4 research outputs found

    Decadal variability 2010-2021 of zooplankton community at the Guadalquivir estuary (southern Spain)

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    A Long Term Ecological Research Program has been monitoring the Guadalquivir estuary meso- and macro- zooplankton community monthly since January 2010. As an important nursery area for many marine species (fish and crustacean) from the Gulf of Cadiz, whose juveniles and recruits depend on zooplankton as main prey, understanding how abiotic and biotic factors determine zooplankton community structure it´s necessary to unreveal recruitment variability. We sampled throughout the whole salinity gradient, 2 locations, the two diurnal ebb and flood tides during the new moon days using a 100 μm zooplankton net. Zooplankton community is mainly composed by copepods and mysids. While the exotic Acartia tonsa calanoid copepod is the most abundant specie by abundance, mysid Mesopodopsis slabberi contribute the most to total biomass, followed by mysids Rhopalophthalmus tartessicus and Neomysis integer. Other abundant groups were copepods Acartia bifilosa and Acartia clausii, Calanipeda aquaedulcis, Paracalanus parvus and Acanthocyclops robustus, cladocera Pleopis polyphaemoides, together with veliger larvae, Cirripeda and Ostracoda, and Decapoda larvae. About total biodiversity, we found up to 183 species, estimating a total mean Species Richness of 9.7 (minimum 2- maximum 33) per sample, mean Shannon Diversity Index 3.27, Pielou Evenness 0.50 and mean betadiversity 0.630. While copepods area abundant form fall to early spring and summer, mysid density peaks form spring to fall. Community is structured by Salinity, but Temperature, Turbidity, Nitrate, Nitrite and Dissolved Oxygen were also important variables leading spatio-temporal variability, mainly when estuary recives high freshwater discharges from Alcala del Río dam

    Population dynamic and trophic position of mysid community demonstrates its key role for nursery function in a temperate estuary

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    Guadalquivir Estuary is a main nursery ground of marine goal species for Gulf of Cadiz fisheries. It is a well-mixed temperate estuary with horizontal salinity gradient and clear seasonal water temperature trend. Mysid community with Mesopodopsis slabberi, Neomysis integer and Rhopalophthalmus tartessicus make up to over 80% of total macrofauna biomass in the estuary. Life history, population structure, secondary production, trophic level and community spatio-temporal dynamic were unravelled combining analysis of long term 16y monitoring data with 2y of in depth population analysis and trophic biomarker studies. Results show a key trophic role in food web, a seasonal trend showing density peaks ( 23, 3 and 6 mg/m3, respectively) in spring-summer and winter marine coastward migration. Despite being euryhaline, the three species of showed unevenly spatial distribution, being salinity the variable best explaining structure changes of mysid assemblage. Inter- and intra-specific euryhalinity differences both for prey and predators seem to determine the entire spatial estuarine community distribution. High secondary production (P/B rates 38.2, 10.3 and 10.7) and food web studies confirm key role of mysids transferring energy up to juveniles (fish and crustaceans) arriving yearly in spring to their nursery area