18 research outputs found
The development of a high temperature air heating unit based on the external combustion for integrated gasification combined cycle
The use of heat exchangers in which the working fluid before it enters the gas turbine is warmed up due to the combustion of fuel or other external energy source still is of interest due to the method advantages: the cleanliness of the working fluid; the ability of using cheap low-grade fuels, solar or nuclear energy; the possibility of usage of the closed gas turbine cycle with gases as a working medium, that having favorable thermodynamic properties in comparison with air (helium, CO2, etc.). However, the desired gas turbine inlet temperature - up to 1,700°C currently not possible to provide even with the use of ceramic heat exchangers. Therefore, this technology is now being considered for solid-fuel micro gas turbines operating at temperatures 900-1100°C, or for reducing the need for fuel gas of integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) by the means of preheating of cyclic air as well as it is considered for solar gas turbines and gas turbines on the basis of high temperature gas cooled reactors. The authors have developed a metal recuperative air heater based on external combustion of coal for 500 MW IGCC power plant, the development of IGCC is determined by the Energy strategy of Russia for the period up to 2030. In the article the thermal characteristics of the heating of pressurized air, the possible options for the configuration of the heater, heat-resistant materials suitable for its production and the results of the feasibility calculations are considered. In conclusion the design that allows to significantly reduce the specific capital and operating costs for the heater compared to the classic one is proposed. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.This work was carried out at the Ural Federal University and financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project number 14-19-00524).Comsol;GazEcos;Interenergo;Russian Foundation for Basic Researc
System of special water purification of spent fuel pool of Beloyarskaya Nuclear Power Plant unit BN-800
The problem of handling of nuclear power plants radioactive waste has a significant impact on the development of the nuclear industry. An effective strategy for radioactive nuclear waste should include all of the components and processing steps since waste formation to final disposal, taking into account emergence of new technologies, changes in the regulatory authority requirements, the duration of the time intervals separating the initial and the final stage of the treatment process [1]. After unloading from the reactor core spent fuel assemblies are placed in spent fuel pools for removing of residual heat and radioactivity decrease. After one year of conditioning radioactivity is reduced by about 10 times, after 5 years radioactivity is reduced by 35 times. After 3-5 years the spent fuel assemblies can be transported to a centralized storage facility or sent for processing. However, the maintaining of necessary conditions for temporary storage is an important task that is carried out by special water treatment systems of the spent fuel pool [2]. This article considers the water purification system of the spent fuel pool of the Beloyarskaya nuclear power plant, which is the flagship of Russian nuclear power industry. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd
Selecting the design of a high-temperature air heater for integrated gasification combined cycle
High temperature heat exchangers are needed in various energy technologies to increase their efficiency. The article is devoted to the optimization of the design of a high-temperature air heater used in the integrated gasification combined cycle plant, developed in Ural Federal University. In the air heater, air with a pressure of 2 MPa after the cycle compressor is heated by coal combustion to a temperature of 900°C before it is fed into the combustion chamber of a gas turbine. The air heater is developed as a pulverized coal fired boiler with air heating in tubular radiation-convection heating surfaces. The authors propose a new design of a high-temperature air heater, which allows reducing the cost of the expensive high-temperature part of the unit 1.8 times compared with the previous design. A computer simulation of the boiler section is carried out to verify the proposed design solutions. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
Technical and economical evaluation of a high-temperature air heater intended for integrated gasification combined cycle unit
In this paper the costs of creating a high-temperature air heater intended for the integrated gasification combined cycle unit developed by the authors are estimated and are compared with a steam boiler. The results can be used not only in the further development of the integrated gasification combined cycle plant under consideration, but also be interesting to specialists involved in the development of various high-temperature heat exchangers. © 2020 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.The study was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (No. 14-08-01226)
The article discusses the prospects for the development of power units for ultra-supercritical steam parameters, analyzes their advantages and limitations, and examines the current state of the development in Russia.В статье рассматриваются перспективы разработок энергоблоков на ультрасверхкритические параметры пара, анализируются их преимущества и ограничения, рассматривается текущее состояние разработок в России
Bolivia and it’s Path to Become the Energy Heart of South America
This article discusses some big changes that Bolivia has had in the energy sector since Evo Morales took power in 2006 and all the challenges and opportunities which now the country has trying to make Bolivia "the energy heart of south America”
Trends and Perspectives of the Energy Sector in Latin America
This article discusses the perspectives of the development of the energy sector in Latin America, based on its own internal demand and the potential of the region
The article considers the possible materials to create high temperature air heater for integrated gasification combined cycle. The comparison of domestic and foreign heat resistant alloys was made andit was found that domestic ones have higher strength after 105hours. So using nickel based alloys the compressed air with a pressure of 2 MPa can be heated up to 900-950°С
The need to increase energy efficiency in Russia is substantiated in the article. Existing problems are discussed and possible solutions are suggested.В статье обосновывается необходимость повышения эффективности использования энергии в России. Рассматриваются имеющиеся проблемы и предлагаются возможные пути их решения
Design Features of Nuclear Power Plants
Уровень безопасности и надежности эксплуатации атомных электростанций определяется качеством разработки проектной документации на объектах использования атомной энергии. Именно на этапе проектирования закладываются основы безопасной эксплуатации АЭС, поэтому главные задачи этого этапа — наиболее полный учет в проекте требований и принципов безопасности, использование систем безопасности и таких проектных решений, при которых реакторная установка обладает свойствами самозащищенности.The level of safety and reliability of operation of nuclear power plants is determined by the quality of development of design documentation for the construction and installation of equipment at nuclear power facilities. It is at the design stage that the foundations for the safe operation of nuclear power plants are laid, therefore, the main tasks of this stage are the most complete consideration of safety requirements and principles in the project, the use of safety systems and design solutions in which the reactor plant has self-protection properties