74 research outputs found

    Die Instituut vir Reformatoriese Studie (1962-1999) as Christelike organisasie – die betekenis daarvan vir toekomstige Christelike aksies

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    The Institute for Reformational Studies (1962-1999) as a Christian organisation – its relevance for future Christian actions During a period of 37 years the Institute for Reformational Studies (IRS) fulfilled a unique role at the former Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education. In spite of this, the IRS was closed down at the end of 1999. This happened while, in an increasingly secularised South Africa, there clearly is a growing need to provide direction in all domains of life. This article, therefore, asks the question about possible reasons for the termination of this Institute. The answer to the problem is given from a worldview perspective. The aim of the investigation is to provide, derived from the history of the IRS, some practical guidelines to future Christian actions

    Sport onder die soeklig: ’n Christeliklewensbeskoulik- filosofiese besinning

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    Spotlight on sport: a Christian-worldviewish-philosophical reflection The problem dealt with in this article is the fact that most people are involved in sport (as participants or spectators) without knowing what kind of activity it is or should be and how they should participate. Such a situation may result in the many outrages sport is suffering nowadays. By means of a Christianphilosophical analysis of this prominent phenomenon in modern society, an attempt is made to provide an answer. To attain this goal, the following steps are followed: A brief overview of the present situation in sport serves as an introduction. This is followed by three current wrong attitudes toward sport. Attention is then asked for the fact that, in spite of the deterioration in sport ethics, the necessary theoretical reflection – also among Christians – is lacking. The theoretical exploration which follows includes some Biblical perspectives and the influence of different Christian worldviews; an effort is also given to determine the nature of sport from a comparison between leisure, play, game and sport. A philosophical analysis of the structure and direction of sport follows with a few examples of the practical implications of such a theoretical approach

    Om ’n leier te wees – vanuit ’n Christelike perspektief

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    To be a leader – from a Christian perspective The focus of this article is not in the first place (as in the case with many popular books on leadership) on how to be an efficient leader, but on what leadership entails. As an introduction it asks attention for the fact that worldwide leadership, but especially in Africa, is not what it should be. In order to pinpoint the possible reasons for this failure, the dominant leadership traditions or styles of Africa and the West are described and compared. From this exposition the urgent need for an alternative for both the African and Western view and way of leading is evident. The next main section, therefore, reviews some general Biblical perspectives on leaders and leadership. This is followed by a detailed explanation of the meaning of a number of basic concepts (office, authority, power, community, organization, societal norms and responsibility) without which leadership can neither be correctly understood nor effectively practised. The article is concluded with a brief definition of what is implied by being a real leader

    Perspektiewe vir ’n normatiewe politiek: die boodskap van die Instituut vir Reformatoriese Studie (IRS) tydens ’n stormagtige staatkundige tydperk (1976-1996) in Suid-Afrika

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    Perspectives for a normative politics: the message of the Institute for Reformational Studies (IRS) during a turbulent constitutional period (1976-1996) in South Africa This essay has a two-fold aim. It firstly investigates the political message of the IRS during the period of approximately 1976 to 1996 as well as its relevance for the contemporary political dispensation in South Africa. Secondly, for the purpose of future research, it provides the results of bibliographical research about IRS publications on politics and related issues. The first (systematic) part starts with the worldviewish foundations for a Christian perspective on politics. Then the value of a structural analysis of the state is explained in detail. Finally a few guidelines for political action are given. In the second (bibliographical) section the material is arranged (in order to follow the historical development) in a chronological order and the different IRS series are given (in view of further research) in separate bibliographies

    Reformation and/or Renaissance? A comparison between John Calvin’s and Thabo Mbeki’s ideas of renewal

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    This essay compares the differences and similarities between the European Renaissance (±1300 – ±1600) and the African Renaissance in order to determine what an apposite Christian attitude would be. The first section describes the European Renaissance as a reaction to the Middle Ages and a return to the original sources of Western civilisation. Two different trends are distinguished, viz. classical humanism and evangelical humanism. The ideas of the great Renaissance thinker and evangelical humanist, John Calvin, about reformation receive special attention in this regard. He learned much from his contemporaries, but did so in a critical, independent way. From the five different Christian worldviews which crystallised during the Renaissance epoch, his Reformational worldview was the most strongly biblically founded one. The second main part of the essay first asks some critical questions about the African Renaissance and then provides a brief historical survey of past efforts at an African Renaissance, followed by an exposition and evaluation of Thabo Mbeki’s ideas about an African Renaissance. The third main section of the essay poses the question as to what role Christianity can and should play in the African Renaissance. Similar to the attitude of Calvin, we should both learn from it and contribute to it from the perspective of a Christian worldview

    "Mistiek: Van Verwarring na Waarheid? ?n Filosofiese verkenning"

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    AbstractMysticism: from confusion to clarity? A philosophical reconnaissanceIn spite of the fact that a great variety of mystical and semi-mystical spiritualties are again popular today, for many people past and present mysticism is a mystery, something misty and vague. According to others, however, a mystical experience is nothing extraordinary since it can even be produced instantly by simply taking a chemical drug. Again, some other proponents of a religious kind of mysticism believe that (semi)mysticism can be an antidote against stagnant beliefs and dying churches, a vitamin capable of revitalising any religion. They are opposed by other Christian thinkers who regard any kind of mysticism as unbiblical and thus to be totally rejected. Such disagreements and confusion call for a clarification of what mysticism really entails.Many approaches to this phenomenon, like psychological, theological, sociological ones and more are available today (cf. e.g. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2014). This essay tackles the issue from a philosophical perspective, trying to determine some basic characteristics of mysticism.The investigation is divided into the following five main sections. In the first a bibliographical summary is given of some works on mysticism and their more general definitions. The second contains a selection of philosophical definitions of mysticism. The third reviews the contributions of a few authors to arrive at some basic characteristics or typologies of mysticism. The fourth section is devoted to differing viewpoints about the possibility of instant chemical mysticism. It is followed by a brief review of the latest research on mysticism. The concluding section provides a summary of the final results of this reconnaissance. OpsommingTen spyte van die feit dat ?n groot verskeidenheid mistieke en semi-mistieke spiritualiteite vandag baie gewild is, bly die mistieke figure en geskrifte van die verlede en die hede vir baie mense enigmas. Vir ander weer is ?n mistieke ervaring niks buitengewoons nie. Volgens sommiges kan dit selfs vinnig met een of ander chemiese middel opgewek word. Nog ander persone is van mening dat ?n religieus-gekleurde (semi-)mistiek as vitamiene diens kan doen om ?n verstarde geloofslewe en sterwende kerke te laat herleef. Hulle standpunt word egter bestry deur ander Christelike denkers wat daarvan oortuig is dat enige vorm van mistiek onskriftuurlik is en geen plek in die lewe van ?n Bybelgelowige behoort te hê nie. Sulke uiteenlopende en botsende standpunte met gevolglike onduidelikheid oor wat mistiek presies behels, is die motivering vir hierdie verkenning. Van die baie benaderings tot hierdie verskynsel (bv. histories, psigologies, teologies, sosiologies) probeer hierdie een mistiek vanuit ?n diepermeer filosofiese perspektief benader. By 1.5 hieronder word vyf stappe genoem wat in hierdie ondersoek gevolg sal word om uit die huidige verwarring die waarheid oor ?n aktuele saak te probeer uitkristalliseer.https://doi.org/10.19108/KOERS.80.3.223

    Kerk en samelewing: ’n Christelik-filosofiese besinning

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    Church and society: a Christian-philosophical reflection The problem to be discussed is the role of the church in society. In spite of the fact that this was a topical issue throughout centuries, it has today – especially because of the increasing secularisation of the social environment – become a burning issue. It seems as if churches are becoming more and more marginalised, as if they have lost their relevance for broader societal life. This article, however, indicates that a major reason for the situation may be with the churches themselves, viz. a wrong conception about their own identity. From a Biblical-Reformational perspective this wrong view is first explained historically. It is followed by a systematic exposition of the church as a societal relationship. Such a Christian-philosophical analysis in no way harms, but rather enhances the uniqueness of the church. According to this philosophy of society the church no longer needs to be irrelevant. The contribution is concluded by indicating, on the one hand, how the church should not be involved in societal life and, on the other hand, how it should correctly be related to the other aspects of life

    Ontwikkelingsamewerking vir Afrika, met besondere aandag aan ’n vennootskapsverhouding

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    Development co-operation for Africa, with special reference to a partnership relation The problem to be investigated is whether development cooperation between especially the rich Northern part of the world and the African continent (including South Africa) is necessary or advisable. This question can be divided into the following three sub-questions: (1) Does Africa need development aid? (2) Will help from outside produce the needed results? (3) How can such cooperation be structured in the most efficient way? The three answers to these questions are: (1) Without outside help Africa will not be able to escape from its poverty trap. (2) In spite of the fact that development cooperation is at the moment experiencing a “mid-life crisis”, both practical and Christian principial reasons do not allow its termination. (3) Many weak points in the existing forms of development cooperation may be overcome with the application of a genuine partnership relationship

    ’n Skande- versus ’n skuldgeoriënteerde gewete: ’n Verklaring vir die botsing tussen die Afrikakultuur en die Westerse kultuur?

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    A shame-oriented versus a guilt-oriented conscience: An explanation of the conflict between African and Western cultures? Not only mutual intercultural enrichment but also intercultural misunderstanding, frustration and even conflict are daily realities in the ten year old “new” South Africa. Thus it is important not merely to acknowledge that the cultures of Africa and the West are different, but it is of even greater importance to understand why they differ. This article deals with a model taking two kinds of conscience as starting point of an analysis. A good conscience according to the West requires justice (obedience to norms), while a bad conscience is the result of guilt (transgression of norms). Guilt requires restitution and retribution. By contrast, a good conscience according to African reasoning is the result of honour and acceptance by one’s community as a outcome of one’s compliance with its ideals. A bad conscience results from one’s failure to comply with one’s responsibility towards one’s fellowmen. In such a case the offender experiences shame – the consequence of exclusion and rejection. Reconciliation and reinclusion in society is of utmost importance. Because the aim of this article is to provide theoretical insight and practical guidance, it starts with a number of practical problems experienced in everyday life in the encounter between African and Western culture. This is followed by a brief overview of seven existing models describing the differences between the two cultures. Subsequently the typology of “shame versus guilt” is described and evaluated in the light of Scripture. The concluding section is an effort to solve, in the light of this new approach to the two cultures, the practical, day-to-day problems mentioned at the beginning
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