54 research outputs found

    Improved induction of anti-melanoma T cells by adenovirus-5/3 fiber modification to target human DCs

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    To mount a strong anti-tumor immune response, non T cell inflamed (cold) tumors may require combination treatment encompassing vaccine strategies preceding checkpoint inhibition. In vivo targeted delivery of tumor-associated antigens (TAA) to dendritic cells (DCs), relying on the natural functions of primary DCs in situ, represents an attractive vaccination strategy. In this study we made use of a full-length MART-1 expressing C/B-chimeric adenoviral vector, consisting of the Ad5 capsid and the Ad3 knob (Ad5/3), which we previously showed to selectively transduce DCs in human skin and lymph nodes. Our data demonstrate that chimeric Ad5/3 vectors encoding TAA, and able to target human DCs in situ, can be used to efficiently induce expansion of functional tumor-specific CD8⁺ effector T cells, either from a naïve T cell pool or from previously primed T cells residing in the melanoma-draining sentinel lymph nodes (SLN). These data support the use of Ad3-knob containing viruses as vaccine vehicles for in vivo delivery. "Off-the-shelf" DC-targeted Ad vaccines encoding TAA could clearly benefit future immunotherapeutic approaches

    Oncolytic Adenovirus ORCA-010 Activates Proinflammatory Myeloid Cells and Facilitates T Cell Recruitment and Activation by PD-1 Blockade in Melanoma

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    Immune checkpoint inhibitors have advanced the treatment of melanoma. Nevertheless, a majority of patients are resistant, or develop resistance, to immune checkpoint blockade, which may be related to prevailing immune suppression by myeloid regulatory cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME). ORCA-010 is a novel oncolytic adenovirus that selectively replicates in, and lyses, cancer cells. We previously showed that ORCA-010 can activate melanoma-exposed conventional dendritic cells (cDCs). To study the effect of ORCA-010 on melanoma-conditioned macrophage development, we used an in vitro co-culture model of human monocytes with melanoma cell lines. We observed a selective survival and polarization of monocytes into M2-like macrophages (CD14(+)CD80(-)CD163(+)) in co-cultures with cell lines that expressed macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Oncolysis of these melanoma cell lines, effected by ORCA-010, activated the resulting macrophages and converted them to a more proinflammatory state, evidenced by higher levels of PD-L1, CD80, and CD86 and an enhanced capacity to prime allogenic T cells and induce a type-1 T cell response. To assess the effect of ORCA-010 on myeloid subset distribution and activation in vivo, ORCA-010 was intratumorally injected and tested for T cell activation and recruitment in the human adenovirus nonpermissive B16-OVA mouse melanoma model. While systemic PD-1 blockade in this model in itself did not modulate myeloid or T cell subset distribution and activation, when it was preceded by i.t. injection of ORCA-010, this induced an increased rate and activation state of CD8 alpha(+) cDC1, both in the TME and in the spleen. Observed increased rates of activated CD8(+) T cells, expressing CD69 and PD-1, were related to both increased CD8 alpha(+) cDC1 rates and M1/M2 shifts in tumor and spleen. In conclusion, the myeloid modulatory properties of ORCA-010 in melanoma, resulting in recruitment and activation of T cells, could enhance the antitumor efficacy of PD-1 blockade.Peer reviewe

    Autophagosome-based strategy to monitor apparent tumor-specific CD8 T cells in patients with prostate cancer

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    The immune system plays an essential role in eradicating cancer in concert with various treatment modalities. In the absence of autologous tumor material, no standardized method exists to assess T cell responses against the many antigens that may serve as cancer rejection antigens. Thus, development of methods to screen for therapy-induced anti-tumor responses is a high priority that could help tailor therapy. Here we tested whether a tumor-derived antigen source called DRibbles®, which contain a pool of defective ribosomal products (DRiPs), long-lived and short-lived proteins (SLiPs) and danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), can be used to identify tumor-associated antigen (TAA)-specific responses in patients before or after immunotherapy treatment. Protein content, gene expression and non-synonymous – single nucleotide variants (ns-SNVs) present in UbiLT3 DRibbles were compared with prostate adenocarcinomas and the prostate GVAX vaccine cell lines (PC3/LNCaP). UbiLT3 DRibbles were found to share proteins, as well as match tumor sequences for ns-SNVs with prostate adenocarcinomas and with the cell lines PC3 and LNCaP. UbiLT3 DRibbles were used to monitor anti-tumor responses in patients vaccinated with allogeneic prostate GVAX. UbiLT3-DRibble-reactive CD8+ T-cell responses were detected in post-vaccine PBMC of 6/12 patients (range 0.85–22% of CD8+ cells) after 1 week in vitro stimulation (p = 0.007 vs. pre-vaccine). In conclusion, a cancer-derived autophagosome-enriched preparation, packaging over 100 proteins over-expressed in prostate cancer into microvesicles containing DAMPs, could be used to identify CD8+ T cells in peripheral blood from patients after prostate GVAX vaccination and may represent a general method to monitor anti-cancer T cell responses following immunotherapy

    High susceptibility of c-KIT+CD34+ precursors to prolonged doxorubicin exposure interferes with Langerhans cell differentiation in a human cell line model

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    As neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy schedules often consist of multiple treatment cycles over relatively long periods of time, it is important to know what effects protracted drug administration can have on the immune system. Here, we studied the long-term effects of doxorubicin on the capacity of dendritic cell (DC) precursors to differentiate into a particular DC subset, the Langerhans cells (LC). In order to achieve high telomerase activity as detected in hematological stem cells, precursor cells from the acute-myeloid leukemia (AML)-derived cell line MUTZ3 were stably transduced with human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) to facilitate their growth potential, while preventing growth, and drug-induced senescence, and preserving their unique capacity for cytokine-dependent DC and LC differentiation. The hTERT-MUTZ3 cells were selected with increasing concentrations of the anthracyclin doxorubicin. After 1–2 months of selection with 30–90 nM doxorubicin, the cells completely lost their capacity to differentiate into LC. This inhibition turned out to be reversible, as the cells slowly regained their capacity to differentiate after a 3- to 4-month drug-free period and with this became capable again of priming allogeneic T cells. Of note, the loss and gain of this capacity to differentiate coincided with the loss and gain of a subpopulation within the CD34+ proliferative compartment with surface expression of the stem cell factor receptor (SCF-R/CD117/c-Kit). These data are in favor of cytostatic drug-free intervals before applying autologous DC-based vaccination protocols, as specific DC precursors may need time to recover from protracted chemotherapy treatment and re-emerge among the circulating CD34+ hematopoietic stem and precursor cells

    Constitutively active GSK3 beta as a means to bolster dendritic cell functionality in the face of tumor-mediated immune suppression

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    In patients with cancer, the functionality of Dendritic Cells (DC) is hampered by high levels of tumor-derived suppressive cytokines, which interfere with DC development and maturation. Poor DC development can limit the efficacy of immune checkpoint blockade and in vivo vaccination approaches. Interference in intracellular signaling cascades downstream from the receptors of major tumor-associated suppressive cytokines like IL-10 and IL-6, might improve DC development and activation, and thus enhance immunotherapy efficacy. We performed exploratory functional screens on arrays consisting of >1000 human kinase peptide substrates to identify pathways involved in DC development and its inhibition by IL-10 or IL-6. The resulting alterations in phosphorylation of the kinome substrate profile pointed to glycogen-synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK3 beta) as a pivotal kinase in both DC development and suppression. GSK3 beta inhibition blocked human DC differentiation in vitro, which was accompanied by decreased levels of IL-12p70 secretion, and a reduced capacity for T cell priming. More importantly, adenoviral transduction of monocytes with a constitutively active form of GSK3 beta induced resistance to the suppressive effects of IL-10 and melanoma-derived supernatants alike, resulting in improved DC development, accompanied by up-regulation of co-stimulatory markers, an increase in CD83 expression levels in mature DC, and diminished release of IL-10. Moreover, adenovirus-mediated intratumoral manipulation of this pathway in an in vivo melanoma model resulted in DC activation and recruitment, and in improved immune surveillance and tumor control. We propose the induction of constitutive GSK3 beta activity as a novel therapeutic means to bolster DC functionality in the tumor microenvironment.Peer reviewe

    Immunotherapy Goes Local: The Central Role of Lymph Nodes in Driving Tumor Infiltration and Efficacy

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    Immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) has changed the therapeutic landscape of oncology but its impact is limited by primary or secondary resistance. ICB resistance has been related to a lack of T cells infiltrating into the tumor. Strategies to overcome this hurdle have so far focused on the tumor microenvironment, but have mostly overlooked the role of tumor-draining lymph nodes (TDLN). Whereas for CTLA-4 blockade TDLN have long since been implicated due to its perceived mechanism-of-action involving T cell priming, only recently has evidence been emerging showing TDLN to be vital for the efficacy of PD-1 blockade as well. TDLN are targeted by developing tumors to create an immune suppressed pre-metastatic niche which can lead to priming of dysfunctional antitumor T cells. In this review, we will discuss the evidence that therapeutic targeting of TDLN may ensure sufficient antitumor T cell activation and subsequent tumor infiltration to facilitate effective ICB. Indeed, waves of tumor-specific, proliferating stem cell-like, or progenitor exhausted T cells, either newly primed or reinvigorated in TDLN, are vital for PD-1 blockade efficacy. Both tumor-derived migratory dendritic cell (DC) subsets and DC subsets residing in TDLN, and an interplay between them, have been implicated in the induction of these T cells, their imprinting for homing and subsequent tumor control. We propose that therapeutic approaches, involving local delivery of immune modulatory agents for optimal access to TDLN, aimed at overcoming hampered DC activation, will enable ICB by promoting T cell recruitment to the tumor, both in early and in advanced stages of cancer

    The Immune Microenvironment in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: on Subsets and Subsites

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    Purpose: To understand why some patients respond to immunotherapy but many do not, a clear picture of the tumor microenvironment (TME) of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is key. Here we review the current understanding on the immune composition per HNSCC subsite, the importance of the tumor’s etiology and the prognostic power of specific immune cells. Recent Findings: Large cohort data are mostly based on deconvolution of transcriptional databases. Studies focusing on infiltrate localization often entail small cohorts, a mixture of HNSCC subsites, or focus on a single immune marker rather than the interaction between cells within the TME. Summary: Conclusions on the prognostic impact of specific immune cells in HNSCC are hampered by the use of heterogeneous or small cohorts. To move forward, the field should focus on deciphering the immune composition per HNSCC subsite, in powered cohorts and considering the molecular diversity in this disease