7 research outputs found

    Діяльність І. Муфтій-заде в органах земського самоврядування (кін. XIX – поч. XX ст.)

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    В статье анализируется плодотворная работа И.Муфтий-заде в Евпаторийской земской Управе. Автор рассматривает следующую проблему: роль и место Исмаила Муфтий-заде в решении важнейших вопросов благоустройства Евпатории в конце XIX – нач. XX в. Цель исследования: на конкретных примерах определить вклад отдельных исторических личностей в историю Крымского региона.У статті аналізується плідна робота І. Муфтій-заде у Євпаторійській повітовій земській управі. Автор розглядає таку проблему: роль і місце Ісмаїла Муфтій-заде у вирішенні важливих питань стосовно благоустрою Євпаторії в кін. XIX – поч. XX ст. Мета дослідження: на конкретних прикладах з’ясувати внесок окремих історичних особистостей в історію Кримського регіону.The article throws light on the resultative activity of Ismail Myphty-zade’s in the Eupatorian Land Committee. To define the position and role of Ismail Myphty-zade in solving of sound questions of the town planning and organization of public services in the end of XIX– beginning of XX centuries is a sphere of the author’s interests. The golef the investigation is to point out the role of separate historical individuals on the concrete examples in the Crimean region history

    Towards productive science-policy interfaces : A research agenda

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    Science-policy interactions are often contested, due to strategic production and use of knowledge. This is problematic because the potential of science to enrich decision-making is underexploited. Scientific literature suggests that these problems are related to a lack of credibility, salience and/or legitimacy of knowledge. Science-policy interfaces (SPIs), such as knowledge brokers, are suggested to enhance science-policy interactions by promoting the production of credible, salient and legitimate knowledge. However, the current scientific debate provides little clarity on which SPIs are most useful in solving which science-policy interaction problems and what strategies should be employed. Based on a profound literature review, this paper aims to arrive at a better understanding of SPIs, by providing conceptual clarity and linking typical SPIs to distinct problems and the contexts in which they emerge. We suggest an empirical research agenda to test theoretical claims about SPIs and our own refinements thereof, and to identify best practices

    From frustration to integration:Action strategies for a better fit between knowledge and policy on the Wadden Sea

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    The fit between knowledge and policy on the Wadden Sea can and must be improved. Such is the recommendation of an interdisciplinary group of Dutch researchers who since 2013 have been collaborating on action strategies for better knowledge-policy interactions. The idea that ‘more knowledge will produce better policy’ or that ‘research will solve our policy problems’ fails to do justice to the realities of the Wadden region. The connection between knowledge and policy is for instance hampered by a large diversity of stakes and perspectives and by uncertainties about the effects of human activities in the area. The action strategies provide recommendations along three themes in order to deal with such issues, so as to move from frustration to integration of knowledge and policy. The theme of integration presents integrated concepts, processes, and knowledge systems in order to bridge the boundaries between knowledge and policy. The theme of learning capacity suggests learning processes and incentives for knowledge exchange. The final theme of preventing frustration is about giving more attention to reflection and organizing critical review. The action strategies have been tested twice among groups of Wadden Sea professionals to ensure their practical relevance