116 research outputs found

    Dispositioned to resist? The Big Five and resistance to dissonant political views

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    This article investigates how dispositional traits influence the way individuals resist dissonant political information. More specifically, the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and four resistance strategies (avoidance, contesting, empowering, and negative affect) is explored. To do so, we present new evidence from an online survey where respondents from a Swiss sample (N = 936) were exposed to tailored counterarguments on a political initiative and asked to report their cognitive, behavioral, and affective responses to the dissonant messages. Against our expectations, openness is unrelated to any type of resistance. Conscientious individuals are hesitant to actively resist counter-attitudinal political information, while extraverts defend their attitude by bolstering their preexisting views. Similar tendencies are visible for agreeable respondents, although these individuals primarily rely on avoiding dissonant political content. Individuals high on neuroticism exhibit a strong emotional response by reacting with negative affect to oppositional political information

    Let Me Think about It: Cognitive Elaboration and Strategies of Resistance to Political Persuasion

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    Although individuals have a whole arsenal of resistance strategies they can use to defend their attitude against a persuasion attack, resistance has often been simplified to counterarguing. This article advances previous studies by considering eight distinct resistance strategies and analyzing their isolated and intertwined effect on attitude change. We further ask under what circumstances they work most effectively to curb persuasion by looking at their interaction with cognitive elaboration – that is, thoughtful and systematic processing. We present new evidence from a study conducted on a sample of American citizens (N = 528) and use a quasi-experimental design in which respondents are exposed to a tailored counterargument on a political issue. The results suggest that it is not the use of the isolated resistance strategies but that it is overall effort individuals put into resisting that help them to defend their attitude, and that this effect is reinforced by cognitive elaboration

    Hepatocellular Carcinoma Intrinsic Cell Death Regulates Immune Response and Prognosis

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    Ablative and locoregional treatment options, such as radiofrequency, ethanol injection, microwave, and cryoablation, as well as irreversible electroporation, are effective therapies for early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Hepatocyte death caused by ablative procedures is known to increase the release of tumor-associated antigen, thus enhancing tumor immunogenicity. In addition, the heat ablative resection induces pyroptotic cell death accompanied by the release of several inflammatory factors and immune-related proteins, including damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), heat shock proteins (HSPs), ficolin 3, ATP, and DNA/RNA, which potentiate the antitumoral immune response. Surgical approaches that enhance tumor necrosis and reduce hypoxia in the residual liver parenchyma have been shown to increase the disease-free survival rate by reducing the host’s immunosuppressive response. Scalpel devices and targeted surgical approach combined with immune-modulating drugs are an interesting and promising area to maximize therapeutic outcomes after HCC ablation

    Relationship between microstructure, mechanical and magnetic properties of pure iron produced by laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) in the as-built and stress relieved conditions

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    In the present work, the mechanical and magnetic properties of pure iron manufactured by laser-powder bed fusion (L-PBF) were investigated both in the as-built (AB) and stress relieved (HT) conditions, with the aim of elucidating their relationship with the microstructure and evaluating whether and to what extent it can be suitable for industrial applications. The L-PBF process was optimized to obtain high density, crack-free components. Specimens for microstructural analyses, tensile and magnetic tests were manufactured under the optimized conditions and tested both in the as-built and annealed (850 degrees C for 1 h, to relieve the residual stresses) conditions. Tensile tests showed high tensile strength in both AB and HT conditions (larger than those of conventionally produced pure iron), with higher ductility and lower strength after stress relieving. The magnetic study indicated a not optimal magnetic softness although the heat treatment enhanced the permeability and reduced the coercivity with respect to the as-built condition. The high mechanical strength and low magnetic softness came from the very fine grain size (about 5 mu m) of L-PBF pure iron. Instead, the improvement of magnetic softness and ductility after heat treatment was attributed to the possible reduction of dislocation density and consequent stress relief. The results indicated the possibility to achieve a considerably high mechanical strength, in pure iron manufactured by L-PBF, although the fine grain size limits its magnetic softness

    Selective targeting of proteins by hybrid polyoxometalates: Interaction between a bis-biotinylated hybrid conjugate and avidin

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    The Keggin-type polyoxometalate [\u3b3-SiW10O36]8 12 was covalently modified to obtain a bis-biotinylated conjugate able to bind avidin. Spectroscopic studies such as UV-vis, fluorimetry, circular dichroism, coupled to surface plasmon resonance technique were used to highlight the unique interplay of supramolecular interactions between the homotetrameric protein and the bis-functionalized polyanion. In particular, the dual recognition mechanism of the avidin encompasses (i) a complementary electrostatic association between the anionic surface of the polyoxotungstate and each positively charged avidin subunit and (ii) specific host-guest interactions between each biotinylated arm and a corresponding pocket on the tetramer subunits. The assembly exhibits peroxidase-like reactivity and it was used in aqueous solution for L-methionine methyl ester oxidation by H2O2. The recognition phenomenon was then exploited for the preparation of layer-by-layer films, whose structural evolution was monitored in situ by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. Finally, cell tracking studies were performed by exploiting the specific interactions with a labeled streptavidin

    Hepatic Progression of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma constitutes an ongoing challenge due to its incidence and the high mortality related to it. Metastases and relapses even after treatment with curative intent are frequent. The liver is a common site for metastasis because of anatomical and physiological reasons; its position, the particular cytoarchitecture and cell populations, and its peculiar immunologic properties make it a favorable and tolerogenic environment; the inflammatory state with the alteration of the cytoarchitecture and of the microcirculation associated, and gut permeability and metabolic diseases cause the development of a liable site to progression of hepatocellular carcinoma. The difficulty of always having an early diagnosis and the lack of therapeutic flow charts including the biological behavior of the disease have always posed great difficulties in dealing with it. In the last few years, mechanisms involved in the onset and in the progression of hepatocellular carcinoma are a source of great interest; the discovery of pro-neoplastic and pro-metastatic conditions, of the cross talk between organs and cells, of progression pathways, of mediators contributing to proliferation and metastasis and of modular check points, of miRNAs, all potential therapeutic targets, appear promising for transforming the approach to hepatocarcinoma, offering the possibility of earlier diagnosis, customizable treatments, and better outcome

    Biocompatible Collagen Paramagnetic Scaffold for Controlled Drug Release

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    A porous collagen-based hydrogel scaffold was prepared in the presence of iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs) and was characterized by means of infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The hybrid scaffold was then loaded with fluorescein sodium salt as a model compound. The release of the hydrosoluble species was triggered and accurately controlled by the application of an external magnetic field, as monitored by fluorescence spectroscopy. The biocompatibility of the proposed matrix was also tested by the MTT assay performed on 3T3 cells. Cell viability was only slightly reduced when the cells were incubated in the presence of the collagen-NP hydrogel, compared to controls. The economicity of the chemical protocol used to obtain the paramagnetic scaffolds as well as their biocompatibility and the safety of the external trigger needed to induce the drug release suggest the proposed collagen paramagnetic matrices for a number of applications including tissue engeneering and drug delivery

    Exercise respiratory cycle time components in patients with emphysema

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    Background: We have recently demonstrated that in patients with COPD the severity of emphysema (E) measured by high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) correlated with: ratio VTpeak/FEV1; VE/VCO2 slope and PETCO2 values at peak exercise. The aim of this study was to further investigate if exercise respiratory cycle time components correlated with % of E measured by HRCT. Method: Twelve patients (age = 65±8 yrs; FEV1 = 55±17%pred) with moderate to severe E (quantified by lung HRCT as % voxels < −910 HU) were evaluated with incremental cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET). Mean inspiratory time (TiM), mean total respiratory cycle time (TtotM), mean expiratory time during exercise (TeM) and mean expiratory time during the last third of exercise (TeM-end), has been calculated. Results: Both TeM and TeM-end had a good linear correlation with % of E (r = 0,61; p = 0,004 and r = 0,63; p = 0,003). Moreover, by dividing the patients in two groups based on the % of E (>50% and <50%), we observed that patients with higher % of E had longer TeM (TeM: 1,72±0,26sec vs 1,34±0,27sec, p = 0,005) and TeM-end. A good linear correlation has been observed also between TeM and PETCO2 and VE/VCO2 (r = 0,64; p = 0,002 and r = 0,7; p = 0,0005). TeM did not correlated with resting lung function values or inspiratory capacity (IC). Conclusion: The data confirm that distinct physiologic response pattern can be detected at CPET in these patients

    Two-dimensional gel proteome reference map of human small intestine

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The small intestine is an important human organ that plays a central role in many physiological functions including digestion, absorption, secretion and defense. Duodenal pathologies include, for instance, the ulcer associated to Helicobacter Pylori infection, adenoma and, in genetically predisposed individuals, celiac disease. Alterations in the bowel reduce its capability to absorb nutrients, minerals and fat-soluble vitamins. Anemia and osteopenia or osteoporosis may develop as a consequence of vitamins malabsorption. Adenoma is a benign tumor that has the potential to become cancerous. Adult celiac disease patients present an overall risk of cancer that is almost twice than that found in the general population. These disease processes are not completely known.</p> <p>To date, a two dimensional (2D) reference map of proteins expressed in human duodenal tissue is not yet available: the aim of our study was to characterize the 2D protein map, and to identify proteins of duodenal mucosa of adult individuals without duodenal illness, to create a protein database. This approach, may be useful for comparing similar protein samples in different laboratories and for the molecular characterization of intestinal pathologies without recurring to the use of surgical material.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The enrolled population comprised five selected samples (3 males and 2 females, aged 19 to 42), taken from 20 adult subjects, on their first visit at the gastroenterology unit for a suspected celiac disease, who did not turn to be affected by any duodenal pathology after gastrointestinal and histological evaluations. Proteins extracted from the five duodenal mucosal specimens were singly separated by 2D gel electrophoresis. After image analysis of each 2D gel, 179 protein spots, representing 145 unique proteins, from 218 spots tested, were successfully identified by MALDI-TOF ms analysis. Normalized volumes, for each protein, have been reported for every gel. Proteins have been grouped according to their biological/metabolic functions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study represents to date the first detailed and reproducible 2D protein map of human duodenum. Spots identifications, reported in a database, will be helpful to identify the variability in protein expression levels, in isoforms expression, or in post-translational modifications associated to pathology or to a therapy.</p
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