4 research outputs found

    Anthocyanins and flavan-3-ols from grapes and wines of Vitis vinifera cv. Cesanese d'Affile

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the amount of some potential health-promoting phenols in the grape of Vitis vinifera cv. Cesanese d'Affile and in wines made from these grapes. The analyses were performed using HPLC/DAD/MS. The accumulation of anthocyanins in the skin and flavan-3-ols in the seed was determined at different stages of ripening of the grape (i.e. green, veraison, middle stage of ripening, and complete ripening). Thirteen anthocyanins were identified in the skin at all stages of ripening, except the green stage. With regard to flavan-3-ols, (+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin, and (-)-epicatechin gallate were detected in all of the seed samples. The highest (+)-catechin content was found in the seeds of the green grape (2 mg g(-1) DW), whereas in the seeds from the completely ripe grape the content was more than ten times lower. The highest catechin content in the seed was correlated with the lowest anthocyanin content in the skin. The wines produced in the years 2004 and 2005 showed, at wavelengths of 520 and 280 nm, almost identical quali-quantitative chromatographic profiles, with high concentrations of anthocyanin 3-O-glucosides, low concentrations of acylated anthocyanins, and trace amounts of (+)-catechin and (-)-epicatechin

    Polymyxin-B hemoperfusion in septic patients: analysis of a multicenter registry

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    Background: In 2010, the EUPHAS 2 collaborative group created a registry with the purpose of recording data from critically ill patients suffering from severe sepsis and septic shock treated with polymyxin-B hemoperfusion (PMX-HP) for endotoxin removal. The aim of the registry was to verify the application of PMX-HP in the daily clinical practice. Methods: The EUPHAS 2 registry involved 57 centers between January 2010 and December 2014, collecting retrospective data of 357 patients (297 in Europe and 60 in Asia) suffering from severe sepsis and septic shock caused by proved or suspected infection related to Gram negative bacteria. All patients received atleast one cycle of extracorporeal endotoxin removal by PMX-HP. Results: Septic shock was diagnosed in 305 (85.4\ua0%) patients. The most common source of infection was abdominal (44.0\ua0%) followed by pulmonary (17.6\ua0%). Gram negative bacteria represented 60.6\ua0% of the pathogens responsible of infection. After 72\ua0h from the first cycle of PMX-HP, some of the SOFA score components significantly improved with respect to baseline: cardiovascular (2.16\ua0\ub1\ua01.77 from 3.32\ua0\ub1\ua01.29, p\ua0<\ua00.0001), respiratory (1.95\ua0\ub1\ua00.95 from 2.40\ua0\ub1\ua01.06, p\ua0<\ua00.001) and renal (1.84\ua0\ub1\ua01.77 from 2.23\ua0\ub1\ua01.62, p\ua0=\ua00.013). Overall 28-day survival rate was 54.5\ua0% (60.4\ua0% in abdominal and 47.5\ua0% in pulmonary infection). Patients with abdominal infection treated with PMX-HP within 24\ua0h from the diagnosis of septic shock had a 28-day survival rate of 64.5\ua0%. Patients showing a significantly cardiovascular improvement after PMX-HP had a 28-survival rate of 75\ua0% in comparison to the 39\ua0% of patients who did not (p\ua0<\ua00.001). Cox regression analysis found the variation of cardiovascular, respiratory and coagulation SOFA to be independent covariates for 28-day survival. In European patients were observed a higher 28-day (58.8 vs. 34.5\ua0%, p\ua0=\ua00.003), ICU (59 vs. 36.7\ua0%, p\ua0=\ua00.006) and hospital survival rate (53.2 vs. 35\ua0%, p\ua0=\ua00.02) than in Asian patients. However, the two populations were highly heterogeneous in terms of source of infection and severity scores at admission. Conclusion: The EUPHAS 2 is the largest registry conducted outside Japan on the clinical use of PMX-HP in septic patients. Data analysis confirmed the feasibility of PMX-HP to treat septic patients in daily clinical practice, showing clinical benefits associated with endotoxin removal without significant adverse events related to the extracorporeal technique. \ua9 2016, The Author(s)