8 research outputs found

    International Brazilian Journal of Urology

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    p. 747-751Fistula between arteries and the gastrointestinal tract are a rare cause of gastrointestinal bleeding, but potentially fatal. The recognition and early treatment can modify the patient prognosis. We report a case of a patient with previous surgery for seminoma of cryptorchidic testicle, with massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding. We performed the diagnosis and surgical treatment of the fistula between left external iliac artery and sigmoid colon. The patient was successfully treated by external iliac artery ligation and left colectomy

    Mortality within the endovascular treatment in Stanford type B aortic dissections

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    BACKGROUND: Endovascular stent-graft repair of aortic dissections is a relatively new procedure, and although apparently less invasive, the efficacy and safety of this technique have not been fully established. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate mortality in patients with complicated Stanford type B aortic dissections submitted to endovascular treatment. METHODS: Clinical, anatomical, imaging and autopsy data of 23 patients with complicated type B aortic dissections were reviewed from November 2004 to October 2007. The main indications for transluminal thoracic stent-grafting included: persistent pain in spite of medical therapy, signs of distal limb ischemia, signs of aortic rupture, progression of aneurismal dilation of the descending aorta during follow-up (defined as a diameter &gt; 50 mm) and the diameter of descending thoracic aorta of 40mm or larger at the onset of aortic dissection. Data were analyzed statistically; all p-values were two-tailed and differences < 0.05 were considered to indicate statistical significance. Continuous variables were expressed as mean (± SD), and medians were compared by the Student's t test. Differences in categorical variables between the groups were analyzed by the Chi-square or Fisher's exact test. RESULTS: The procedure presented primary technical success in 82.6% of patients. Four patients (17.4%) had an incomplete proximal entry seal. Three patients (13%) died within 30 days of the procedure and eight patients (34.8%) died after 30 days. CONCLUSION: Endovascular correction of complicated Stanford type B aortic dissections is a feasible and effective treatment option

    Analysis of the effects of the interruption of the flow in the normal arterial endothelium morphology and the correlation with the ischemia duration in rabbits Análise dos efeitos da interrupção do fluxo na morfologia do endotélio arterial normal e a correlação com o tempo de isquemia em coelhos

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    The study of acute arterial insufficiency of the extremities is an area of continuing interest and investigation, in light of the possible effects stemming from the evolution of the disease and the necessity for urgent treatment. PURPOSE: To analyze the effects of the interruption of the flow in the normal arterial endothelium morphology and correlate them with the ischemia duration. METHODS: We submitted 30 rabbits to the ligature of the right external iliac artery for 6 hours or 72 hours and observed specific morphological variables in the endothelial layer under optical and electronic microscopy. RESULTS: In the optical microscopic study, no statistically significant results were observed in the comparison of the groups (control, 6- and 72-hour occlusions). With electronic microscopy, we observed alterations in the endothelial cell characterized by hyperpigmentation with detachment of the same from its bed; and rupture of the internal elastic membrane, with the exposure of the subendothelial material to the vascular lumen. CONCLUSIONS: The optical microscopy was not an effective method for the determination of endothelial morphological alterations; the electronic microscopy allowed us to observe initial signals of the endothelial cell and layer injury 72 hours after the interruption of the normal arterial flow.<br>O estudo da insuficiência arterial aguda das extremidades é área de contínuo interesse e investigação, devido possibilidade de eventos catastróficos na evolução da doença e necessidade de tratamento cirúrgico de urgência. OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos da ausência de fluxo na morfologia do endotélio arterial normal segmentar, como os que ocorrem na porção imediatamente abaixo da área que sofreu oclusão arterial aguda por embolia, e correlacioná-los com o tempo de isquemia. MÉTODOS: Submetemos 30 coelhos à ligadura da artéria ilíaca externa direita por 6 horas ou 72 horas e observamos variáveis morfológicas específicas da camada endotelial e subendotelial à microscopia óptica e eletrônica. RESULTADOS: No estudo da microscopia óptica não foram observados resultados estatisticamente significativos quando comparados os grupos entre si. À microscopia eletrônica observamos alterações da célula endotelial caracterizadas por hiperpigmentação e descolamento da mesma de seu leito, e ruptura da membrana elástica interna com exposição do material subendotelial para luz vascular. CONCLUSÕES: A microscopia óptica não foi procedimento eficaz na determinação das alterações morfológicas endoteliais estudadas; a microscopia eletrônica mostrou sinais iniciais de sofrimento da célula endotelial e lesão da camada endotelial após 72 horas da ausência de fluxo na artéria normal

    A Prospective Study Evaluating Patterns of Responses to the Caprini Score to Prevent Venous Thromboembolism After Interventional Treatment for Varicose Veins

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    Background Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a critical complication of varicose vein treatments. The Caprini Score (CS) is an established tool to assess patients’ VTE risks. One disadvantage is the number of questions required, some of them referring to a low incidence of disease, even lower in patients seeking an elective procedure. These elements take time and may result in filling errors if the CS is not filled out by a properly trained health professional. Objective To establish a response pattern in CS, with emphasis on questions that usually have a negative answer and propose a simpler adaptative digital version without changing the original structure of the tool. Methods two hundred and twenty-seven patients in the pre-surgical treatment of varicose veins were enrolled prospectively and submitted to the CS evaluation. Results The pattern of dichotomous responses could be divided arbitrarily into four subgroups considering the percentage of positive responses: none (11 items), less than 3% (13 items), between 3% and 20% (5 items), and more than 20% (8 items). Of the 12 CS questions related to illnesses that occurred in the last month, ten had had no responses, and 2 were less than 3%. Conclusion There is a pattern in the CS responses of patients with an indication of surgical treatment of varicose veins. Many of the CS questions are not helpful in this scenario and may result in filling errors performed by untrained providers. An adaptative version of the CS might benefit varicose veins surgery VTE risk stratificatio

    Via de acesso para exposição ampla da coluna toracolombar anterior (T10 -L5)

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    Os autores descrevem técnica de via de acesso para exposição ampla da coluna toracolombar anterior (T10 -L5) a que foi submetida uma série de cem pacientes com indicação cirúrgica para correção de diversas doenças da coluna. A partir das estruturas envolvidas, são analisados e comentados os tempos operatórios pertinentes bem como as complicações transoperatórias e pós-operatórias decorrentes da técnica. Sugere-se que a técnica de acesso proposta seja utilizada quando adequada à doença a cuja correção se destina, independente da área de comprometimento clinicamente objetivada