2 research outputs found

    Seroprevalence of Toxoplasmosis in Blood Donors: An Investigation from the Endemicity. Non-systematic Review

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    Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular protozoan that causes toxoplasmosis, the most common parasitic disease in the world, which infects humans and animals. It is transmitted through cat feces through the process of excretion and ingestion of oocysts. Humans become infected by eating improperly washed vegetables, raw or undercooked meat, contaminated water, the soil or area where the cat defecates, or by transfusing infected blood. The study aims to identify, through scientific evidence, the seroprevalence of T. gondii in blood donors, considering its global endemicity. A non-systematic documentary review was used for searching articles worldwide on the topic of T. gondii seroprevalence in blood donors, in different databases such as SciELO, Google Academics, etc. A total of 27 articles that had the required information; grouping the seroprevalence results by region, obtained positive IgG and IgG + IgM. Calculating the prevalence, it was identified in Asia at 7.8%, America 32.8%, Africa 40.7%, Oceania 34%, and Europe 38.1%. In conclusion, it is convenient to carry out this type of study in each country to verify the prevalence and, in addition, to determine the incidence of infection in blood donors to calculate the risk of transmission. Keywords: Toxoplasma, seroepidemiologic studies, antibodies, immunoglobulin G, immunoglobulin M, blood donors. Resumen Introducci贸n: Toxoplasma gondii en un protozoo intracelular causante de la toxoplasmosis, la enfermedad parasitaria m谩s frecuente del mundo la cual infecta a humanos y animales, se trasmite por medio de las heces de los gatos mediante el proceso de excreci贸n e ingesti贸n de los ooquistes. Los humanos se infectan al ingerir vegetales mal lavados, carne cruda o poco cocida, agua contaminada, el suelo o 谩rea donde defeca el gato, o al transfundir sangre infectada. Objetivo: identificar mediante evidencias cient铆ficas la seroprevalencia de T. gondii en donantes de sangre, considerando su endemicidad global. Metodolog铆a: se emple贸 una revisi贸n no sistem谩tica, documental realizando la b煤squeda de art铆culos a nivel mundial del tema seroprevalencia de T. gondii en donantes de sangre, en diferentes bases como SciELO, Google Academics, etc. Resultados: un total de 27 art铆culos que contaron con la informaci贸n requerida; agrupando los resultados de seroprevalencia por regi贸n, anticuerpos positivos IgG e IgG + IgM. Calculando la prevalencia se identific贸, en Asia 7,8%; Am茅rica 32,8%; 脕frica 40,7%; Ocean铆a 34% y Europa 38,1%. Conclusi贸n: es conveniente realizar este tipo de estudio en cada pa铆s para comprobar la prevalencia y, adem谩s, determinar la incidencia de la infecci贸n en donantes de sangre para calcular el riesgo de transmisi贸n. Palabras Clave: Toxoplasma, estudios seroepidemiol贸gicos, anticuerpos, inmunoglobulina G, inmunoglobulina M, donantes de sangre

    Seroprevalence of Toxoplasmosis in Blood Donors: An Investigation from the Endemicity. Non-systematic Review

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    Abstract Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular protozoan that causes toxoplasmosis, the most common parasitic disease in the world, which infects humans and animals. It is transmitted through cat feces through the process of excretion and ingestion of oocysts. Humans become infected by eating improperly washed vegetables, raw or undercooked meat, contaminated water, the soil or area where the cat defecates, or by transfusing infected blood. The study aims to identify, through scientific evidence, the seroprevalence of T. gondii in blood donors, considering its global endemicity. A non-systematic documentary review was used for searching articles worldwide on the topic of T. gondii seroprevalence in blood donors, in different databases such as SciELO, Google Academics, etc. A total of 27 articles that had the required information; grouping the seroprevalence results by region, obtained positive IgG and IgG + IgM. Calculating the prevalence, it was identified in Asia at 7.8%, America 32.8%, Africa 40.7%, Oceania 34%, and Europe 38.1%. In conclusion, it is convenient to carry out this type of study in each country to verify the prevalence and, in addition, to determine the incidence of infection in blood donors to calculate the risk of transmission