5 research outputs found

    Variability in the Drug Response of M4 Muscarinic Receptor Knockout Mice During Day and Night Time

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    Mice are nocturnal animals. Surprisingly, the majority of physiological/pharmacological studies are performed in the morning, i.e., in the non-active phase of their diurnal cycle. We have shown recently that female (not male) mice lacking the M4 muscarinic receptors (MR, M4KO) did not differ substantially in locomotor activity from their wild-type counterparts (C57Bl/6Tac) during the inactive period. Increased locomotion has been shown in the active phase of their diurnal cycle. We compared the effects of scopolamine, oxotremorine, and cocaine on locomotor response, hypothermia and spontaneous behavior in the open field arena in the morning (9:00 AM) and in the evening (9:00 PM) in WT and in C57Bl/6NTac mice lacking the M4 MR. Furthermore, we also studied morning vs. evening densities of muscarinic, GABAA, D1-like, D2-like, NMDA and kainate receptors using autoradiography in the motor, somatosensory and visual cortex and in the striatum, thalamus, hippocampus, pons, and medulla oblongata. At 9:00 AM, scopolamine induced an increase in motor activity in WT and in M4KO, yet no significant increase was observed at 9:00 PM. Oxotremorine induced hypothermic effects in both WT and M4KO. Hypothermic effects were more evident in WT than in M4KO. Hypothermia in both cases was more pronounced at 9:00 AM than at 9:00 PM. Cocaine increased motor activity when compared to saline. There was no difference in behavior in the open field between WT and M4KO when tested at 9:00 AM; however, at 9:00 PM, activity of M4KO was doubled in comparison to that of WT. Both WT and KO animals spent less time climbing in their active phase. Autoradiography revealed no significant morning vs. evening difference. Altogether, our results indicate the necessity of comparing morning vs. evening drug effect

    Biased M1-muscarinic-receptor-mutant mice inform the design of next-generation drugs

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    Cholinesterase inhibitors, the current frontline symptomatic treatment for Alzheimerā€™s disease (AD), are associated with low efficacy and adverse effects. M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (M1 mAChRs) represent a potential alternate therapeutic target; however, drug discovery programs focused on this G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) have failed, largely due to cholinergic adverse responses. Employing novel chemogenetic and phosphorylation-deficient, G protein-biased, mouse models, paired with a toolbox of probe molecules, we establish previously unappreciated pharmacologically targetable M1 mAChR neurological processes, including anxiety-like behaviors and hyper-locomotion. By mapping the upstream signaling pathways regulating these responses, we determine the importance of receptor phosphorylation-dependent signaling in driving clinically relevant outcomes and in controlling adverse effects including ā€˜epileptic-likeā€™ seizures. We conclude that M1 mAChR ligands that promote receptor phosphorylation-dependent signaling would protect against cholinergic adverse effects in addition to driving beneficial responses such as learning and memory and anxiolytic behavior relevant for the treatment of AD

    Autoradiography of 3H-pirenzepine and 3H-AFDX-384 in Mouse Brain Regions: Possible Insights into M1, M2, and M4 Muscarinic Receptors Distribution

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    Autoradiography helps to determine the distribution and density of muscarinic receptor (MR) binding sites in the brain. However, it relies on the selectivity of radioligands toward their target. 3H-Pirenzepine is commonly believed to label predominantly M1MR, 3H-AFDX-384 is considered as M2MR selective ligand. Here we performed series of autoradiographies with 3H-AFDX-384 (2 nM), and 3H-pirenzepine (5 nM) in WT, M1KO, M2KO, and M4KO mice to address the ligand selectivity. Labeling with 3H-pirenzepine using M1KO, M2KO, and M4KO brain sections showed the high selectivity toward M1MR. Selectivity of 3H-AFDX-384 toward M2MR varies among brain regions and depends on individual MR subtype proportion. All binding sites in the medulla oblongata and pons, correspond to M2MR. In caudate putamen, nucleus accumbens and olfactory tubercle, 77.7, 74.2, and 74.6% of 3H-AFDX-384 binding sites, respectively, are represented by M4MR and M2MR constitute only a minor portion. In cortex and hippocampus, 3H-AFDX-384 labels almost similar amounts of M2MR and M4MR alongside significant amounts of non-M2/non-M4MR. In cortex, the proportion of 3H-AFDX-384 binding sites attributable to M2MR can be increased by blocking M4MR with MT3 toxin without affecting non-M4MR. PD102807, which is considered as a highly selective M4MR antagonist failed to improve the discrimination of M2MR. Autoradiography with 3H-QNB showed genotype specific loss of binding sites. In conclusion: while 3H-pirenzepine showed the high selectivity toward M1MR, 3H-AFDX-384 binding sites represent different populations of MR subtypes in a brain-region-specific manner. This finding has to be taken into account when interpreting the binding data

    The M<sub>2</sub> muscarinic receptors are essential for signaling in the heart left ventricle during restraint stress in mice

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    <div><p></p><p>We hypothesized that muscarinic receptors (MRs) in the heart have a role in stress responses and thus investigated changes in MR signaling (gene expression, number of receptors, adenylyl cyclase (AC), phospholipase C (PLC), protein kinase A and C (PKA and PKC) and nitric oxide synthase [NOS]) in the left ventricle, together with telemetric measurement of heart rate (HR) in mice (wild type [WT] and M<sub>2</sub> knockout [KO]) during and after one (1R) or seven sessions (7R) of restraint stress (seven mice per group). Stress decreased M<sub>2</sub> MR mRNA and cell surface MR in the left ventricle in WT mice. In KO mice, 1R, but not 7R, decreased surface MR. Similarly, AC activity was decreased in WT mice after 1R and 7R, whereas in KO mice, there was no change. PLC activity was also decreased after 1R in WT and KO mice. This is in accord with the concept that cAMP is a key player in HR regulation. No change was found with stress in NOS activity. Amount of AC and PKA protein was not changed, but was altered for PKC isoenzymes (PKCĪ±, Ī², Ī³, Ī· and Īµ (increased) in KO mice, and PKCĪ¹ (increased) in WT mice). KO mice were more susceptible to stress as shown by inability to compensate HR during 120ā€‰min following repeated stress. The results imply that not only M<sub>2</sub> but also M<sub>3</sub> are involved in stress signaling and in allostasis. We conclude that for a normal stress response, the expression of M<sub>2</sub> MR to mediate vagal responses is essential.</p></div