;K. Kordas;V. Koreshev;A. Korn;A. Korol;I. Korolkov;E. V. Korolkova;V. A. Korotkov;O. Kortner;S. Kortner;V. V. Kostyukhin;M. J. Kotamäki;S. Kotov;V. M. Kotov;A. Kotwal;C. Kourkoumelis;V. Kouskoura;A. Koutsman;R. Kowalewski;T. Z. Kowalski;W. Kozanecki;A. S. Kozhin;V. Kral;V. A. Kramarenko;G. Kramberger;M. W. Krasny;A. Krasznahorkay;J. Kraus;J. K. Kraus;A. Kreisel;F. Krejci;J. Kretzschmar;N. Krieger;P. Krieger;K. Kroeninger;H. Kroha;J. Kroll;J. Kroseberg;J. Krstic;U. Kruchonak;H. Krüger;T. Kruker;N. Krumnack;Z. V. Krumshteyn;A. Kruth;T. Kubota;S. Kuehn;A. Kugel;T. Kuhl;D. Kuhn;V. Kukhtin;Y. Kulchitsky;S. Kuleshov;C. Kummer;M. Kuna;N. Kundu;J. Kunkle;A. Kupco;H. Kurashige;M. Kurata;Y. A. Kurochkin;V. Kus;M. Kuze;J. Kvita;R. Kwee;A. Rosa;L. Rotonda;L. Labarga;J. Labbe;S. Lablak;C. Lacasta;F. Lacava;H. Lacker;D. Lacour;V. R. Lacuesta;E. Ladygin;R. Lafaye;B. Laforge;T. Lagouri;S. Lai;E. Laisne;M. Lamanna;C. L. Lampen;W. Lampl;E. Lancon;U. Landgraf;M. P. J. Landon;H. Landsman;J. L. Lane;C. Lange;A. J. Lankford;F. Lanni;K. Lantzsch;S. Laplace;C. Lapoire;J. F. Laporte;T. Lari;A. V. Larionov;A. Larner;C. Lasseur;M. Lassnig;P. Laurelli;W. Lavrijsen;P. Laycock;A. B. Lazarev;O. Dortz;E. Guirriec;C. Maner;E. Menedeu;C. Lebel;T. LeCompte;F. Ledroit-Guillon;H. Lee;J. S. H. Lee;S. C. Lee;L. Lee;M. Lefebvre;M. Legendre;A. Leger;B. C. LeGeyt;F. Legger;C. Leggett;M. Lehmacher;G. Lehmann Miotto;X. Lei;M. A. L. Leite;R. Leitner;D. Lellouch;M. Leltchouk;B. Lemmer;V. Lendermann;K. J. C. Leney;T. Lenz;G. Lenzen;B. Lenzi;K. Leonhardt;S. Leontsinis;C. Leroy;J-R. Lessard;J. Lesser;C. G. Lester;A. Leung Fook Cheong;J. Levêque;D. Levin;L. J. Levinson;M. S. Levitski;A. Lewis;G. H. Lewis;A. M. Leyko;M. Leyton;B. Li;H. Li;S. Li;X. Li;Z. Liang;H. Liao;B. Liberti;P. Lichard;M. Lichtnecker;K. Lie;W. Liebig;R. Lifshitz;C. Limbach;A. Limosani;M. Limper;S. C. Lin;F. Linde;J. T. Linnemann;E. Lipeles;L. Lipinsky;A. Lipniacka;T. M. Liss;D. Lissauer;A. Lister;A. M. Litke;C. Liu;D. Liu;H. Liu;J. B. Liu;M. Liu;S. Liu;Y. Liu;M. Livan;S. S. A. Livermore;A. Lleres;J. Llorente Merino;S. L. Lloyd;E. Lobodzinska;P. Loch;W. S. Lockman;T. Loddenkoetter;F. K. Loebinger;A. Loginov;C. W. Loh;T. Lohse;K. Lohwasser;M. Lokajicek;J. Loken;V. P. Lombardo;R. E. Long;L. Lopes;D. Lopez Mateos;J. Lorenz;M. Losada;P. Loscutoff;F. Lo Sterzo;M. J. Losty;X. Lou;A. Lounis;K. F. Loureiro;J. Love;P. A. Love;A. J. Lowe;F. Lu;H. J. Lubatti;C. Luci;A. Lucotte;A. Ludwig;D. Ludwig;I. Ludwig;J. Ludwig;F. Luehring;G. Luijckx;D. Lumb;L. Luminari;E. Lund;B. Lund-Jensen;B. Lundberg;J. Lundberg;J. Lundquist;M. Lungwitz;G. Lutz;D. Lynn;J. Lys;E. Lytken;H. Ma;L. L. Ma;J. A. Macana Goia;G. Maccarrone;A. Macchiolo;B. Maček;J. Machado Miguens;R. Mackeprang;R. J. Madaras;W. F. Mader;R. Maenner;T. Maeno;P. Mättig;S. Mättig;L. Magnoni;E. Magradze;Y. Mahalalel;K. Mahboubi;G. Mahout;C. Maiani;C. Maidantchik;A. Maio;S. Majewski;Y. Makida;N. Makovec;P. Mal;Pa. Malecki;P. Malecki;V. P. Maleev;F. Malek;U. Mallik;D. Malon;C. Malone;S. Maltezos;V. Malyshev;S. Malyukov;R. Mameghani;J. Mamuzic;A. Manabe;L. Mandelli;I. Mandić;R. Mandrysch;J. Maneira;P. S. Mangeard;I. D. Manjavidze;A. Mann;P. M. Manning;A. Manousakis-Katsikakis;B. Mansoulie;A. Manz;A. Mapelli;L. Mapelli;L. March;J. F. Marchand;F. Marchese;G. Marchiori;M. Marcisovsky;A. Marin;C. P. Marino;F. Marroquim;R. Marshall;Z. Marshall;F. K. Martens;S. Marti-Garcia;A. J. Martin;B. Martin;B. Martin;F. F. Martin;J. P. Martin;Ph. Martin;T. A. Martin;V. J. Martin;B. Ma

    Measurement of τ

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    Jet energy measurement and its systematic uncertainty in proton–proton collisions at

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