29 research outputs found

    Translanguaging: Language, Bilingualism and Education, by Ofelia García and Li Wei (2014). Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, U.K, 165 pages

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    Obra ressenyada: Ofelia GARCÍA and Li WEI, Language, Bilingualism and Education. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014

    Exploring the Linguistic and Cultural Identities of Transnational Background Children in Catalonia, Spain

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    This article explores linguistic and cultural identities as they emerge in ethnographic data from plurilingual children with transnational and ethnic minority backgrounds in Catalonia, Spain. The particular sociolinguistic and multicultural context where these young people currently live, characterised by the coexistence of local, national and heritage languages with unequal social status, as well as their own trajectories and experiences of socialisation, implies that they often forge complex "in-between" linguistic and cultural identities and senses of belonging. To reflect on these complexities, we analyse multimodal data from transnational- and minority-background children as they participate in an autobiographical activity aimed at promoting linguistically and culturally inclusive pedagogical approaches and participatory action research (PAR). The analysis shows that children's identity constructions fluently intertwine elements from their "home" and "host" languages and cultures with features characteristic of child/youth popular cultures, and with adscriptions to diverse real and imagined communities. These hybrid articulations, which can be described as plurilingual and transcultural, foreground how identity is both an individual and a social process, transversed by different axes, including cultural and ethnic referents, linguistic repertoires, historic, family and personal trajectories, urban cultures and the influence of friends and peers, among others. The identification of these emergent traits in our data foregrounds both the particularities and commonalities of pupils' identity construction, which challenges and reshapes traditional understandings of identity. Finally, this work aims to illustrate how transnational children's complex senses of being and belonging can be recognised and supported through inclusive pedagogical proposals as the one described herein

    "Soc massa bo" : pràctiques plurilingües i de pluriliteracitat empoderadores en un programa extraescolar

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    En aquest article, descric les interaccions d'en Dalil, un nen plurilingüe d'origen familiar immigrant, mentre participa en un programa extraescolar de lectura a Barcelona, ​​ciutat on viu i ha estat escolaritzat. El programa s'adreça ​​​​a infants categoritzats com a 'en risc' de fracàs escolar per no assolir els nivells establerts de lectura en català, la llengua vehicular de l'escola, i té com a objectiu desenvolupar competències de literacitat. L'observació etnogràfica de les interaccions d'en Dalil amb companys i mentores dins del programa posa en relleu pràctiques lingüístiques i de pluriliteracitat complexes que desafien categoritzacions deficitàries sobre les seves capacitats. Analitzar aquestes pràctiques promou una comprensió més àmplia de les competències lingüístiques i de literacitat d'infants plurilingües com en Dalil, i la promoció d'enfocaments inclusius i competencials que els confereixin la legitimació -pròpia, aliena i institucional- per aprendre desplegant tot el seu repertori i múltiples competències.In this article, I describe interactions involving Dalil, a plurilingual boy with migrant family backgrounds, as he participates in an after-school reading program in Barcelona, the city where he lives and has been schooled. The program addresses children categorized as being 'at risk' of school failure for not achieving the expected levels of reading in Catalan, the school vehicular language, and aims at supporting their literacy competence. The ethnographic observation of Dalil's interactions with peers and adult mentors during the program sessions foregrounds his display of complex, competent plurilingual and pluriliteracy practices that challenge deficit-based categorizations of his capacities. Analyzing these practices supports broader understandings of plurilingual pupils' language and literacy competence, and the promotion of inclusive, competence-based approaches that confer children like Dalil with the self, hetero and institutional legitimation needed to learn displaying their entire repertoire and multiple competences.En este artículo describiré las interacciones de Dalil, un niño plurilingüe de origen familiar inmigrante, mientras participa en un programa extraescolar de lectura en Barcelona, ciudad donde vive y ha sido escolarizado. El programa se dirige a menores categorizados como 'en riesgo' de fracaso escolar por no alcanzar los niveles esperados de lectura en catalán, la lengua vehicular de la escuela, y tiene como objetivo desarrollar competencias de literacidad. La observación etnográfica de Dalil con sus compañeros y mentoras en el programa pone de relieve prácticas lingüísticas y de literacidad complejas que desafían categorizaciones deficitarias de sus capacidades. Analizar estas prácticas promueve una comprensión más amplia de las competencias lingüísticas y de literacidad de menores plurilingües como Dalil, y la promoción de enfoques inclusivos y competenciales que les confieran la legitimación -propia, ajena e institucional- necesaria para aprender desplegando todo su repertorio y múltiples competencias.Dans cet article, je décrirai les interactions de Dalil, un enfant plurilingue d'origine familiale immigrée, alors qu'il participe à un programme de lecture après l'école à Barcelone, la ville où il vit et a été éduqué. Le programme s'adresse aux mineurs classés comme « à risque » d'échec scolaire pour ne pas avoir atteint les niveaux de lecture attendus en catalan, la langue véhiculaire de l'école, et vise à développer les compétences en littératie. L'observation ethnographique de Dalil avec ses pairs et ses mentors dans le programme met en évidence des pratiques linguistiques et d'alphabétisation complexes qui remettent en question les catégorisations déficitaires de ses capacités. L'analyse de ces pratiques favorise une compréhension plus large des compétences linguistiques et alphabétiques des enfants plurilingues tels que Dalil, et la promotion d'approches inclusives et basées sur les compétences qui leur donnent la légitimité - la leur, celle des autres et institutionnelle - nécessaire pour apprendre en déployant l'ensemble de leur répertoire et compétences multiples

    Practices of conformity and transgression in an out-of-school reading programme for 'at risk' children

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    A large body of research has demonstrated that the plurilingualisms and pluriliteracies that children and youth bring to classrooms are often not those required for school success. This is even more so for students from underprivileged backgrounds, a demographic where children and youth with family backgrounds of immigration are over-represented. This article reports on ethnographic research at an after-school reading programme for primary school children considered to be at risk of school failure in the old town of Barcelona. Results suggest that the practices of pluriliteracy supported by the programme often conform with those inherent to the children's formal education; that is, with the very practices that have contributed to the children being placed in the programme to begin with. However, through the fine-grained analysis of child-volunteer interactions, certain practices that subtly transgress these norms are identified. It is in such practices that we see potential for educational transformation

    Research ethics

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    Qualitative research, especially studies in educational contexts, often brings up questions of ethics because the study design involves human subjects, some of whom are under age (eg data collected in primary education classrooms). It is not always easy for young researchers to anticipate where ethical issues might emerge while designing their research project. So what are some questions that a researcher might consider? A first premise for a researcher is to 'do no harm'. It is important for the researcher to try to think about any adverse effects the study could possibly have on any of the participants. Of course, even though the researcher may try to anticipate any potential ethical issues, unexpected adverse effects may occur, in which case, the study should be halted or modified

    Nota de las editoras : comprender las prácticas plurilingües y de socialización del alumnado diverso para la transformación y la inclusión educativas

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    En este monográfico nos proponemos poner en diálogo distintos estudios que plantean, desde perspectivas diversas pero afines, aspectos sobre la socialización y las prácticas plurilingües y de pluriliteracidad de estudiantes de educación primaria y secundaria de origen cultural diverso mientras participan en espacios de educación formal y no formal, con especial atención en propuestas educativas inclusivas y plurilingües que permitan a su vez repensar la formación del profesorado. Así, los textos de este monográfico confluyen en tres cuestiones principales: el interés por la inclusión educativa y lingüística del alumnado con trayectorias familiares de inmigración desde un punto de vista holístico y competencial; los métodos etnográficos y colaborativos para documentar y comprender sus prácticas sociales y lingüísticas situadas en toda su complejidad; y la repercusión que todo ello debe tener necesariamente en la práctica y la formación docente, y a través de esta, en las trayectorias de los y las futuras estudiantes.En aquest monogràfic ens proposem posar en diàleg diferents estudis que plantegen, des de perspectives diverses però afins, aspectes sobre la socialització i les pràctiques plurilingües i de pluriliteracitat d'estudiants d'educació primària i secundària d'origen cultural divers mentre participen en espais d'educació formal i no formal, amb especial atenció en propostes educatives inclusives i plurilingües que permetin alhora repensar la formació del professorat. Així, els textos d'aquest monogràfic conflueixen en tres qüestions principals: l'interès per la inclusió educativa i lingüística de l'alumnat amb trajectòries familiars d'immigració des d'un punt de vista holístic i competencial; els mètodes etnogràfics i col·laboratius per documentar i comprendre les seves pràctiques socials i lingüístiques situades en tota la seva complexitat; i la repercussió que tot això ha de tenir necessàriament per la pràctica i la formació docent, i a través d'aquesta, per les trajectòries dels i les futures estudiants.In this monograph we intend to bring together studies from diverse but related perspectives that foreground processes of plurilingual socialization and pluriliteracy practices of primary and secondary students from diverse cultural backgrounds while they participate in formal and non-formal educational spaces, with special attention on inclusive and plurilingual proposals that in turn allow rethinking teacher training. Thus, the texts of this special issue converge on three main issues: An interest in the educational and linguistic inclusion of students from migrant family backgrounds adopting a holistic and competent-based approach; the use of ethnographic and collaborative methods to document and understand their social and linguistic practices in all their complexity; and the repercussion that all of this must necessarily have on teacher practice and training, and through it, on the trajectories of future students.Dans cette monographie, nous proposons de mettre en dialogue différentes études qui soulèvent, à partir de perspectives diverses mais liées, des aspects sur la socialisation et les pratiques de plurilittératie et de plurilinguisme des élèves de l'école primaire et secondaire issus de milieux culturels divers, tout en participant à des espaces éducatifs formels et non formels, avec une attention particulière aux propositions éducatives inclusives et plurilingues qui nous permettent à leur tour de repenser la formation des enseignants. Ainsi, les textes de cette monographie convergent vers trois problématiques principales : l'intérêt pour l'inclusion scolaire et linguistique des élèves ayant des trajectoires familiales d'immigration d'un point de vue holistique et de compétences ; les méthodes ethnographiques et collaboratives pour documenter et comprendre leurs pratiques sociales et linguistiques situées dans toute leur complexité ; et les répercussions que tout cela doit nécessairement avoir sur la pratique et la formation des enseignants, et à travers cela, sur les trajectoires des futurs élèves

    Is English important in your life? : A collaborative experience in a secondary school

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    In this chapter, we describe a collaborative action-research project involving an ethnographer, an English teacher and secondary school students in the production of videos about the role of English in the youths' lives. Building on the principles of language socialisation and imagined communities, the analysis of the videos produced by the students foregrounds the connections between their socialisation into English, their sense of present and future investment in English learning activities and their engagement with imagined communities of YouTubers and Instagrammers. Social media, digital platforms and private after- school language colleges emerge as central in young people's English language learning trajectories, alongside their formal education. We conclude that collaborative action- research initiatives might provide teachers, researchers and students with opportunities to connect youths' in- and out- of- school practices and engage them in more meaningful English learning experiences

    Out-of-school language learning and educational equity

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    This chapter explores existing scholarship on out-of-school learning at both a local (Catalan) and an international level. We particularly focus on research that documents foreign language learning and literacy development in both informal and nonformal education across diverse socioeconomic, linguistic and cultural contexts. Research shows that access to extracurricular initiatives and opportunities to engage in informal language learning can positively impact upon formal academic achievement and future professional trajectories, especially for economically under- resourced students, and thus can play a significant role in tackling socioeducational inequalities. These positive effects are enhanced when out-of-school initiatives focus on students' competences and build on their linguistic and cultural funds of knowledge to include their everyday communicative practices. However, while offer of and demand for out- of- school learning - and particularly of foreign language learning - have increased in recent years, so too have inequalities in participation between more and less affluent families, in part due to economic burdens such as access fees, and to public restraints on funding and scholarships

    Ética de la investigación

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    La investigación cualitativa, especialmente en los estudios en contextos educativos, plantea a menudo cuestiones éticas porque el diseño del estudio involucra a seres humanos, algunos de los cuales son menores de edad (por ejemplo, en el caso de datos recogidos en aulas de educación primaria). No siempre es fácil para quienes se inician en el campo de la investigación anticipar dónde pueden surgir problemas éticos al diseñar su proyecto de investigación