592 research outputs found

    The occurrence of planets and other substellar bodies around white dwarfs using K2

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    The majority of stars both host planetary systems and evolve into a white dwarf (WD). To understand their post-main-sequence (PMS) planetary system evolution, we present a search for transiting/eclipsing planets and other Substellar Bodies (SBs) around WDs using a sample of 1148 WDs observed by K2. Using transit injections, we estimate the completeness of our search. We place constraints on the occurrence of planets and substellar bodies around white dwarfs as a function of planet radius and orbital period. For short-period (P<40P < 40 days) small objects, from asteroid-sized to 1.5 R1.5 \ R_{\oplus}, these are the strongest constraints known to date. We further constrain the occurrence of hot Jupiters (<1.5%< 1.5 \%), habitable zone Earth-sized planets (<28%< 28 \%), and disintegrating short-period planets (12%\sim 12 \%). We blindly recovered all previously known eclipsing objects, providing confidence in our analysis, and make all light curves publicly available.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    Orbital Circularization of Hot and Cool Kepler Eclipsing Binaries

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    The rate of tidal circularization is predicted to be faster for relatively cool stars with convective outer layers, compared to hotter stars with radiative outer layers. Observing this effect is challenging, because it requires large and well-characterized samples including both hot and cool stars. Here we seek evidence for the predicted dependence of circularization upon stellar type, using a sample of 945 eclipsing binaries observed by Kepler. This sample complements earlier studies of this effect, which employed smaller samples of better-characterized stars. For each Kepler binary we measure ecosωe\cos\omega based on the relative timing of the primary and secondary eclipses. We examine the distribution of ecosωe\cos\omega as a function of period for binaries composed of hot stars, cool stars, and mixtures of the two types. At the shortest periods, hot-hot binaries are most likely to be eccentric; for periods shorter than 4 days, significant eccentricities occur frequently for hot-hot binaries, but not for hot-cool or cool-cool binaries. This is in qualitative agreement with theoretical expectations based on the slower dissipation rates of hot stars. However, the interpretation of our results is complicated by the largely unknown ages and evolutionary states of the stars in our sample.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap


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    Solar system planets move on almost circular orbits. In strong contrast, many massive gas giant exoplanets travel on highly elliptical orbits, whereas the shape of the orbits of smaller, more terrestrial, exoplanets remained largely elusive. Knowing the eccentricity distribution in systems of small planets would be important as it holds information about the planet's formation and evolution, and influences its habitability. We make these measurements using photometry from the Kepler satellite and utilizing a method relying on Kepler's second law, which relates the duration of a planetary transit to its orbital eccentricity, if the stellar density is known. Our sample consists of 28 bright stars with precise asteroseismic density measurements. These stars host 74 planets with an average radius of 2.6 R[subscript ⊕]. We find that the eccentricity of planets in Kepler multi-planet systems is low and can be described by a Rayleigh distribution with σ = 0.049 ± 0.013. This is in full agreement with solar system eccentricities, but in contrast to the eccentricity distributions previously derived for exoplanets from radial velocity studies. Our findings are helpful in identifying which planets are habitable because the location of the habitable zone depends on eccentricity, and to determine occurrence rates inferred for these planets because planets on circular orbits are less likely to transit. For measuring eccentricity it is crucial to detect and remove Transit Timing Variations (TTVs), and we present some previously unreported TTVs. Finally transit durations help distinguish between false positives and true planets and we use our measurements to confirm six new exoplanets.European Research Council (ASTERISK Project Grant Agreement 267864

    A deep radius valley revealed by Kepler short cadence observations

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    The characteristics of the radius valley, i.e. an observed lack of planets between 1.5 and 2 Earth radii at periods shorter than about 100 d, provide insights into the formation and evolution of close-in planets. We present a novel view of the radius valley by refitting the transits of 431 planets using Kepler 1-min short cadence observations, the vast majority of which have not been previously analysed in this way. In some cases, the updated planetary parameters differ significantly from previous studies, resulting in a deeper radius valley than previously observed. This suggests that planets are likely to have a more homogeneous core composition at formation. Furthermore, using support vector machines, we find that the radius valley location strongly depends on orbital period and stellar mass and weakly depends on stellar age, with ∂ log Rp,valley /∂ log P = −0.096+0.023 −0.027, ∂ log Rp,valley /∂ log M = 0.231+0.053 −0.064, and ∂ log Rp,valley /∂ log (age) = 0.033+0.017 −0.025. These findings favour thermally driven mass-loss models such as photoevaporation and core-powered mass-loss, with a slight preference for the latter scenario. Finally, this work highlights the value of transit observations with a short photometric cadence to precisely determine planet radii, and we provide an updated list of precisely and homogeneously determined parameters for the planets in our sample

    The occurrence rate of giant planets orbiting low-mass stars with TESS

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    We present a systematic search for transiting giant planets (0.6RJRP2.0RJ0.6 R_{\rm J} \leq R_{\rm P} \leq 2.0 R_{\rm J}) orbiting nearby low-mass stars (M0.71MM_{*} \leq 0.71 M_{\odot}). The formation of giant planets around low-mass stars is predicted to be rare by the core-accretion planet formation theory. We search 91,306 low-mass stars in the TESS 30 minute cadence photometry detecting fifteen giant planet candidates, including seven new planet candidates which were not known planets or identified as TOIs prior to our search. Our candidates present an exciting opportunity to improve our knowledge of the giant planet population around the lowest mass stars. We perform planet injection-recovery simulations and find that our pipeline has a high detection efficiency across the majority of our targeted parameter space. We measure the occurrence rates of giant planets with host stars in different stellar mass ranges spanning our full sample. We find occurrence rates of 0.137±0.0970.137 \pm 0.097% (0.088 - 0.26 MM_{\odot}), 0.108±0.0830.108 \pm 0.083% (0.26 - 0.42 MM_{\odot}), and 0.29±0.150.29 \pm 0.15% (0.42 - 0.71 MM_{\odot}). For our full sample (0.088 - 0.71 MM_{\odot}) we find a giant planet occurrence rate of 0.194±0.0720.194 \pm 0.072%. We have measured for the first time the occurrence rate for giant planets orbiting stars with M0.4MM_{*} \leq 0.4 M_{\odot} and we demonstrate this occurrence rate to be non-zero. This result contradicts currently accepted planet formation models and we discuss some possibilities for how these planets could have formed.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Understanding and predicting cadence effects in the characterization of exoplanet transits

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    We investigate the effect of observing cadence on the precision of radius ratio values obtained from transit light curves by performing uniform Markov chain Monte Carlo fits of 46 exoplanets observed by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) in multiple cadences. We find median improvements of almost 50 per cent when comparing fits to 20 and 120 s cadence light curves to 1800 s cadence light curves, and of 37 per cent when comparing 600 s cadence to 1800 s cadence. Such improvements in radius precision are important, for example, to precisely constrain the properties of the radius valley or to characterize exoplanet atmospheres. We also implement a numerical information analysis to predict the precision of parameter estimates for different observing cadences. We tested this analysis on our sample and found that it reliably predicts the effect of shortening observing cadence with errors in the predicted percentage precision of 0.5  per cent\lesssim0.5~{{\ \rm per\ cent}} for most cases. We apply this method to 157 TESS objects of interest that have only been observed with 1800 s cadence to predict the precision improvement that could be obtained by reobservations with shorter cadences and provide the full table of expected improvements. We report the 10 planet candidates that would benefit the most from reobservations at short cadence. Our implementation of the information analysis for the prediction of the precision of exoplanet parameters, Prediction of Exoplanet Precisions using Information in Transit Analysis, is made publicly available