103 research outputs found

    Tongue and tail necrosis in an atypical case of acute steroid responsive meningitis-arteritis in a dog

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    Acute steroid responsive meningitis-arteritis (SRMA) is a common neurological disorder in young dogs. Typical clinical symptoms of the acute form of SRMA are neck pain, depression and fever. This case report describes a 1.5-year-old Pointer with uncommon neurological deficits (unilateral multiple cranial nerve deficits and Homer's syndrome) and an exceptional necrosis of the tongue. This was believed to be part of the systemic vasculitis accompanying SRMA. The patient also developed tail necrosis and iatrogenic calcinosis cutis, which complicated further treatment of the dog

    Surgical treatment of refractory incontinence in the bitch

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    Urinary incontinence is a common condition in spayed, female dogs with a reported prevalence between 3.1% and 20.1%. In the majority of dogs with acquired urinary incontinence, urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence is the underlying cause. Approximately 15% of bitches that initially respond to medical therapy ultimately become refractory. Surgical intervention is indicated when patients do not respond or become refractory to medical treatment. Based on the current literature, placement of an artificial urethral sphincter, i.e. an inflatable cuff around the proximal urethra connected to a subcutaneous injection port, provides a very reliable and long-term incontinence resolution in bitches and has a low complication rate

    Patroonalopecia ten gevolge van cysteuze ovaria bij een bouvier

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    A 9-year-old spayed female Flemish cattle dog was presented with a history of vaginal discharge and a slowly progressive bilateral symmetrical alopecia on the neck, shoulders and flanks, ventral abdomen and the perinea! area. Clinical examination revealed pattern alopecia with the presence of macular melanosis on the ventral abdomen and in the perineal area The dog also had a swollen vulva and gynecomasty. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed the presence of two intact ovaria (with cystic follicles in the right ovarium) and a stump pyometra. Ovariectomy and stump removal were performed Histopathological examination demonstrated that one polycystic ovary was characterized by multiple follicular cysts. The collection of all data led to the diagnosis of hyperestrogenism caused by a cystic ovary. This case demonstrates that even with a misleading history (spayed bitch) a correct interpretation of skin lesions can lead to the diagnosis of hyperstrogenism due to ovarian cysts

    Clinical parameters as predictors of bacterial isolation in the uterine content of dogs suspected of pyometra

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    In this study, female canines referred with clinical signs consistent with pyometra were prospectively evaluated. Signalment, clinical signs, laboratory findings and surgical findings were compared between dogs with and without bacterial isolation based on aerobic techniques. Patients with positive bacterial isolation were placed in the pyometra group, whereas patients with negative bacterial isolation were grouped as mucometra. A total of 140 dogs (118 with pyometra and 22 with mucometra) met the inclusion criteria. Prereferral antibiotic administration was associated with a prolonged duration of clinical signs in the patients of the pyometra group (12 +/- 2 days versus 7 +/- 1 days; P=0.006). In the pyometra patients, clinical signs, like pyrexia, anorexia and discomfort on abdominal palpation, were observed more commonly than in the mucometra group. The total leukocyte count was the only parameter that differed significantly between the two groups (P=0.01). Although no difference in color and consistency of the uterine fluid was noted, the uteri of the pyometra group were heavier (851.80 +/- 800.30 g compared to 263.50 +/- 297.10 g). E. coil was the most commonly isolated bacterium (92/123)

    Emergency laparoscopic cryptorchidectomy for acute abdomen due to testicular torsion in a dog

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    A 7-year-old male Siberian husky was presented with signs of acute abdomen. Based on the history and diagnostic imaging findings, torsion of an undescended abdominal testis was presumed. Emergency exploratory laparoscopy was performed and confirmed spermatic cord torsion in a non-neoplastic testis. The testis was enlarged and local peritonitis was evident. Laparoscopic cryptorchidectomy was performed and the dog recovered uneventfully. Histopathology confirmed thrombosis and necrosis. Laparoscopy is not only the method of choice for elective cryptorchidectomy, but can also be used in patients with acute abdomen from testicular torsion of an undescended testis

    A laparoscopic approach for removal of ovarian remnant tissue in 32 dogs

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    Background: Surgical treatment of ovarian remnant syndrome (ORS) in dogs usually necessitates large celiotomies and considerable manipulation of organs because of the relatively deep position of ovarian remnant tissue, large patient size, and often encountered adhesions. In women, laparoscopic treatment of ORS is successful and has significant advantages over laparotomy. Since laparoscopic ovariectomy has significant advantages over open ovariectomy in dogs, including reduced surgical stress and postoperative pain and shorter convalescence period, the rationale for a laparoscopic approach of canine ORS is evident. Feasibility and efficacy of a laparoscopic approach for treatment of ORS in dogs was prospectively evaluated using a standardized protocol for diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. Treatment success was evaluated by histology of removed tissues, postoperative hormone testing, and long-term clinical follow-up. Results: Thirty-two client-owned predominantly medium and large breed dogs diagnosed with ORS underwent abdominal ultrasound for ovarian remnant localization prior to laparoscopic surgery for removal of ovarian remnants. Tissue dissection and excision was performed using a vessel sealing forceps. Laparoscopy subjectively enabled detailed visibility and facilitated detection and removal of suspected ovarian tissue in all cases. Histology confirmed ovarian origin of removed tissue in all dogs. Additionally, a GnRH stimulation test was performed in fourteen dogs after a median follow-up of 10.5 months, which verified absence of residual functional ovarian remnant tissue in all dogs. Median surgery duration was 97.5 min and mean total convalescence duration, subjectively scored by owners, was 1.5 +/- 0.7 days. No major complications occurred. Adhesions were observed in 79% of the dogs, complicated the surgical approach, and significantly affected surgery duration (85 versus 109 min; p = 0.03). Minor hemorrhage occurred in 12% and significantly increased surgery duration (95.5 versus 128 min; p = 0.02). Trendelenburg position and lateral tilting of the patient were essential for proper access to ovarian remnants. GnRH stimulation test results and/or absence of clinical signs indicative of ORS after a median follow-up period of 22.5 months confirmed treatment efficacy in all dogs. Conclusion: Laparoscopic surgery for ORS in dogs is effective with minimal complications and short convalescence and can successfully replace the conventional, more invasive open surgical procedure

    Medical treatment of urinary incontinence in the bitch

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    Urinary incontinence, an uncontrolled urine leakage during the storage phase of micturition, is a common condition in female dogs. In intact bitches, the reported prevalence is only 0.2-0.3%, but in spayed bitches it varies between 3.1-20.1%. Most commonly, dogs with acquired urinary incontinence suffer from urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence. This condition seems to be multifactorial, and although the exact pathophysiology remains unclear, potential risk factors include gender, gonadectomy, breed, body weight, urethral length and bladder neck position. In daily practice, the diagnosis of urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence is usually made after eliminating other potential causes of urinary incontinence. Incontinent bitches are primarily treated with medications, such as alpha-adrenergic drugs, e.g. phenylpropanolamine and oestrogens. Surgery is recommended when patients become refractory to medical treatment

    Profylactische gastropexie bij de hond: een overzicht van de chirurgische technieken

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    Profylactische gastropexie wordt aangeraden bij honden die gepredisponeerd zijn om maagdilatatie en -torsie (MDT) te ontwikkelen. Bij de traditionele celiotomietechnieken resulteren de circumcostale en de belt-loop gastropexie in sterke adhesies met een minimale kans op MDT. Deze technieken worden echter geassocieerd met ernstige complicaties, zoals iatrogene pneumothorax, ribfracturen of peritonitis. De incisionele gastropexie leidt tot een minder sterke verbinding, maar resulteert toch in een drastische verlaging van het voorkomen van MDT. Vermits met deze techniek bovendien weinig complicaties worden gezien, geldt ze als de huidige gouden standaard. Morbiditeit is een belangrijk aspect voor een preventieve ingreep. Deze morbiditeit kan worden verminderd met minimaal invasieve operatietechnieken. De grote voordelen van laparoscopische gastropexie inzake weefseltrauma en het welzijn van de patiënt wegen ruim op tegen de technische vereisten en de leercurve