1,254 research outputs found

    Labour and Neonatal Outcome in Small for Gestational Age Babies Delivered Beyond 36+0 Weeks: A Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Objective. Small for gestational age (SGA) is associated with increased neonatal morbidity and mortality. At present, evidence on whether these pregnancies should be managed expectantly or by induction is lacking. To get insight in current policy we analysed data of the National Dutch Perinatal Registry (PRN). Methods. We used data of all nulliparae between 2000 and 2005 with a singleton in cephalic presentation beyond 36+0 weeks, with a birth weight below the 10th percentile. We analysed two groups of pregnancies: (I) with isolated SGA and (II) with both SGA and hypertensive disorders. Onset of labour was related to route of delivery and neonatal outcome. Results. Induction was associated with a higher risk of emergency caesarean section (CS), without improvement in neonatal outcome. For women with isolated SGA the relative risk of emergency CS after induction was 2.3 (95% Confidence Interval [CI] 2.1 to 2.5) and for women with both SGA and hypertensive disorders the relative risk was 2.7 (95% CI 2.3 to 3.1). Conclusion. Induction in pregnancies complicated by SGA at term is associated with a higher risk of instrumental deliveries without improvement of neonatal outcome. Prospective studies are needed to determine the best strategy in suspected IUGR at term

    Ethnic differences in stillbirth and early neonatal mortality in The Netherlands

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    Background: Ethnic disparities in perinatal mortality are well known. This study aimed to explore the contribution of demographic, socioeconomic, health behavioural and pre-existent medical risk factors among different ethnic groups on fetal and early neonatal mortality. Methods: We assessed perinatal mortality from 24.0 weeks' gestation onwards in 554 234 singleton pregnancies of nulliparous women in the linked Netherlands Perinatal Registry over the period 2000–2006. Logistic regression modelling was used. Results: Considerable ethnic differences in perinatal mortality exist especially in fetal mortality. Maternal age, socioeconomic status and pre-existent diseases could not explain these ethnic differences. Late booking visit could explain some differences. Compared with the Dutch, African women had an increased fetal mortality risk of OR 1.7 (95% CI 1.4 to 2.1); South Asian women, 1.8 (1.4 to 2.3); other non-Western women, 1.3 (1.1 to 1.6) and Turkish/Moroccan women, 1.3 (1.1 to 1.4). The risk on early neonatal mortality was only increased in other non-Western women, OR 1.3 (1.0 to 1.8). Ethnic differences were even present in the women without risk factors including preterm births. Mortality risk for East Asian and other Western women was lower or comparable with the Dutch. Conclusion: Important ethnic differences in fetal mortality exist, especially among women of African and South Asian origin. Ethnic minorities should be more acquainted with the significance of early start of prenatal care. Tailored prenatal care for women with African and South Asian origin seems necessary. More research on underlying cause of deaths is needed by ethnic group.A C J Ravelli, M Tromp, M Eskes, J C Droog, J A M van der Post, K J Jager, B W Mol, J B Reitsm

    Risk of urothelial bladder cancer in Lynch syndrome is increased, in particular among MSH2 mutation carriers

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    Contains fulltext : 89346.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Colorectal, endometrial and upper urinary tract tumours are characteristic for Lynch syndrome (hereditary non-polyposis colon carcinoma, HNPCC). The aim of the present study was to establish whether carriers of mutations in mismatch repair genes MLH1, MSH2 or MSH6 are at increased risk of urinary bladder cancer. METHODS: Carriers and first degree relatives of 95 families with a germline mutation in the MLH1 (n=26), MSH2 (n=43), or MSH6 (n=26) gene were systematically questioned about the occurrence of carcinoma. The cumulative risk of cancer occurring before the age of 70 years (CR70) was compared to the CR70 of the general Dutch population. Microsatellite instability (MSI) testing and/or immunohistochemistry (IHC) for mismatch repair proteins was performed on bladder tumour tissue. RESULTS: Bladder cancer was diagnosed in 21 patients (90% men) from 19 Lynch syndrome families (2 MLH1, 15 MSH2, and 4 MSH6). CR70 for bladder cancer was 7.5% (95% CI 3.1% to 11.9%) for men and 1.0% (95% CI 0% to 2.4%) for women, resulting in relative risks for mutation carriers and first degree relatives of 4.2 (95% CI 2.2 to 7.2) for men and 2.2 (95% CI 0.3 to 8.0) for women. Men carrying an MSH2 mutation and their first degree relatives were at highest risks: CR70 for bladder and upper urinary tract cancer being 12.3% (95% CI 4.3% to 20.3%) and 5.9% (95% CI 0.7% to 11.1%). Bladder cancer tissue was MSI positive in 6/7 tumours and loss of IHC staining was found in 14/17 tumours, indicating Lynch syndrome aetiology. CONCLUSION: Patients with Lynch syndrome carrying an MSH2 mutation are at increased risk of urinary tract cancer including bladder cancer. In these cases surveillance should be considered.01 juli 201

    Systematic clinical approach for diagnosing upper limb tremor

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    Tremor is the most common movement disorder worldwide, but diagnosis is challenging. In 2018, the task force on tremor of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society published a consensus statement that proposes a tremor classification along two independent axes: a clinical tremor syndrome and its underlying aetiology. In line with this statement, we here propose a stepwise diagnostic approach that leads to the correct clinical and aetiological classification of upper limb tremor. We also describe the typical clinical signs of each clinical tremor syndrome. A key feature of our algorithm is the distinction between isolated and combined tremor syndromes, in which tremor is accompanied by bradykinesia, cerebellar signs, dystonia, peripheral neuropathy or brainstem signs. This distinction subsequently informs the selection of appropriate diagnostic tests, such as neurophysiology, laboratory testing, structural and dopaminergic imaging and genetic testing. We highlight treatable metabolic causes of tremor, as well as drugs and toxins that can provoke tremor. The stepwise approach facilitates appropriate diagnostic testing and avoids unnecessary investigations. We expect that the approach offered in this article will reduce diagnostic uncertainty and increase the diagnostic yield in patients with tremor

    Training for the HandbikeBattle:an explorative analysis of training load and handcycling physical capacity in recreationally active wheelchair users

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    Purpose: (1) to analyze training characteristics of recreationally active wheelchair users during handcycle training, and (2) to examine the associations between training load and change in physical capacity. Methods: Former rehabilitation patients (N = 60) with health conditions such as spinal cord injury or amputation were included. Participants trained for five months. A handcycling/arm crank graded exercise test was performed before and after the training period. Outcomes: peak power output per kg (POpeak/kg) and peak oxygen uptake per kg (VO 2peak/kg). Training load was defined as Training Impulse (TRIMP), which is rating of perceived exertion (sRPE) multiplied by duration of the session, in arbitrary units (AU). Training intensity distribution (TID) was also determined (time in zone 1, RPE ≤4; zone 2, RPE 5–6; zone 3, RPE ≥7). Results: Multilevel regression analyses showed that TRIMP sRPE was not significantly associated with change in physical capacity. Time in zone 2 (RPE 5–6) was significantly associated with ΔVO 2peak, %ΔVO 2peak, ΔVO 2peak/kg and %ΔVO 2peak/kg. Conclusion: Training at RPE 5–6 was the only determinant that was significantly associated with improvement in physical capacity. Additional controlled studies are necessary to demonstrate causality and gather more information about its usefulness, and optimal handcycle training regimes for recreationally active wheelchair users.IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATION Monitoring of handcycle training load is important to structure the training effort and intensity over time and to eventually optimize performance capacity. This is especially important for relatively untrained wheelchair users, who have a low physical capacity and a high risk of overuse injuries and shoulder pain. Training load can be easily calculated by multiplying the intensity of the training (RPE 0–10) with the duration of the training in minutes. Results on handcycle training at RPE 5–6 intensity in recreationally active wheelchair users suggests to be promising and should be further investigated with controlled studies

    Barriers and facilitators for the use of a medical mobile app to prevent work-related risks in pregnancy: a qualitative analysis

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    Background: The number of women participating in the labor market in Europe has increased over the last several decades. At the same time, there is growing evidence that certain conditions of employment during pregnancy may have a negative influence on pregnancy outcomes. In order to better inform pregnant women, we aim to develop an app to help assess the health risk as a result of personal and work-related factors and provide personal advice for these women and their health care providers. Objective: The aim of this study was to compose a thematic overview of the perceived facilitators and barriers according to pregnant women, medical professionals, and employers for the use of a mobile app in obstetrical care to prevent occupational-related pregnancy complications. Methods: Two multidisciplinary focus group meetings with in total 14 participants were conducted with pregnant women, occupational physicians, general practitioners, midwives, obstetricians, and representatives of trade unions and employer organizations. Transcripts were analyzed by qualitatively coding procedures and constant comparative methods. Results: We identified 24 potential facilitators and 12 potential barriers for the use of the app in 4 categories: content of the app, the app as a mean to provide information, ease of use, and external factors. The 3 main facilitators identified were the need for a good interaction between the app and the user, apps were viewed as a more practical source of information, and the information should be understandable, according to the existing guidelines, and well-dosed. The 2 main barriers for use were extensive battery and memory use of the smartphone and sending frequent push notifications. Conclusions: The results of this study are important considerations in the developing process of a medical app implementing a guideline or evidence-based information in practice.Adeline V Velu, Monique DM van Beukering, Frederieke G Schaafsma, Monique HW Frings-Dresen, Ben WJ Mol, Joris AM van der Post, Marjolein Ko

    Secondary health conditions in persons with a spinal cord injury for at least 10 years:design of a comprehensive long-term cross-sectional study

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    Purpose: To describe the prevalence of secondary health conditions (SHCs) (urinary tract and bowel problems, pressure ulcers, spasticity, musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain, sexual dysfunction, respiratory and cardiovascular disorders) in persons with long-term spinal cord injury (SCI), and to explore the impact of SHCs on fitness, active lifestyle, participation and well-being. Methods: A time since injury (TSI)-stratified cros-ssectional study among 300 persons between 28- and 65-year-old with a SCI for at least 10 years. Strata of TSI are 10-19, 20-29, and 30 or more years. All eight Dutch rehabilitation centres with a SCI unit will participate. Participants will be invited for a 1-day visit to the rehabilitation centre for an aftercare check-up by the local SCI rehabilitation physician (neurological impairment, SHCs and management), physical tests by a trained research assistant (lung function, wheelchair skills, physical capacity), and they will be asked to complete a self-report questionnaire in advance. Results: Not applicable. Conclusion: This study will provide knowledge on the health status and functioning of persons aging with SCI living in the Netherlands. This knowledge will help us to develop predictive models for the occurrence of SHCs and to formulate guidelines to improve health care for persons with long-term SCI.</p

    Non-equilibrium current noise in mesoscopic disordered SNS junctions

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    Current noise in superconductor-normal metal-superconductor (SNS) junctions is calculated within the scattering theory of multiple Andreev reflections (MAR). It is shown that the noise exhibits subharmonic gap singularities at eV=2Δ/neV=2\Delta/n, n=1,2,...n=1,2,... both in single-mode junctions with arbitrary transparency DD and in multi-mode disordered junctions. The subharmonic structure is superimposed with monotonic increase of the effective transferred charge q=SI(0)/2Iq^*=S_I(0)/2I with decreasing bias voltage. Other features of the noise include a step-like increase of qq^* in junctions with small DD, and a divergence SI(0)V1/2S_I(0) \propto V^{-1/2} at small voltages and excess noise Sex=2eIexS_{ex} = 2eI_{ex}, where IexI_{ex} is the excess current, at large voltages, in junctions with diffusive transport.Comment: 5 page

    Observation of Andreev Reflection Enhanced Shot Noise

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    We have experimentally investigated the quasiparticle shot noise in NbN/MgO/NbN superconductor - insulator - superconductor tunnel junctions. The observed shot noise is significantly larger than theoretically expected. We attribute this to the occurrence of multiple Andreev reflection processes in pinholes present in the MgO barrier. This mechanism causes the current to flow in large charge quanta (Andreev clusters), with a voltage dependent average value of m = 1+ 2 Delta/eV times the electron charge. Because of this charge enhancement effect, the shot noise is increased by the factor m.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures include