14 research outputs found

    Myofibroblast transdifferentiation of keratocytes results in slower migration and lower sensitivity to mesoscale curvatures

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    Functional tissue repair after injury or disease is governed by the regenerative or fibrotic response by cells within the tissue. In the case of corneal damage, keratocytes are a key cell type that determine the outcome of the remodeling response by either adapting to a fibroblast or myofibroblast phenotype. Although a growing body of literature indicates that geometrical cues in the environment can influence Myo(fibroblast) phenotype, there is a lack of knowledge on whether and how differentiated keratocyte phenotype is affected by the curved tissue geometry in the cornea. To address this gap, in this study we characterized the phenotype of fibroblastic and transforming growth factor β (TGFβ)-induced myofibroblastic keratocytes and studied their migration behavior on curved culture substrates with varying curvatures. Immunofluorescence staining and quantification of cell morphological parameters showed that, generally, fibroblastic keratocytes were more likely to elongate, whereas myofibroblastic keratocytes expressed more pronounced α smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and actin stress fibers as well as more mature focal adhesions. Interestingly, keratocyte adhesion on convex structures was weak and unstable, whereas they adhered normally on flat and concave structures. On concave cylinders, fibroblastic keratocytes migrated faster and with higher persistence along the longitudinal direction compared to myofibroblastic keratocytes. Moreover, this behavior became more pronounced on smaller cylinders (i.e., higher curvatures). Taken together, both keratocyte phenotypes can sense and respond to the sign and magnitude of substrate curvatures, however, myofibroblastic keratocytes exhibit weaker curvature sensing and slower migration on curved substrates compared to fibroblastic keratocytes. These findings provide fundamental insights into keratocyte phenotype after injury, but also exemplify the potential of tuning the physical cell environments in tissue engineering settings to steer towards a favorable regeneration response

    Neural mediators of changes of mind about perceptual decisions

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    Changing one's mind on the basis of new evidence is a hallmark of cognitive flexibility. To revise our confidence in a previous decision, we should use new evidence to update beliefs about choice accuracy. How this process unfolds in the human brain, however, remains unknown. Here we manipulated whether additional sensory evidence supports or negates a previous motion direction discrimination judgment while recording markers of neural activity in the human brain using fMRI. A signature of post-decision evidence (change in log-odds correct) was selectively observed in the activity of posterior medial frontal cortex. In contrast, distinct activity profiles in anterior prefrontal cortex mediated the impact of post-decision evidence on subjective confidence, independently of changes in decision value. Together our findings reveal candidate neural mediators of post-decisional changes of mind in the human brain and indicate possible targets for ameliorating deficits in cognitive flexibility

    Myofibroblast transdifferentiation of keratocytes results in slower migration and lower sensitivity to mesoscale curvatures

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    Functional tissue repair after injury or disease is governed by the regenerative or fibrotic response by cells within the tissue. In the case of corneal damage, keratocytes are a key cell type that determine the outcome of the remodeling response by either adapting to a fibroblast or myofibroblast phenotype. Although a growing body of literature indicates that geometrical cues in the environment can influence Myo(fibroblast) phenotype, there is a lack of knowledge on whether and how differentiated keratocyte phenotype is affected by the curved tissue geometry in the cornea. To address this gap, in this study we characterized the phenotype of fibroblastic and transforming growth factor β (TGFβ)-induced myofibroblastic keratocytes and studied their migration behavior on curved culture substrates with varying curvatures. Immunofluorescence staining and quantification of cell morphological parameters showed that, generally, fibroblastic keratocytes were more likely to elongate, whereas myofibroblastic keratocytes expressed more pronounced α smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and actin stress fibers as well as more mature focal adhesions. Interestingly, keratocyte adhesion on convex structures was weak and unstable, whereas they adhered normally on flat and concave structures. On concave cylinders, fibroblastic keratocytes migrated faster and with higher persistence along the longitudinal direction compared to myofibroblastic keratocytes. Moreover, this behavior became more pronounced on smaller cylinders (i.e., higher curvatures). Taken together, both keratocyte phenotypes can sense and respond to the sign and magnitude of substrate curvatures, however, myofibroblastic keratocytes exhibit weaker curvature sensing and slower migration on curved substrates compared to fibroblastic keratocytes. These findings provide fundamental insights into keratocyte phenotype after injury, but also exemplify the potential of tuning the physical cell environments in tissue engineering settings to steer towards a favorable regeneration response

    3D Interfacial and Spatiotemporal Regulation of Human Neuroepithelial Organoids

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    Neuroepithelial (NE) organoids with dorsal-ventral patterning provide a useful three-dimensional (3D) in vitro model to interrogate neural tube formation during early development of the central nervous system. Understanding the fundamental processes behind the cellular self-organization in NE organoids holds the key to the engineering of organoids with higher, more in vivo-like complexity. However, little is known about the cellular regulation driving the NE development, especially in the presence of interfacial cues from the microenvironment. Here a simple 3D culture system that allows generation and manipulation of NE organoids from human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), displaying developmental phases of hiPSC differentiation and self-aggregation, first into NE cysts with lumen structure and then toward NE organoids with floor-plate patterning, is established. Longitudinal inhibition reveals distinct and dynamic roles of actomyosin contractility and yes-associated protein (YAP) signaling in governing these phases. By growing NE organoids on culture chips containing anisotropic surfaces or confining microniches, it is further demonstrated that interfacial cues can sensitively exert dimension-dependent influence on luminal cyst and organoid morphology, successful floor-plate patterning, as well as cytoskeletal regulation and YAP activity. This study therefore sheds new light on how organoid and tissue architecture can be steered through intracellular and extracellular means

    Generation of Multicue Cellular Microenvironments by UV-photopatterning of Three-dimensional Cell Culture Substrates

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    The extracellular matrix is an important regulator of cell function. Environmental cues existing in the cellular microenvironment, such as ligand distribution and tissue geometry, have been increasingly shown to play critical roles in governing cell phenotype and behavior. However, these environmental cues and their effects on cells are often studied separately using in vitro platforms that isolate individual cues, a strategy that heavily oversimplifies the complex in vivo situation of multiple cues. Engineering approaches can be particularly useful to bridge this gap, by developing experimental setups that capture the complexity of the in vivo microenvironment, yet retain the degree of precision and manipulability of in vitro systems. This study highlights an approach combining ultraviolet (UV)-based protein patterning and lithography-based substrate microfabrication, which together enable high-throughput investigation into cell behaviors in multicue environments. By means of maskless UV-photopatterning, it is possible to create complex, adhesive protein distributions on three-dimensional (3D) cell culture substrates on chips that contain a variety of well-defined geometrical cues. The proposed technique can be employed for culture substrates made from different polymeric materials and combined with adhesive patterned areas of a broad range of proteins. With this approach, single cells, as well as monolayers, can be subjected to combinations of geometrical cues and contact guidance cues presented by the patterned substrates. Systematic research using combinations of chip materials, protein patterns, and cell types can thus provide fundamental insights into cellular responses to multicue environments

    Permanent unilateral hearing loss after radiotherapy for parotid gland tumors

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    Background. The purpose of this retrospective study was to determine the long-term effects of radiotherapy on hearing function in patients who underwent parotidectomy and postoperative radiotherapy for unilateral tumors of the parotid gland.Methods, An extensive set of tests was used to measure hearing loss. The mean dose on middle ear, cochlea, and Eustachian tube was estimated with a CT-planning system.Results. A hearing loss of &gt;= 15 dB in 3 frequencies was found in 32% of the 52 patients included in the study. Patients with an asymmetrical hearing loss received a higher mean dose on the hearing structures (p &lt;.002). The threshold dose for clinically relevant hearing loss was found at 50 Gy on the cochlea and Eustachian tube.Conclusions. Radiation-induced hearing loss is a common complication. A mean dose of &gt; 50 Gy on the cochlea should be avoided. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.</p

    Mechanical Properties of Bioengineered Corneal Stroma

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    For the majority of patients with severe corneal injury or disease, corneal transplantation is the only suitable treatment option. Unfortunately, the demand for donor corneas greatly exceeds the availability. To overcome shortage issues, a myriad of bioengineered constructs have been developed as mimetics of the corneal stroma over the last few decades. Despite the sheer number of bioengineered stromas developed , these implants fail clinical trials exhibiting poor tissue integration and adverse effects in vivo. Such shortcomings can partially be ascribed to poor biomechanical performance. In this review, existing approaches for bioengineering corneal stromal constructs and their mechanical properties are described. The information collected in this review can be used to critically analyze the biomechanical properties of future stromal constructs, which are often overlooked, but can determine the failure or success of corresponding implants

    Mechanical Properties of Bioengineered Corneal Stroma

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    For the majority of patients with severe corneal injury or disease, corneal transplantation is the only suitable treatment option. Unfortunately, the demand for donor corneas greatly exceeds the availability. To overcome shortage issues, a myriad of bioengineered constructs have been developed as mimetics of the corneal stroma over the last few decades. Despite the sheer number of bioengineered stromas developed , these implants fail clinical trials exhibiting poor tissue integration and adverse effects in vivo. Such shortcomings can partially be ascribed to poor biomechanical performance. In this review, existing approaches for bioengineering corneal stromal constructs and their mechanical properties are described. The information collected in this review can be used to critically analyze the biomechanical properties of future stromal constructs, which are often overlooked, but can determine the failure or success of corresponding implants