1,947 research outputs found

    A case of toxicity to excess 'carbocaine' with probable reactivity of rheumatic disease

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    Nontrivial Polydispersity Exponents in Aggregation Models

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    We consider the scaling solutions of Smoluchowski's equation of irreversible aggregation, for a non gelling collision kernel. The scaling mass distribution f(s) diverges as s^{-tau} when s->0. tau is non trivial and could, until now, only be computed by numerical simulations. We develop here new general methods to obtain exact bounds and good approximations of τ\tau. For the specific kernel KdD(x,y)=(x^{1/D}+y^{1/D})^d, describing a mean-field model of particles moving in d dimensions and aggregating with conservation of ``mass'' s=R^D (R is the particle radius), perturbative and nonperturbative expansions are derived. For a general kernel, we find exact inequalities for tau and develop a variational approximation which is used to carry out the first systematic study of tau(d,D) for KdD. The agreement is excellent both with the expansions we derived and with existing numerical values. Finally, we discuss a possible application to 2d decaying turbulence.Comment: 16 pages (multicol.sty), 6 eps figures (uses epsfig), Minor corrections. Notations improved, as published in Phys. Rev. E 55, 546

    Charge-order transition in the extended Hubbard model on a two-leg ladder

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    We investigate the charge-order transition at zero temperature in a two-leg Hubbard ladder with additional nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsion V using the Density Matrix Renormalization Group technique. We consider electron densities between quarter and half filling. For quarter filling and U=8t, we find evidence for a continuous phase transition between a homogeneous state at small V and a broken-symmetry state with "checkerboard" [wavevector Q=(pi,pi)] charge order at large V. This transition to a checkerboard charge-ordered state remains present at all larger fillings, but becomes discontinuous at sufficiently large filling. We discuss the influence of U/t on the transition and estimate the position of the tricritical points.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figs, minor changes, accepted for publication in PRB R

    Kinetic Anomalies in Addition-Aggregation Processes

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    We investigate irreversible aggregation in which monomer-monomer, monomer-cluster, and cluster-cluster reactions occur with constant but distinct rates K_{MM}, K_{MC}, and K_{CC}, respectively. The dynamics crucially depends on the ratio gamma=K_{CC}/K_{MC} and secondarily on epsilon=K_{MM}/K_{MC}. For epsilon=0 and gamma<2, there is conventional scaling in the long-time limit, with a single mass scale that grows linearly in time. For gamma >= 2, there is unusual behavior in which the concentration of clusters of mass k, c_k decays as a stretched exponential in time within a boundary layer k<k* propto t^{1-2/gamma} (k* propto ln t for gamma=2), while c_k propto t^{-2} in the bulk region k>k*. When epsilon>0, analogous behaviors emerge for gamma<2 and gamma >= 2.Comment: 6 pages, 2 column revtex4 format, for submission to J. Phys.

    The impact of loco-regional recurrences on metastatic progression in early-stage breast cancer: a multistate model

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    To study whether the effects of prognostic factors associated with the occurrence of distant metastases (DM) at primary diagnosis change after the incidence of loco-regional recurrences (LRR) among women treated for invasive stage I or II breast cancer. The study population consisted of 3,601 women, enrolled in EORTC trials 10801, 10854, or 10902 treated for early-stage breast cancer. Data were analysed in a multivariate, multistate model by using multivariate Cox regression models, including a state-dependent covariate. The presence of a LRR in itself is a significant prognostic risk factor (HR: 3.64; 95%-CI: 2.02-6.5) for the occurrence of DM. Main prognostic risk factors for a DM are young age at diagnosis (</=40: HR: 1.79; 95%-CI: 1.28-2.51), larger tumour size (HR: 1.58; 95%-CI: 1.35-1.84) and node positivity (HR: 2.00; 95%-CI: 1.74-2.30). Adjuvant chemotherapy is protective for a DM (HR: 0.66; 95%-CI: 0.55-0.80). After the occurrence of a LRR the latter protective effect has disappeared (P = 0.009). The presence of LRR in itself is a significant risk factor for DM. For patients who are at risk of developing LRR, effective local control should be the main target of therapy

    Fluctuation-driven insulator-to-metal transition in an external magnetic field

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    We consider a model for a metal-insulator transition of correlated electrons in an external magnetic field. We find a broad region in interaction and magnetic field where metallic and insulating (fully magnetized) solutions coexist and the system undergoes a first-order metal-insulator transition. A global instability of the magnetically saturated solution precedes the local ones and is caused by collective fluctuations due to poles in electron-hole vertex functions.Comment: REVTeX 4 pages, 3 PS figure

    Phase separation and the segregation principle in the infinite-U spinless Falicov-Kimball model

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    The simplest statistical-mechanical model of crystalline formation (or alloy formation) that includes electronic degrees of freedom is solved exactly in the limit of large spatial dimensions and infinite interaction strength. The solutions contain both second-order phase transitions and first-order phase transitions (that involve phase-separation or segregation) which are likely to illustrate the basic physics behind the static charge-stripe ordering in cuprate systems. In addition, we find the spinodal-decomposition temperature satisfies an approximate scaling law.Comment: 19 pages and 10 figure

    Symmetry breaking in the Hubbard model at weak coupling

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    The phase diagram of the Hubbard model is studied at weak coupling in two and three spatial dimensions. It is shown that the Neel temperature and the order parameter in d=3 are smaller than the Hartree-Fock predictions by a factor of q=0.2599. For d=2 we show that the self-consistent (sc) perturbation series bears no relevance to the behavior of the exact solution of the Hubbard model in the symmetry-broken phase. We also investigate an anisotropic model and show that the coupling between planes is essential for the validity of mean-field-type order parameters

    Temperature dependence of antiferromagnetic order in the Hubbard model

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    We suggest a method for an approximative solution of the two dimensional Hubbard model close to half filling. It is based on partial bosonisation, supplemented by an investigation of the functional renormalisation group flow. The inclusion of both the fermionic and bosonic fluctuations leads in lowest order to agreement with the Hartree-Fock result or Schwinger-Dyson equation and cures the ambiguity of mean field theory . We compute the temperature dependence of the antiferromagnetic order parameter and the gap below the critical temperature. We argue that the Mermin-Wagner theorem is not practically applicable for the spontaneous breaking of the continuous spin symmetry in the antiferromagnetic state of the Hubbard model. The long distance behavior close to and below the critical temperature is governed by the renormalisation flow for the effective interactions of composite Goldstone bosons and deviates strongly from the Hartree-Fock result.Comment: New section on critical behavior 31 pages,17 figure

    A Survey of Numerical Solutions to the Coagulation Equation

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    We present the results of a systematic survey of numerical solutions to the coagulation equation for a rate coefficient of the form A_ij \propto (i^mu j^nu + i^nu j^mu) and monodisperse initial conditions. The results confirm that there are three classes of rate coefficients with qualitatively different solutions. For nu \leq 1 and lambda = mu + nu \leq 1, the numerical solution evolves in an orderly fashion and tends toward a self-similar solution at large time t. The properties of the numerical solution in the scaling limit agree with the analytic predictions of van Dongen and Ernst. In particular, for the subset with mu > 0 and lambda < 1, we disagree with Krivitsky and find that the scaling function approaches the analytically predicted power-law behavior at small mass, but in a damped oscillatory fashion that was not known previously. For nu \leq 1 and lambda > 1, the numerical solution tends toward a self-similar solution as t approaches a finite time t_0. The mass spectrum n_k develops at t_0 a power-law tail n_k \propto k^{-tau} at large mass that violates mass conservation, and runaway growth/gelation is expected to start at t_crit = t_0 in the limit the initial number of particles n_0 -> \infty. The exponent tau is in general less than the analytic prediction (lambda + 3)/2, and t_0 = K/[(lambda - 1) n_0 A_11] with K = 1--2 if lambda > 1.1. For nu > 1, the behaviors of the numerical solution are similar to those found in a previous paper by us. They strongly suggest that there are no self-consistent solutions at any time and that runaway growth is instantaneous in the limit n_0 -> \infty. They also indicate that the time t_crit for the onset of runaway growth decreases slowly toward zero with increasing n_0.Comment: 41 pages, including 14 figures; accepted for publication in J. Phys.