3 research outputs found

    De impact van NOx emissies van subsoon vliegverkeer op de atmosfeer: een 3D model studie van de veranderingen in ozon en stralingsforcering van de periode 1990-1025

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    Het mondiale vliegverkeer is de laatste decennia sterk gestegen en groeit naar verwachting in de komende 20 jaar met 5-6% per jaar. De emissies van sporengassen van vliegverkeer zoals, kooldioxide, stikstofoxiden, koolwaterstoffen, zwaveldioxide, waterdamp en roet kunnen effecten hebben op het milieu. De modelresultaten laten zien dat NOx emissies van vliegverkeer een toename veroorzaken van de NOx en ozonconcentraties in de hoge troposfeer en lage stratosfeer, en een positieve stralingsforcering. Vliegverkeeremissies resulteren in 1990, in een toename in NOx concentraties op 10-11 km van ongeveer 20 ppt in januari en 50 ppt in juli boven het noordelijk halfrond, hetgeen correspondeert met een relatieve toename van 50%. De maximum toename in ozonconcentraties door vliegverkeer op gematigde breedtes op het noordelijk halfrond is ongeveer 2,5% in januari en 3-4% in juli. The ozonveranderingen door vliegverkeer veroorzaken een mondiaal gemiddelde stralingsforcering van 0.013 W/m2 in januari en 0.025 W/m2 in juli. De ANCAT projecties voor 2015 geven 90% hogere NOx emissies dan in 1990, met als gevolg dat tussen 1990 en 2015 de berekende NOx verstoring door vliegveer toeneemt met ongeveer 100% en de ozonverstoring met ongeveer 50-70%. De mondiaal gemiddelde stralingsforcering ten gevolge van ozonveranderingen door vliegverkeer neemt in dezelfde periode met ongeveer 50% toe. De toename in de ozonconcentraties door emissies van vliegverkeer is groter dan ten gevolge van oppervlaktebronnen van de industrie, elektriciteitsproductie en autoverkeer.Global air traffic has increased extensively during the last few decades and is expected to increase further over the next 20 years by about 5-6% per year. Emissions of trace gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, sulphur oxides, water vapour and soot from aircraft can have environmental effects. The model results indicate that NOx emissions from aircraft cause an increase in the NOx and ozone concentrations in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, and a positive radiative forcing. For 1990 aircraft emissions result in an increase in the NOx concentration at 10-11 km of about 20 ppt in January and 50 ppt in July over the northern mid-latitudes, corresponding to a relative increase of about 50%. The maximum increase in the ozone concentrations due to the aircraft emissions at northern mid-latitudes is about 2.5% in January and 3-4% in July. The aircraft-induced ozone changes cause a global average radiative forcing of 0.013 W/m2 for January and 0.025 W/m2 for July. The 2015 ANCAT projection, yield 90% higher aircraft NOx emissions than in 1990. As a consequence of this, the calculated NOx perturbation by aircraft emissions increases by about 100% between 1990 and 2015, and the ozone perturbation by about 50-70%. The global average radiative forcing due to the aircraft-induced ozone changes increases by about 50% between 1990 and 2015. The perturbation of ozone due to the aircraft NOx emissions increases faster during this period than that due to NOx surface sources from industry, electricity production and road traffic.DGM/L&

    Variability in tropical tropospheric ozone: analysis with GOME observations and a global model

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    Tropical tropospheric ozone columns (TTOCs) have been determined with a convective-cloud-differential (CCD) method, using ozone column and cloud measurements from the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) instrument. GOME cloud top pressures, derived with the Fast Retrieval Scheme for Clouds from the Oxygen A-band (FRESCO) method, indicate that most convective cloud top levels are between 300 and 500 hPa and do not extend to the tropical tropopause. The new GOME-CCD method takes this tropical transition layer below the tropopause into account and uses above-cloud and clear-sky ozone column measurements to derive a monthly mean TTOC below 200 hPa. Validation of the GOME-TTOCs with seven Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes (SHADOZ) sites shows good agreement, with an RMS difference of about 5 Dobson units. In the northern tropics the GOME-TTOC compares most of the time well with in situ measurements at Paramaribo (6°N, 55°W) and Abidjan (5°N, 4°W). Analysis of the GOME-TTOCs for 2000 and 2001, with the aid of the chemistry-transport model TM3, illustrates that the variability in the TTOC depends on a complex interaction of several processes, including biomass burning, lightning, and large-scale transport. The much larger extent of the South Atlantic TTOC maximum in September–October 2001, compared to September–October 2000, can be attributed to differences in large-scale transport. An exceptional situation in the northern tropics occurred during the biomass burning season December 2001 to January 2002, when there were almost no fires over northern Africa. This resulted in strongly reduced TTOCs over the Atlantic between the equator and 10°N

    AIRFORCE: Effecten van vliegtuigen en stralingsforcering van emissies

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    Het mondiale vliegverkeer is de laatste decennia sterk gestegen en groeit naar verwachting in de komende 20 jaar met 5-6% per jaar. De emissies van sporengassen door het vliegverkeer, zoals kooldioxide, stikstofoxiden, koolwaterstoffen, zwaveldioxide, waterdamp en roet kunnen effecten hebben op het milieu en direct en indirect bijdragen aan klimaatveranderingen. Het AIRFORCE project (Aircraft Influences and Radiative Forcing from Emissions) is een project van de drie onderzoeksinstituten (IMAU, KNMI en RIVM) die samen het Nederlands Centrum voor Klimaatonderzoek (CKO) vormen. De doelstellingen van AIRFORCE zijn: onderzoek naar het effect van vliegtuigemissies op de samenstelling van de atmosfeer en naar de directe en indirecte effecten van vliegtuigemissies via de stralings-forcering op het klimaat. De modelresultaten laten zien dat NOx emissies van het huidige vliegverkeer een toename veroorzaken van de NOx- en ozonconcentraties in de hoge troposfeer en lage stratosfeer, hetgeen leidt tot een positieve stralingsforcering. In het project is de dynamica en het chemisch mechanisme van enkele drie dimensionale chemie-transportmodellen (CTMK/TM3 en MOGUNTIA) sterk verbeterd. De resultaten van modelberekeningen zijn vergeleken met beschikbare metingen van de STREAM/AIRFORCE en POLINAT campagnes. In het kader van AIRFORCE is een pluimmodel ontwikkeld dat de chemische omzettingen in de pluim direct achter verkeersvliegtuigen beschrijft.Global air traffic has increased extensively during the last few decades and is expected to increase further over the next 20 years by about 5-6% per year. Emissions of trace gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, sulphur oxides, water vapour and soot from aircraft can have environmental effects and contribute directly or indirectly to global warming. The three institutes (IMAU, KNMI en RIVM) that form the Netherlands Centre for Climate Research (CKO) participated in the AIRFORCE project (Aircraft Influences and Radiative Forcing from Emissions). The goals of AIRFORCE are: Research on the effect of aircraft emissions on the composition of the atmosphere and on the direct and indirect effects of aircraft emissions on radiative forcing and climate. The model results indicate that NOx emissions from aircraft cause an increase in the NOx and ozone concentrations in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, and a positive radiative forcing. The dynamical and chemical mechanisms of several 3-dimensional chemical-transport models (CTMK/TM3 and MOGUNTIA) have been improved considerable in the project. The results have been compared with available measurements from the STREAM/AIRFORCE and POLINAT campaigns. To account for the chemical conversion and dispersion directly behind an aircraft, an aircraft plume model has been developed in the AIRFORCE project, to translate the aircraft NOx emissions into effective emissions that are used as input in the chemical transport models.DGM/GVV&W/RL