1,989 research outputs found

    Our Plan

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    The editor lays out the plans for this new publication which include presenting 10-20 pages of informative and challenging reading material which we sincerely hope will motivate and inspire you to think, reflect and express yourself. In each issue there is to be an editorial, a few articles (each not more than 3-5 pages) on a variety of topics related to Christian education, a report from the campus and review(s) of noteworthy books (on occasion and if space permits)

    Editor\u27s Comments

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    Word of God

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    Editor Explains

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    Mythe en Geschiedenis 1 )

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    Het onderwerp van de voordracht luidt: Mythe en Geschiedenis. Deze woorden bepalen terstond den inhoud. Wij zullen onze aandacht moeten bepalen bij de mythe, bij de geschiedenis, en ten derde bij datgene wat uitgedrukt wordt door het kleine voegwoordje „en”. Het is duidelijk, dat de twee begrippen, als weergave van werkelijke verschijnselen, eerst op zichzelf en in onderlinge vergelijking zullen moeten beschouwd worden. Maar ook zullen wij moeten nagaan, welke pla ats beide innemen in den ontwikkelingsgang der mensheid. Het is ook niet vreemd, dat een classicus erover spreekt. Want weliswaar komt geschiedenis in vele cultuurkringen in verschillende vormen voor, maar de vorm, die onze zogenaamde westerse cultuur aanvaardt en beoefent, is van Griekse oorsprong. Trouwens, zowel mythe als historie zijn uit het Grieks afkomstige woorden

    Effects of outsole shoe patterns on athletic performance

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    The focus of this study was to investigate the effects that different basketball shoe outsole tread patterns have on the amount of slip and therefore the performance of the individual while undergoing normal basketball transitions. Tread grooves and therefore patterns must exist on the outsole of a basketball shoe because the chances of contamination and for practical durability. With the existence of so many basketball shoes with varying tread patterns and characteristics it presents the question of whether or not varying patterns affect traction, slip, and therefore athletic performance. This study evaluated the amount of slips of two pairs of basketball shoes with human participants running basketball drills on a hardwood basketball floor at Wartburg College. The results indicated that one shoe with a much more unique tread pattern performed better with fewer slips, and fewer severe slips, especially when considering lateral movements than the other shoe which had a tread pattern with similar tread characteristics to many other currently available market shoes
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