34 research outputs found

    Possible In Situ Formation of Uranus and Neptune via Pebble Accretion

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    The origin of Uranus and Neptune is still unknown. In particular, it has been challenging for planet formation models to form the planets in their current radial distances within the expected lifetime of the solar nebula. In this paper, we simulate the in situ formation of Uranus and Neptune via pebble accretion and show that both planets can form within ∼3 Myr at their current locations, and have final compositions that are consistent with the heavy element to H–He ratios predicted by structure models. We find that Uranus and Neptune could have been formed at their current locations. In several cases a few earth masses (M⊕) of heavy elements are missing, suggesting that Uranus and/or Neptune may have accreted ∼1–3 M⊕ of heavy elements after their formation via planetesimal accretion and/or giant impacts

    A low accretion efficiency of planetesimals formed at planetary gap edges

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    Observations and models of giant planets indicate that such objects are enriched in heavy elements compared to solar abundances. The prevailing view is that giant planets accreted multiple Earth masses of heavy elements after the end of core formation. Such late solid enrichment is commonly explained by the accretion of planetesimals. Planetesimals are expected to form at the edges of planetary gaps, and here we address the question of whether these planetesimals can be accreted in large enough amounts to explain the inferred high heavy element contents of giant planets. We performed a series of N-body simulations of the dynamics of planetesimals and planets during the planetary growth phase, taking gas drag into account as well as the enhanced collision cross section caused by the extended envelopes. We considered the growth of Jupiter and Saturn via gas accretion after reaching the pebble isolation mass and we included their migration in an evolving disk. We find that the accretion efficiency of planetesimals formed at planetary gap edges is very low: less than 10% of the formed planetesimals are accreted even in the most favorable cases, which in our model corresponds to a few Earth masses. When planetesimals are assumed to form beyond the feeding zone of the planets, extending to a few Hill radii from a planet, accretion becomes negligible. Furthermore, we find that the accretion efficiency increases when the planetary migration distance is increased and that the efficiency does not increase when the planetesimal radii are decreased. Based on these results, we conclude that it is difficult to explain the large heavy element content of giant planets with planetesimal accretion during the gas accretion phase. Alternative processes most likely are required, such as accretion of vapor deposited by drifting pebbles

    In Celiac Disease, a Subset of Autoantibodies against Transglutaminase Binds Toll-Like Receptor 4 and Induces Activation of Monocytes

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    BACKGROUND: Celiac disease is a small intestine inflammatory disorder with multiple organ involvement, sustained by an inappropriate immune response to dietary gluten. Anti-transglutaminase antibodies are a typical serological marker in patients with active disease, and may disappear during a gluten-free diet treatment. Involvement of infectious agents and innate immunity has been suggested but never proven. Molecular mimicry is one of the mechanisms that links infection and autoimmunity. METHODS AND FINDINGS: In our attempt to clarify the pathogenesis of celiac disease, we screened a random peptide library with pooled sera of patients affected by active disease after a pre-screening with the sera of the same patients on a gluten-free diet. We identified a peptide recognized by serum immunoglobulins of patients with active disease, but not by those of patients on a gluten-free diet. This peptide shares homology with the rotavirus major neutralizing protein VP-7 and with the self-antigens tissue transglutaminase, human heat shock protein 60, desmoglein 1, and Toll-like receptor 4. We show that antibodies against the peptide affinity-purified from the sera of patients with active disease recognize the viral product and self-antigens in ELISA and Western blot. These antibodies were able to induce increased epithelial cell permeability evaluated by transepithelial flux of [(3)H] mannitol in the T84 human intestinal epithelial cell line. Finally, the purified antibodies induced monocyte activation upon binding Toll-like receptor 4, evaluated both by surface expression of activation markers and by production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show that in active celiac disease, a subset of anti-transglutaminase IgA antibodies recognize the viral protein VP-7, suggesting a possible involvement of rotavirus infection in the pathogenesis of the disease, through a mechanism of molecular mimicry. Moreover, such antibodies recognize self-antigens and are functionally active, able to increase intestinal permeability and induce monocyte activation. We therefore provide evidence for the involvement of innate immunity in the pathogenesis of celiac disease through a previously unknown mechanism of engagement of Toll-like receptor 4

    Nusinersen mitigates neuroinflammation in severe spinal muscular atrophy patients

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    Background: Neuroinflammation contributes to the onset and progression of neurodegenerative diseases, but has not been specifically investigated in patients affected by severe and milder forms of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Methods: In this two-center retrospective study, we investigated signatures of neuroinflammation in forty-eight pediatric male and female SMA1 (n = 18), male and female SMA2 (n = 19), and female SMA3 (n = 11) patients, as well as in a limited number of male and female non-neurological control subjects (n = 4). We employed a Bio-Plex multiplex system based on xMAP technology and performed targeted quantitative analysis of a wide range of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines (chemokines, interferons, interleukins, lymphokines and tumor necrosis factors) and neurotrophic factors in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of the study cohort before and after Nusinersen treatment at loading and maintenance stages. Results: We find a significant increase in the levels of several pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-2, IL-8, IL-12, IL-17, MIP-1α, MCP-1, and Eotaxin) and neurotrophic factors (PDGF-BB and VEGF) in the CSF of SMA1 patients relative to SMA2 and SMA3 individuals, who display levels in the range of controls. We also find that treatment with Nusinersen significantly reduces the CSF levels of some but not all of these neuroinflammatory molecules in SMA1 patients. Conversely, Nusinersen increases the CSF levels of proinflammatory G-CSF, IL-8, MCP-1, MIP-1α, and MIP-1β in SMA2 patients and decreases those of anti-inflammatory IL-1ra in SMA3 patients. Conclusions: These findings highlight signatures of neuroinflammation that are specifically associated with severe SMA and the neuro-immunomodulatory effects of Nusinersen therapy

    The Deposition of Heavy Elements in Giant Protoplanetary Atmospheres: The Importance of Planetesimal–Envelope Interactions

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    In the standard model for giant planet formation, the planetary growth begins with accretion of solids, followed by a buildup of a gaseous atmosphere as more solids are accreted and, finally, by rapid accretion of gas. The interaction of the solids with the gaseous envelope determines the subsequent planetary growth and the final internal structure. In this work we simulate the interaction of planetesimals with a growing giant planet (proto-Jupiter) and investigate how different treatments of the planetesimal–envelope interaction affect the heavy-element distribution and the inferred core mass. We consider various planetesimal sizes and compositions, as well as different ablation and radiation efficiencies and fragmentation models. We find that in most cases the core reaches a maximum mass of ~2 M ⊕. We show that the value of the core's mass mainly depends on the assumed size and composition of the solids, while the heavy-element distribution is also affected by the fate of the accreted planetesimals (ablation/fragmentation). Fragmentation, which is found to be important for planetesimals >1 km, typically leads to enrichment of the inner part of the envelope, while ablation results in enrichment of the outer atmosphere. Finally, we present a semianalytical prescription for deriving the heavy-element distribution in giant protoplanets

    Advances in Giant Planet Formation Theory

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    Giant Planet Formation Models with a Self-consistent Treatment of the Heavy Elements

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    We present a new numerical framework to model the formation and evolution of giant planets. The code is based on the further development of the stellar evolution toolkit Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics. The model includes the dissolution of the accreted planetesimals/pebbles, which are assumed to be made of water ice, in the planetary gaseous envelope, and the effect of envelope enrichment on the planetary growth and internal structure is computed self-consistently. We apply our simulations to Jupiter and investigate the impact of different heavy-element and gas accretion rates on its formation history. We show that the assumed runaway gas accretion rate significantly affects the planetary radius and luminosity. It is confirmed that heavy-element enrichment leads to shorter formation timescales due to more efficient gas accretion. We find that with heavy-element enrichment Jupiter's formation timescale is compatible with typical disks' lifetimes even when assuming a low heavy-element accretion rate (oligarchic regime). Finally, we provide an approximation for the heavy-element profile in the innermost part of the planet, providing a link between the internal structure and the planetary growth history

    Su alcuni casi di rimozione obbligata di implantoprotesi: riflessioni cliniche ed implicazioni medico-legali

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    Gli A.A., rilevata la relativa carenza di studi e di ricerca in ordine ai problemi medico-legali posti dalla implantologia dentaria, presentano una casistica di rimozioni obbligate di impianti ricorsi alla loro osservazione in parte per motivazioni di ordine clinico ed in parte per finalità di tipo peritale. Analizzano per ciascun caso i motivi di insuccesso della tecnica e prendo spunto dall’esperienza considerata prospettano le più frequenti cause di errori giuridicamente rilevante nell’attività implantologica. Si soffermano sulle indicazioni che legittimano il ricorso alla metodica, specificandone anche le controindicazioni. Sottolineano inoltre, per la validità del consenso alla terapia, l’inderogabile necessità ad una rigorosa ed esauriente attività di informativa al paziente sulla metodica da intraprendere, trattandosi di interventi gravati dalla probabilità di esiti non favorevoli, anche con effetti peggiorativi. Prospettano, infine, le ipotesi di danno relativo all’insuccesso della metodica, suggerendo criteri di valutazione