18 research outputs found

    Environmental and Climate Technologies

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    Environmental and Climate Technologies provides a forum for information on innovation, research and development in the areas of environmental science, energy resources and processes, innovative technologies and energy efficiency. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts which cover the range of topic from bioeconomy, sustainable technology development, life cycle analysis, eco-design, climate change mitigation, innovative solutions for pollution reduction to resilience, the energy efficiency of buildings, secure and sustainable energy supplies. The Journal ensures international publicity for original research and innovative work

    Teaching Environmental Management Systems to Environmental Engineering Science Students

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    The aim of the course “Environmental Management Systems” is to provide theoretical and applied knowledge and understanding of strategies, forces and current approaches to management of environmental development in companies and other organizations. A strong driving force in this field is the international standards ISO 14001 and Eco-management and Audit Scheme EMAS

    Internal Audit of the Environmental Management System ISO 14001 in a Higher Educational Establishment

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    The internal audit of an environmental management system is necessary to determine whether the EMS conforms to planned arrangements, has been properly implemented and is maintained. Conducting an internal audit at planned intervals new improvements can be made every time to develop and improve the EMS over time. EMS could be highly advantageous form of teaching in every higher educational establishment because the course provides training and practical skills in the use of different tools used in planning and assessment of EMS of an organisation

    Introduction of the Environmental Management System ISO 14001 in a Higher Educational Establishment

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    Vides pārvaldības sistēma ir organizācijas vadības sistēma vides aspektu pārvaldībai. Vides pārvaldības sistēmas ieviešana parāda, ka organizācija praktiski rīkojas, rūpējoties par uzņēmuma ietekmes uz vidi samazināšanu. Šādas sistēmas ieviešana augstākās izglītības iestādēs nozīmē resursu/materiālu efektīvāku lietojumu, komunikācijas sistēmas sakārtošanu un pats svarīgākais – vides izglītības kvalitātes paaugstināšanu. Institūcijā notiek nepārtraukta attīstība un citu iestāžu/organizāciju vidū tā parādās kā pozitīvais tēls, jo seko līdzi dažādu likumdošanas un saistošo prasību izpildei, kā arī nepārtraukti uzlabo savu darbību, ko prasa starptautiskais standarts ISO 14001. VPS ir labākais ilgtspējīgas attīstības instruments, un tās pamatā, ir kolektīvā sadarbība, jo tikai vienojoties kopīgā darbībā un ejot uz vienu mērķi, to izdodas sasniegt – procesā ir jābūt iesaistītam ikvienam organizācijas darbiniekam, šajā gadījumā (augstākās izglītības iestādēs) – arī studentiem

    Analysis of Role of Nongovernmental Organisations in Educating on Climate Change Issues

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    Climate change mitigation can be achieved through different instruments: policy requirements, technological approaches to minimise greenhouse gases, forestry and agriculture management, educational and public information activities and others. Government, funding institutions, enterprises, educational institutions and nongovernmental organisations play the crucial role in developing and operating the awareness raising platform focused on climate change mitigation. Objective of the research is to evaluate the role of six non-governmental organisations (NGOs), providing different services - consultative, financial, educational, in raising capacities in climate change field in Latvia: Environmental Consultative Council, Environmental Science and Education Council, Climate Change Financing Instrument Consultative Council, Tri-Party Cooperation Sub-Council on Environmental Protection Issues, Climate Technology Cooperation Council. The evaluation is structured used the main evaluation criteria widely used for assessment of the success of activities and projects in the field of the environment. These criteria are: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. Within the research a combined evaluation methodology based on a criteria-based evaluation and multicriteria decision making technique TOPSIS is developed for determination of the most effective activities of the nongovernmental organisations for climate change mitigation

    Tiro tehnologiju ieviesanas izpete

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    Available from Latvian Academic Library / LAL - Latvian Academic LibrarySIGLEMinistry of Economy of the Republic of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)LVLatvi

    Cleaner Production in Biowaste Management

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    The article provides a study concerning possible future developments in biowaste management in Latvia. In the article, planning, impact assessment, implementation and improvement phases, as well as the required improvements in these phases of biowaste management, are analysed. Furthermore, the problems faced by the energy sector with resource scarcity and energy dependency from one side, and waste management and EU targets for the minimization of the deposited amount of biodegradable waste, from the other side, are presented. The possibility to reach targets concerning the share of renewable energy sources through the use of biowaste resources and possible impacts are presented. During the research, principles of cleaner production in waste management were created and analyzed. The paper presents new assessment methods based on a combination of different methods for the impact assessment of the waste sector, and the implementation of cleaner production in biowaste managemen

    Oglekļa dioksīda emisiju mineralizācija Latvijas ģeoloģiskajos rezervuāros

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    Darbs ir vērsts uz oglekļa oksīdu emisiju noglabāšanas rezervuāru izpēti, īpašu uzmanību veltot iespējamiem pasākuma vides draudiem, kā arī emisiju mineralizācijas un migrācijas iespēju analīze ģeoloģiskās uzglabāšanas laikā

    Vides tehnoloģijas

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    Vides aizsardzības problēmu risinājums meklējams sistēmās, tehnoloģijās, iekārtās, kuru darbināšana ļauj mazināt ietekmi uz vidi. Vides tehnoloģiju izstrāde un ieviešana ir viens no svarīgākajiem darbības virzieniem, lai nodrošinātu sabiedrības ilgtspējīgu attīstību. Vides piesārņojuma prognozes pirmsākumos ir būtiski izvēlēties optimālo vides tehnoloģiju. Grāmatā apkopoti vides tehnoloģiju izvērtēšanas un pārvaldības jautājumi un inženiertehniskie risinājumi

    Combined Management Response and Indicator Based Evaluation Methodology of Implementation of Environmental Management System at a Wood Pellet Production Industry

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    The sustainability factor stimulates industrial companies to be more active and precise in improving their performance in relation to energy efficiency and environmental indicators. One of the more widespread practises to introduce improvements in energy efficiency and environmental processes is through energy and environmental management systems. However until now, there is a lack of practical studies assessing the role of environmental management systems to the improvement of the wood fuel production sector. The paper describes an analysis of lessons learned based on combined management-response and indicator based analysis on the introduction of environmental management systems (in accordance with ISO 14001:2004) in an industrial enterprise. The chosen subject of this research is a wood pellet production facility located in Latvia. The research can be applied as a guideline for entrepreneurs in wood fuel production industry that are planning to implement energy and environmental management systems