9 research outputs found

    Interaction Between The MEC1-Dependent DNA Synthesis Checkpoint And G1 Cyclin Function In Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

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    The completion of DNA synthesis in yeast is monitored by a checkpoint that requires MEC1 and RAD53. Here we show that deletion of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae G1 cyclins CLN1 and CLN2 suppressed the essential requirement for MEC1 function. Wild-type levels of CLN1 and CLN2, or overexpression of CLN1, CLN2, or CLB5, but not CLN3, killed mec1 strains. We identified RNR1, which encodes a subunit of ribonucleotide reductase, as a high-copy suppressor of the lethality of mec1 GAL1-CLN1. Northern analysis demonstrated that RNR1 expression is reduced by CLN1 or CLN2 overexpression. Because limiting RNR1 expression would be expected to decrease dNTP pools, CLN1 and CLN2 may cause lethality in mec1 strains by causing initiation of DNA replication with inadequate dNTPs. In contrast to mec1 mutants, MEC1 strains with low dNTPs would be able to delay S phase and thereby remain viable. We propose that the essential function for MEC1 may be the same as its checkpoint function during hydroxyurea treatment, namely, to slow S phase when nucleotides are limiting. In a cln1 cln2 background, a prolonged period of expression of genes turned on at the G1-S border, such as RNR1, has been observed. Thus deletion of CLN1 and CLN2 could function similarly to overexpression of RNR1 in suppressing mec1 lethality

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    Mutations In RAD27 Define A Potential Link Between G₁ Cyclins And DNA Replication

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    The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has three G1 cyclin (CLN) genes with overlapping functions. To analyze the functions of the various CLN genes, we examined mutations that result in lethality in conjunction with loss of cln1 and cln2. We have isolated alleles of RAD27/ERC11/YKL510, the yeast homolog of the gene encoding flap endonuclease 1, FEN-1.cln1 cln2 rad27/erc11 cells arrest in S phase; this cell cycle arrest is suppressed by the expression of CLN1 or CLN2 but not by that of CLN3 or the hyperactive CLN3-2. rad27/erc11 mutants are also defective in DNA damage repair, as determined by their increased sensitivity to a DNA-damaging agent, increased mitotic recombination rates, and increased spontaneous mutation rates. Unlike the block in cell cycle progression, these phenotypes are not suppressed by CLN1 or CLN2. CLN1 and CLN2 may activate an RAD27/ERC11-independent pathway specific for DNA synthesis that CLN3 is incapable of activating. Alternatively, CLN1 and CLN2 may be capable of overriding a checkpoint response which otherwise causes cln1 cln2 rad27/erc11 cells to arrest. These results imply that CLN1 and CLN2 have a role in the regulation of DNA replication. Consistent with this, GAL-CLN1 expression in checkpoint-deficient, mec1-1 mutant cells results in both cell death and increased chromosome loss among survivors, suggesting that CLN1 overexpression either activates defective DNA replication or leads to insensitivity to DNA damage

    Roles Of Hof1p, Bni1p, Bnr1p, And Myo1p In Cytokinesis In Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

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    Cytokinesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae occurs by the concerted action of the actomyosin system and septum formation. Here we report on the roles of HOF1,BNI1, and BNR1 in cytokinesis, focusing on Hof1p. Deletion of HOF1 causes a temperature-sensitive defect in septum formation. A Hof1p ring forms on the mother side of the bud neck in G2/M, followed by the formation of a daughter-side ring. Around telophase, Hof1p is phosphorylated and the double rings merge into a single ring that contracts slightly and may colocalize with the actomyosin structure. Upon septum formation, Hof1p splits into two rings, disappearing upon cell separation. Hof1p localization is dependent on septins but not Myo1p. Synthetic lethality suggests that Bni1p and Myo1p belong to one functional pathway, whereas Hof1p and Bnr1p belong to another. These results suggest that Hof1p may function as an adapter linking the primary septum synthesis machinery to the actomyosin system. The formation of the actomyosin ring is not affected by bni1Δ, hof1Δ, orbnr1Δ. However, Myo1p contraction is affected bybni1Δ but not by hof1Δ orbnr1Δ. In bni1Δ cells that lack the actomyosin contraction, septum formation is often slow and asymmetric, suggesting that actomyosin contraction may provide directionality for efficient septum formation

    Immobile Myosin-II Plays A Scaffolding Role During Cytokinesis In Budding Yeast

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    Core components of cytokinesis are conserved from yeast to human, but how these components are assembled into a robust machine that drives cytokinesis remains poorly understood. In this paper, we show by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analysis that Myo1, the sole myosin-II in budding yeast, was mobile at the division site before anaphase and became immobilized shortly before cytokinesis. This immobility was independent of actin filaments or the motor domain of Myo1 but required a small region in the Myo1 tail that is thought to be involved in higher-order assembly. As expected, proteins involved in actin ring assembly (tropomyosin and formin) and membrane trafficking (myosin-V and exocyst) were dynamic during cytokinesis. Strikingly, proteins involved in septum formation (the chitin synthase Chs2) and/or its coordination with the actomyosin ring (essential light chain, IQGAP, F-BAR, etc.) displayed Myo1-dependent immobility during cytokinesis, suggesting that Myo1 plays a scaffolding role in the assembly of a cytokinesis machine

    Active Learning Outside The Classroom: Implementation And Outcomes Of Peer-Led Team-Learning Workshops In Introductory Biology

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    Study group meetings (SGMs) are voluntary-attendance peer-led team-learning workshops that supplement introductory biology lectures at a selective liberal arts college. While supporting all students’ engagement with lecture material, specific aims are to improve the success of underrepresented minority (URM) students and those with weaker backgrounds in biology. Peer leaders with experience in biology courses and training in science pedagogy facilitate work on faculty-generated challenge problems. During the eight semesters assessed in this study, URM students and those with less preparation attended SGMs with equal or greater frequency than their counterparts. Most agreed that SGMs enhanced their comprehension of biology and ability to articulate solutions. The historical grade gap between URM and non-URM students narrowed slightly in Biology 2, but not in other biology and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics courses. Nonetheless, URM students taking introductory biology after program implementation have graduated with biology majors or minors at the same rates as non-URM students, and have enrolled in postcollege degree programs at equal or greater rates. These results suggest that improved performance as measured by science grade point average may not be necessary to improve the persistence of students from underrepresented groups as life sciences majors

    Mutations In SID2, A Novel Gene In Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Cause Synthetic Lethality With Sic1 Deletion And May Cause A Defect During S Phase

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    SIC1 encodes a nonessential B-type cyclin/CDK inhibitor that functions at the G1/S transition and the exit from mitosis. To understand more completely the regulation of these transitions, Mutations causing synthetic lethality with sic1 Delta were isolated. In this screen, we identified a novel gene, SID2, which encodes an essential protein that appear., to be required for DNA replication or repair. sid2-1 sic1 Delta strains and sid2-21 temperature-sensitive strains arrest preanaphase as large-budded cells with a single nucleus, a short spindle, and an similar to 2C DNA content. RAD9, which is necessary for the DNA damage checkpoint, is required for the preanaphase arrest of sid2-1 sic1 Delta cells. Analysis of chromosomes in mutant sid2-21 cells by field inversion gel clectropiioresis suggests the presence of replication forks and bubbles at the arrest. Deleting the two S phase cyclins, CLB5 and CLB6, substantially suppresses the sid2-1 sir1 Delta inviability, while stabilizing Clb5 protein exacerbates the defects of sid2-1 sic1 Delta, cells. In synchronized sid2-1 mutant strains, the onset of replication appears normal, but completion of DNA synthesis is delayed. sid2-1 mutants are sensitive to hydroxytirea indicating that sid2-1 cells may suffer DNA damage that, when combined with additional insult, leads to a decrease in viability. Consistent with this hypothesis, sid2-1 rad9 cells are dead or very slow growing even when SIC1 is expressed

    Identification Of Tah11/Sid2 As The Ortholog Of The Replication Licensing Factor Cdt1 In Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

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    Faithful duplication of the genetic material requires that replication origins fire only once per cell cycle. Central to this control is the tightly regulated formation of prereplicative complexes (preRCs) at future origins of DNA replication [1]. In all eukaryotes studied, this entails loading by Cdc6 of the Mcm2-7 helicase next to the origin recognition complex (ORC) [2]. More recently, another factor, named Cdt1, was shown to be essential for Mcm loading in fission yeast and Xenopus 3, 4 and 5 as well as for DNA replication in Drosophila and humans 6 and 7. Surprisingly, no Cdt1 homolog was found in budding yeast, despite the conserved nature of origin licensing. Here we identify Tah11/Sid2, previously isolated through interactions with topoisomerase and Cdk inhibitor mutants 8 and 9, as an ortholog of Cdt1. We show that sid2 mutants lose minichromosomes in an ARS number-dependent manner, consistent with ScCdt1/Sid2 being involved in origin licensing. Accordingly, cells partially depleted of Cdt1 replicate DNA from fewer origins, whereas fully depleted cells fail to load Mcm2 on chromatin and fail to initiate but not elongate DNA synthesis. We conclude that origin licensing depends in S. cerevisiae as in other eukaryotes on both Cdc6 and Cdt1