2 research outputs found

    How could home-based joint activities contribute to children’s development? : The impact of participatory art and reading activities on the caregiver-infant relationship, prosociality and the development of self-concept = Hogyan járulhatnak hozzá az otthoni játékos, kreatív foglalkozások a gyermekek pszichológiai fejlődéséhez? : A kreatív alkotói tevékenység és az olvasás hatása a szülőgyerek kapcsolatra, a proszociális viselkedés alakulására, illetve az én-tudatosság fejlődésére

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    The goal of the current study is to give a theoretical background on how home based activities could have positively affect children’s development, with a special focus on the following areas: attachment relationship, prosociality and the development of selfawareness. The study discusses the main theoretical backgrounds of each potential predictors (namely: attachment, prosociality and development of self-concept) and their relations with participative arts and reading. = Jelen tanulmány célja, hogy egy elméleti összefoglalót adjon, arról, hogyan járulhatnak hozzá az otthoni keretek között végzett, játékos, alkotó folyamatok és az olvasás a gyermekek pszichológiai fejlődéséhez. A tanulmányban részletes bemutatásra kerülnek az egyes prediktorokhoz (kötődés, proszociális viselkedés, én tudatosság) tartozó elméletek, valamint kapcsolatuk a kreatív tevékenységekkel és az olvasással

    Self-determined profiles of academic motivation

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    This study was designed to investigate academic motivation profiles (and their similarity) among distinct samples of high school students. Anchored in recent developments in Self-Determination Theory, these profiles were estimated while considering both the global and specific nature of academic motivation. The role of fixed mindsets and parenting practices in predicting profile membership, as well as the implications of these profiles for several outcomes, were also investigated. Latent profile analysis revealed five profiles (Weakly Motivated, Moderately Motivated, Self-Determined, Amotivated, and Strongly Motivated) differing in global and specific motivation levels. Fixed mindset was weakly related to profile membership, perceived parenting practices showed more widespread associations. Most desirable outcomes were linked to the Self-Determined and Strongly Motivated profiles, and then to the Moderately Motivated, Weakly Motivated, and Amotivated profiles