37 research outputs found

    Removing grain boundaries from three-dimensional colloidal crystals using active dopants

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    Using computer simulations we explore how grain boundaries can be removed from three-dimensional colloidal crystals by doping with a small fraction of active colloids. We show that for sufficient self-propulsion, the system is driven into a crystal-fluid coexistence. In this phase separated regime, the active dopants become mobile and spontaneously gather at the grain boundaries. The resulting surface melting and recrystallization of domains result in the motion of the grain boundaries over time and lead to the formation of a large single crystal. However, when the self-propulsion is too low to cause a phase separation, we observe no significant enhancement of grain growth.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Point Defects in Crystals of Charged Colloids

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    Charged colloidal particles - both on the nano and micron scales - have been instrumental in enhancing our understanding of both atomic and colloidal crystals. These systems can be straightforwardly realized in the lab, and tuned to self-assemble into body-centered cubic (BCC) and face-centered cubic (FCC) crystals. While these crystals will always exhibit a finite number of point defects, including vacancies and interstitials - which can dramatically impact their material properties - their existence is usually ignored in scientific studies. Here, we use computer simulations and free-energy calculations to characterize vacancies and interstitials in both FCC and BCC crystals of point-Yukawa particles. We show that, in the BCC phase, defects are surprisingly more common than in the FCC phase, and the interstitials manifest as so-called crowdions: an exotic one-dimensional defect proposed to exist in atomic BCC crystals. Our results open the door to directly observing these elusive defects in the lab.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure


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    SUMMARY Ni Nyoman Ayu A.W, D1613067, Public Relations, Utilization Website Functions in Public Relations Activities as Media Communicator between the Community and the Government in Dishubkominfo Karanganyar, 2016. Kuliah Kerja Media (KKM) or we called Job Training do it by the author in Dishubkominfo Karanganyar. The reason why the author chose Dishubkominfo Karanganyar as a job training (KKM) in the field of communication and information technology, especially because it looks a lot of public relations activities or practice public speaking especially between government Karanganyar Regent and his Deputy with a lot of community. Here Public Relations is a communication method that is where the various forms of communication. Which in Punlic Relations that there is an attempt to realize the harmonious relationship between an organization and its publics. Public Relations is a deliberate effort, planned on an on going basis to create mutual understanding between an institution / organization with the public. Public Relations can also be regarded as an art as well as social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, briefed the leaders of the institution / organization and implementing planned programs to meet the interests of both the institution / organization and the people involved. At the time of the job training writers do a lot of practice public relations or public relations starting from routine activities for official that morning assembly, socializing with office workers, mutual coordination with staff-related staff, and lobbied with related parties participating in activities , documenting coverage and must maintain good relations between the internal and external Dishubkominfo Karanganyar District. Even job training is very useful for writing because it can prepare for the world of work that requires professional workers and authors directly to gain knowledge related to the field of public relations in order practices. Based on reports from the job training the institution Dishubkominfo Karangayar District, the authors conclude that public relations activities are vital to maintaining good relations between the internal and external Dishubkominfo Karanganyar District

    A randomized controlled trial of eplerenone in asymptomatic phospholamban p.Arg14del carriers

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    INTRODUCTION Phospholamban (PLN; p.Arg14del) cardiomyopathy is an inherited disease caused by the pathogenic p.Arg14del variant in the PLN gene. Clinically, it is characterized by malignant ventricular arrhythmias and progressive heart failure.1,2 Cardiac fibrotic tissue remodelling occurs early on in PLN p.Arg14del carriers.3,4 Eplerenone was deemed a treatment candidate because of its beneficial effects on ventricular remodelling and antifibrotic properties.5,6 We conducted the multicentre randomized trial ‘intervention in PHOspholamban RElated CArdiomyopathy STudy’ (i-PHORECAST) to assess whether treatment with eplerenone of asymptomatic PLN p.Arg14del carriers attenuates disease onset and progression

    A randomized controlled trial of eplerenone in asymptomatic phospholamban p.Arg14del carriers

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    Phospholamban (PLN; p.Arg14del) cardiomyopathy is an inherited disease caused by the pathogenic p.Arg14del variant in the PLN gene. Clinically, it is characterized by malignant ventricular arrhythmias and progressive heart failure.1,2 Cardiac fibrotic tissue remodelling occurs early on in PLN p.Arg14del carriers.3,4 Eplerenone was deemed a treatment candidate because of its beneficial effects on ventricular remodelling and antifibrotic properties.5,6 We conducted the multicentre randomized trial ‘intervention in PHOspholamban RElated CArdiomyopathy STudy’ (i-PHORECAST) to assess whether treatment with eplerenone of asymptomatic PLN p.Arg14del carriers attenuates disease onset and progression

    Large-scale ICU data sharing for global collaboration: the first 1633 critically ill COVID-19 patients in the Dutch Data Warehouse

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    Diffusion and interactions of point defects in hard-sphere crystals

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    Using computer simulations, we study the diffusion, interactions, and strain fields of point defects in a face-centered-cubic crystal of hard spheres. We show that the vacancy diffusion decreases rapidly as the density is increased, while the interstitial diffusion exhibits a much weaker density-dependence. Additionally, we predict the free-energy barriers associated with vacancy hopping and find that the increasing height of the free-energy barrier is solely responsible for the slowing down of vacancy diffusion. Moreover, we find that the shape of the barriers is independent of the density. The interactions between vacancies are shown to be weakly attractive and short-ranged, while the interactions between interstitials are found to be strongly attractive and are felt over long distances. As such, we find that vacancies do not form vacancy clusters, while interstitials do form long-lived interstitial clusters. Considering the strain field of vacancies and interstitials, we argue that vacancies will hardly feel each other, as they do not substantially perturb the crystal, and as such exhibit weak interactions. Two interstitials, on the other hand, interact with each other over long distances and start to interact (attractively) when their strain fields start to overlap

    Diffusion and interactions of point defects in hard-sphere crystals

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    Using computer simulations, we study the diffusion, interactions, and strain fields of point defects in a face-centered-cubic crystal of hard spheres. We show that the vacancy diffusion decreases rapidly as the density is increased, while the interstitial diffusion exhibits a much weaker density-dependence. Additionally, we predict the free-energy barriers associated with vacancy hopping and find that the increasing height of the free-energy barrier is solely responsible for the slowing down of vacancy diffusion. Moreover, we find that the shape of the barriers is independent of the density. The interactions between vacancies are shown to be weakly attractive and short-ranged, while the interactions between interstitials are found to be strongly attractive and are felt over long distances. As such, we find that vacancies do not form vacancy clusters, while interstitials do form long-lived interstitial clusters. Considering the strain field of vacancies and interstitials, we argue that vacancies will hardly feel each other, as they do not substantially perturb the crystal, and as such exhibit weak interactions. Two interstitials, on the other hand, interact with each other over long distances and start to interact (attractively) when their strain fields start to overlap