205 research outputs found

    Hoe praat ons oor/van God? Teologiese idiome van gister en van vandag

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    How does one speak about/of God? Theological idioms in the past and presentIn transitional stages theologians perceive that proven theories, models or methods become dated and that the specific idiom in which one speaks about/of God is not relevant any more. A theological idiom is defined as an example of the dicta used in the framework of a particular conceptual frame of reference. By presenting an overview of selected theological idioms used in the past and present, this article aims to propose a model for practising theology today. The selection is made from the following conceptual frames of reference: Middle Platonism, Aristotelian Scholasticism, Reformed Theology, Reformed Orthodoxy, Liberal Theology, Dialectical Theology and Contextual Theology

    Die Wirkungsgeschichte van Matteus 28:16—20 in die volkskerklike apostolaat

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    The Wirkungsgeschichte of Matthew 28:16—20 in volkschristianisierende missiologyThis article enters into the matter of the paradox particularism - universalism as a Matthaean issue in a theology of mission which aims at the christianiazation of the own people internally, but is also directed externally towards the nations. The emphasis is laid on the history of interpretation of Matthew 28: 1 6 -2 0 in the missiology of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Church, one of the three Afrikaans Churches in South Africa, and the missiology of the German pioneer, Gustav Warneck. Modern viewpoints of Matthaean scholars have also been considered. Matthew 28: 16—20 does not have a gentile mission as such in mind and a volkskirchliche missiology can conditionally be validated. However, a national exclusive membership of a peoples' church is not the offset of these two suppositions

    Aspekte van die sosiale stratifikasie van die ontwikkelde agrariese samelewing in die eerste-eeuse Palestina

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    Aspects of the social stratification of the advanced agrarian society in first-century Palestine This article focuses on aspects of the social stratification of first-century Palestine as an advanced agrarian society. It aims at describing the interaction between different classes and the sociological origins of groups like the Pharisees and the Sadducees. The relation between the elites and the peasant communities is interpreted in terms of, inter alia, the social location of villages surrounding cities. It is argued that in an advanced agrarian society the family as institution should still be regarded as the dominant ideology. However, political and economic pressures caused a weakening of the influence of the extended family on the surface.

    Die gelykenisse van Jesus: Klassifikasie en prediking

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    The parables of Jesus: Classification and preachingThe article's intention is to evaluate with a pragmatic aim in mind, viz preaching, the traditional classification of Jesus' parables under the headings similitude, parable-proper, example-story and cdlegory. The basic thesis is that the emphasis should be on metaphoricity, narrativity and reference rather than the above-mentioned formgeschichtliche categories. The story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10: 25-37 serves as a case study

    Vertellersperspektief en die 'temporele' funksie van die Ou Testament in die Matteusevangelie

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    Narrative point of view and the 'temporal' function of the Old Testament in Matthew's gospel.Matthew's gospel has to be read as a narration with an ongoing plot and an open-end. The plot commences with a reference to the Old Testament and ends with an allusion to the consummation of time at the parousia. And yet, the Old Testament isn't present in Matthew as a separate timesequence. The plot consists of two explicit time-sequences, namely the 'time' of the pre-Easter Jesus-commisiion and the 'time' of the post-Easter disciples-commission. To convey his point of view to his readers, the narrator creates a correlative analogy between these two sequences. The thesis of the article is that the Old Testament functions as the point of analogy and continuity between the two commissions. This thesis is debated against the purport of the various opinions of Matthaean scholars concerning the 'temporal' function of the Old Testament

    The love for the poor neighbour: in memory of her (Matthew 26:6-13)

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    This article explores whether the Jesus saying in Matthew 26:11 contradicts the Jesus tradition about caring for the poor. Bultmann’s understanding of the love commandment provides a key to understanding this perceived paradox. On theone hand, in Matthew 19:21, Jesus says that to love one’s neighbour as required by the Decalogue means, in practice, to dispose of all riches and give the money to the poor. On the other hand, in Matthew 26:6-14, Jesus pardons the woman whoanointed him with precious oil in anticipation of his burial rather than selling the oil and giving the money to the poor. The article argues that the Matthean Jesus did not contradict himself. Bultmann’s insight into the dialectical dissociation between Christian ethics and Stoic ethics supports the coherence in Jesus’ view on caring for the poor.O Galilee, Galilee, thou hatest the law; thine end will be to have to deal with brigands (Yohanan ben Zakkai, y. Shabbat 15d, quoted in Elliott-Binns 1956:74)

    Die etiek van Jesus in die lig van Q: Eskatologies of wysheidsteologies begrond?

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    The ethics of Jesus in the light Q: Rooted in eschatology or sapiental theology?Traditionally the sayings of Jesus with an ethical content were seen within the dialectics of ethics-eschatology. The imminent end, coupled with the unavoidable judgment, provides the grounds for the ethical call. The ethics of Jesus were regarded as a direct consequence of his eschatological message regarding the imminent kingdom of God This paper poses the question of whether this previous uncritical standpoint can be regarded as still valid today in the light of recent research on the hypothetical document Q. It has come to light that no sign of eschatological thinking can be found in the oldest and, therefore, most original layer of Q - indicating that Jesus probably did not think in an eschatological way. The question should be asked if another hypothesis is not to be sought - such as to regard Jesus radical ethical demands as a continuation of the Jewish sapiental tradition, but with the explicit intent to postulate an inclusive ethics. This paper’s aim is to hint in the direction of the latter, rather than to advocate it fully

    Teorie en praktyk van die prediking in die Nuwe Testament: Walter Schmithals aan die woord

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    Theory and practice of preaching according to Walter SchmithalsThis article aims to show what Schmithals understands by preaching and how he applies it in practice. The argument develops along the following lines:» Theory of preaching.» Meditation: reception of the sermon.» TTie role of the historical situation of the biblical text in preaching. It will be shown that Schmithals succeeds in creating unity between historical and dogmatic exegesis

    Die ‘postmoderne’ stempel in die Nuwe-Testamentiese hermeneutiek

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    The ‘postmodern’ stamp in the hermeneutics of the New TestamentIt is often said that we are presently in a ‘postmodern’ age. A variety of definitions and opinions are given on what ‘postmodernism’ should be. Writers and interprete rs increasingly call themselves ‘postmodern’. This study focuses on reader-response criticism and the political reading o f texts as two approaches which make themselves known as ‘postmodern’. In the light of the insights of Jacques Derrida the essence of postmodernism is put into words and the claims of our being ‘postmodern’ are weighed up

    A narratological analysis of Mark 12:1-12: The plot of the Gospel of Mark in a nutshell

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    The purpose of this article is an attempt to read Mark 12: 1-12 in terms of the plot of the Gospel. Firstly a brief survey is given of the development of the term plot from Aristotle to the present, thereafter an own methodological point of departure concerning plot is formulated in order to study the plot of Mark. The conclusions made from this are used to indicate how Mark 12: 1-12 fits into the plot of the Gospel and what functional role it plays in the development of the plot. The conclusion reached is that Mark 12: 1-12 contains the plot of Mark in a nutshell
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