261 research outputs found

    Changes in symptoms and pain intensity of cancer patients after enrollment in palliative care at home

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    This study describes the activities and interventions carried out by an at-home palliative care team treating cancer patients who died within two years of being enrolled in a palliative care program. It analyzes which changes in symptoms and pain occurred and which sociodemographic and medical characteristics were related to these changes. The analysis is based on 102 cancer patients. Data were collected through systematic registration during the palliative care process. At enrollment, patients were interviewed by the coordinating general practitioner concerning their sociodemographic background, medical history, psychological status, and symptoms. During the palliative care process, symptoms and functioning of the patients were recorded by the physician and nurses. The results show that cancer patients enrolled in palliative care at home have many symptoms, often associated with metastatic disease and comorbidities. The palliative care teams delivered frequent and various interventions. The number of symptoms decreased considerably, as did pain intensity and the intensity of other symptoms. Patients living in urban areas and with low income particularly benefited from a reduction in the number of symptoms they displayed. Cancer patients who needed palliative care benefited significantly from this at-home palliative care service

    2nd International Congress on Gerontology and geriatric Medicine, New Delhi, 2012

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    Het tweede gerontologisch en geriatrisch internationale congres in India was georganiseerd door het ‘All India Institute of Medical Sciences’ (AIIMS) en het ‘University College of Medical Sciences’ (UCMS), beide te Delhi. Het congres vond de eerste twee dagen plaats op de campus van het UMCS, een preklinisch opleidingsinstituut. Op zaterdag – het begin van het congres – wordt er gewoon gewerkt, ook op universiteiten. Een uitgelezen kans voor de congresdeelnemers om ongevraagd kennis te nemen van hoorcolleges, practica en snijzalen. Deze deden denken aan de faciliteiten in Nederland toen de huidige ouderen nog jong waren

    Mitigating the Cost of Anarchy in Supply Chain Systems

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    In a decentralized two-stage supply chain where a supplier serves a retailer who, in turn, serves end customers, operations decisions based on local incentives often lead to suboptimal system performance. Operating decisions based on local incentives may in such cases lead to a degree of system disorder or anarchy, wherein one party's decisions put the other party and/or the system at a disadvantage. While models and mechanisms for such problem classes have been considered in the literature, little work to date has considered such problems under nonstationary demands and fixed replenishment order costs. This paper models such two-stage problems as a class of Stackelberg games where the supplier announces a set of time-phased ordering costs to the retailer over a discrete time horizon of finite length, and the retailer then creates an order plan, which then serves as the supplier's demand. We provide metrics for characterizing the degree of efficiency (and anarchy) associated with a solution, and provide a set of easily understood and implemented mechanisms that can increase this efficiency and reduce the negative impacts of anarchic decisions

    A note on "The Economic Lot Sizing Problem with Inventory Bounds"

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    In a recent paper, Liu (2008) considers the lot-sizing problem with lower and upper bounds on the inventory levels. He proposes an O(n^2) algorithm for the general problem, and an O(n) algorithm for the special case with non-speculative motives. We show that neither of the algorithms provides an optimal solution in general. Furthermore, we propose a fix for the former algorithm that maintains the O(n^2) complexity

    Strategies for autonomy used by people with cervical spinal cord injury:A qualitative study

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    Purpose. To identify strategies used by people with high cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) to function autonomously. A multidimensional concept of autonomy was used, with four dimensions: independence, self-determination, participation and identification. Methods. Qualitative methods were used, involving literature study and semi-structured interviews with eight individuals with high SCI who had been discharged from the rehabilitation centre for several years and were members of a sports club. Results. Strategies for independence included making independent functioning a personal challenge and learning from others with SCI. Strategies for self-determination included keeping oneself informed, setting personal goals and being assertive. Strategies for participation were making challenges out of barriers, planning and organizing, asking and accepting help, and dealing with reactions from others. Strategies for identification involved taking life as it comes and focussing on positive aspects of life. Conclusions. Different strategies are necessary for different dimensions of autonomy. Some strategies seem contradictory in terms of their effects on different dimensions of autonomy. Patients can be made aware of strategies for autonomy during the rehabilitation phase

    The impact of changes in taste, smell, and eating behavior in children with cancer undergoing chemotherapy:A qualitative study

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    Background and aims: Taste changes are the third most common bothersome symptom during treatment in children with cancer. However, it is still unclear what the essence of these taste changes are, to what degree concomitant changes in sense of smell qualify this bothersome treatment symptom and how much of an impact these changes have on the life of children with cancer. The aim of this study was to explore characteristics of both taste and smell changes and to gain insight into the impact of these changes in children with cancer receiving chemotherapy. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were performed until data saturation was achieved in each age group (6–12, 13–17 years). This resulted in an in-depth description of taste and smell changes, including its impact on the life of 27 children with various cancer types receiving chemotherapy. Thematic analysis of interview data was performed. Results: Interview data could be grouped into three main themes, namely changes in (1) taste, (2) smell, and (3) eating behavior. As expected, most children reported experiencing taste and smell changes just after start of treatment, but changes varied greatly between children; that is, some reported changes in intensity (increased or decreased), whereas others reported different perceptions or preferences (from sweet to savory). Taste and smell changes (regardless of direction) negatively impacted quality of life, with these changes commonly described as “disappointing” or “frustrating.” Interestingly, particular chemotherapeutic agents were frequently mentioned regarding taste and smell changes, prompting sensory-specific coping strategies. Children's eating behavior changed in terms of alterations in food liking and appetite, sometimes due to chemosensory changes, but children also mentioned specific medication or hospital food being responsible for their altered eating behavior. Conclusions: Both taste and smell changes are common in children with cancer. The essence of these changes varies widely, but taste and smell changes are generally considered bothersome treatment symptoms. Ways to cope with taste or smell changes specifically were described by the children warranting further research and offering the opportunity for enhancing patient-centered care

    Do Changes in Welfare and Health Policy Affect Life Satisfaction of Older Citizens in Europe?

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    Objectives. Ageing of societies causes serious political concerns on well-being of old citizens and care for the (frail) old. These concerns increased with the economic crisis of 2008. In European countries policy measures were taken to deal with the consequences of this crisis. This study explores the possible effects of these measures on life satisfaction of older citizens. Methods. Life satisfaction was assessed through international surveys in 2007 and 2013 and changes in societal conditions, using eight indicators on demography, welfare, and health, are assessed in 31 European countries in 2006 and in 2014. Data are standardised and based on official, national surveys and statistics. Results. The former found that U-shape relationship between age and life satisfaction disappeared after the crisis. Negative changes in social protection and care arrangements, taken after the economic crisis, are related to low life satisfaction in old citizens. Conclusions. Various societal conditions deteriorated in 2014 as compared to 2006. Policy measures, taken due to the 2008 economic crisis, have changed societal conditions and affected life satisfaction of older citizens negatively. In countries with a rudimentary structure of health and welfare provisions old citizens could not cope with the imposed policy measures

    Prenatal diagnosis of isovaleric acidaemia by enzyme and metabolite assay in the first and second trimesters

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    Isovaleric acidaemia (IVA) is caused by a deficiency of isovaleryl CoA dehydrogenase. The diagnosis can be established biochemically by the demonstration of increased levels of isovalerylglycine (IVG) and 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid in urine and by the deficiency of incorporation of radiolabel from [14C]isovaleric acid in macromolecules in cultured fibroblasts. This paper reports a consecutive series of 24 prenatal diagnoses in pregnancies at high risk, using both methods-metabolite and indirect enzyme assay. Affected fetuses were diagnosed in four pregnancies: three in the second trimester and one recent case in the first trimester. The latter represents the first reported case of a first-trimester diagnosis of IVA by direct analysis of chorionic villi. We also report the first demonstration of strongly accumulated IVG in the amniotic fluid in the 12th week of an affected pregnancy

    Effect of an education and activation programme on functional limitations and patient-perceived recovery in acute and sub-acute shoulder complaints – a randomised clinical trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The education and activation programme (EAP) aims at coping with psychosocial determinants to prevent the development of chronic shoulder complaints (SCs). The effect of the EAP on functional limitations and patient-perceived recovery after 6 and 26 weeks is evaluated in a randomised clinical trial.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Patients with SCs present at rest or elicited by movement and lasting no longer than 3 months were allocated at random to either EAP as an addition to usual care (UC), or to UC only. Measurements were taken at baseline and after 6 and 26 weeks and were analysed by means of multilevel analysis for the group effect. EAP was administered by GPs or by an ambulant therapist (CDB). Patients in the UC group were given UC by their own GP.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Multilevel analysis failed to show a significant effect of the EAP on either functional limitations or patient-perceived recovery. Analysis showed coincidentally a relation between catastrophising at baseline and functional limitations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The EAP has no significant effect on the outcome of SCs after 6 and 26 weeks. The relation between catastrophising at baseline and functional limitations suggests that an intervention focusing specifically on catastrophising may be more successful in reducing functional limitations in the long term. Further research is however needed to evaluate the effect of catastrophising at baseline on the course of SCs.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN71777817</p