219 research outputs found

    An Exploratory Study into the Design of an IT Governance Minimum Baseline through Delphi Research

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    In many organisations, information technology (IT) has become crucial in the support, sustainability, and growth of the business. This pervasive use of technology has created a critical dependency on IT that calls for a specific focus on IT governance. IT governance consists of the leadership and organisational structures and processes that enable the required alignment between business and IT. This practice-oriented research concentrates on the IT governance practices that organisations can leverage to implement IT governance in reality. Based on literature research, pilot case research and Delphi research, this paper provides insights regarding the effectiveness and ease of implementation of IT governance practices and provides a minimum baseline of practices that organisations at least should have. Via this research, we want to contribute to new theory building and assist practitioners by providing more guidance on how IT governance can be effectively implemented


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    While many authors focus on the outcome of information systems (IS) investments, this paper explores management practices that support the deployment of IS investments so they can ultimately create value to the organisation. Such practices are defined as value management practices that facilitate the identification, creation and capture of value in the deployment of IS investments. Very limited academic research has been oriented towards the identification of such value management practices. Moreover, the limited results are fragmented as many scholars investigate one single practice in isolation. Practitioner frameworks emerged in an attempt to integrate multiple value management practices, yet organisations still struggle with getting such practices and frameworks implemented and embedded into their organisations. In an attempt to contribute to the scarce literature, this research has executed a literature review and exploratory case study to identify and clearly define multiple individual value management practices. These findings are structured within the context of a conceptual framework that previously has been employed by IS scholars. As a result, the practices are categorised into structures, processes and relational mechanisms and together constitute a new value management framework. In addition, this framework portrays the organisational level on which each value management practice can be operational, i.e. at individual IS investment level, portfolio level or enterprise level. By doing so, the value management framework creates a clear vision on the coherence and interrelationship of value management practices which might help organisations in the deployment and value creation of IS investments

    Using a Business Case Throughout an Investment: An Exploratory Case Study on a Business Case Process

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    A discretionary information technology (IT) enabled business investment is often associated with an enterprise-wide transformation (e.g. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) investment). Although it may deliver operational excellence and a competitive advantage, it is a risky endeavour with high failure rates. One of the critical factors to achieve a successful outcome is to develop a sound business case. In response to a lack of business case knowledge, Ward, Daniel, and Peppard (2008) designed a business case development process. The process ends on investment approval while others scholars call for a continuous business case process used throughout the entire investment life cycle. The present paper responds to this call with an exploratory case study and identifies multiple business case tasks which complement the process of Ward et al. (2008) resulting in an initial business case process

    Answering Key Global IT Management Concerns Through IT Governance and Management Processes: A COBIT 5 View

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    Drawing on the COBIT 5 framework, this research presents the results of an analysis into which governance and management of IT processes are leveraged in practice for answering two key global IT management concerns: alignment and security. For practice, this research specifically sheds light on which governance and management of IT processes appear to be most important for explaining the achievement of alignment and security. Practitioners can therefore use these results as a benchmark to answer these concerns