7 research outputs found

    Variations in N-linked glycosylation of glycosylation-dependent cell adhesion molecule 1 (GlyCAM-1) whey protein:Intercow differences and dietary effects

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    In bovine milk serum, the whey proteins with the highest N-glycan contribution are lactoferrin, IgG, and glycosylation-dependent cellular adhesion molecule 1 (GlyCAM-1); GlyCAM-1 is the dominant N-linked glycoprotein in bovine whey protein products. Whey proteins are base ingredients in a range of food products, including infant formulas. Glycan monosaccharide composition and variation thereof may affect functionality, such as the interaction of glycans with the immune system via recognition receptors. It is therefore highly relevant to understand whether and how the glycosylation of whey proteins (and their functionality) can be modulated. We recently showed that the glycoprofile of GlyCAM-1 varies between cows and during early lactation, whereas the glycoprofile of lactoferrin was highly constant. In the current study, we evaluated intercow differences and the effects of macronutrient supply on the N-linked glycosylation profiles of the major whey proteins in milk samples of Holstein-Friesian cows. Overall, approximately 60% of the N-glycan pool in milk protein was sialylated, or fucosylated, or both; GlyCAM-1 contributed approximately 78% of the total number of glycans in the overall whey protein N-linked glycan pool. The degree of fucosylation ranged from 44.8 to 73.3% between cows, and this variation was mainly attributed to the glycans of GlyCAM-1. Dietary supplementation with fat or protein did not influence the overall milk serum glycoprofile. Postruminal infusion of palm olein, glucose, and essential AA resulted in shifts in the degree of GlyCAM-1 fucosylation within individual cows, ranging in some cases from 50 to 71% difference in degree of fucosylation, regardless of treatment. Overall, these data demonstrate that the glycosylation, and particularly fucosylation, of GlyCAM-1 was variable, although these shifts appear to be related more to individual cow variation than to nutrient supply. To our knowledge, this is the first report of variation in glycosylation of a milk glycoprotein in mature, noncolostral milk. The functional implications of variable GlyCAM-1 fucosylation remain to be investigated

    Quantitative analysis of bovine whey glycoproteins using the overall N-linked whey glycoprofile

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    Bovine whey is an important ingredient in human nutrition and contains many biofunctional, glycosylated proteins. Knowledge on the glycoprotein composition of whey and whey products is valuable for the dairy industry. This paper describes a method for the characterisation of whey, or whey powders, by N-linked glycoprofile analysis. Application of the method for analysis of whey protein products showed clear differences in glycoprotein composition between concentrate, isolate and demineralised whey powders. The quantitative potential was explored by screening 100 pooled farm milk samples. IgG and lactoferrin protein concentrations determined by N-glycoprofile analysis matched well with ELISA results. The protein concentration of GlyCAM-1 was determined to be ≥1 mg mL−1. The approaches presented in this work allow simultaneous concentration estimation of the three major whey glycoproteins, lactoferrin, IgG and GlyCAM-1 on the basis of their N-linked glycoprofiles, also in highly processed samples where conventional methods of detection (ELISA) are less suitable

    Dynamic temporal variations in bovine lactoferrin glycan structures

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    It has been reported previously that glycosylation of bovine lactoferrin changes over time. A detailed structural overview of these changes over the whole course of lactation, including predry period milk, is lacking. In this study, a high-throughput analysis method was applied to the glycoprofile of lactoferrin isolated from colostrum, mature, and predry period mature milk, which was analyzed over two subsequent lactation cycles for 8 cows from diverse genetic backgrounds. In addition, comparisons are made with commercial bovine lactoferrin samples. During the first 72 h, dynamic changes in lactoferrin glycosylation occurred. Shifts in the oligomannose distribution and the number of sialylated and fucosylated glycans were observed. In some cows, we observed (α2,3)-linked sialic acid in the earliest colostrum samples. The glycoprofiles appeared stable from 1 month after delivery, as well as between cows. In addition, the glycosylation profiles of commercial lactoferrins isolated from pooled mature milk were stable over the year. Lactoferrin glycosylation in the predry period resembles colostrum lactoferrin. The variations in lactoferrin glycosylation profiles, lactoferrin concentrations, and other milk parameters provide detailed information that potentially assists in unraveling the functions and biosynthesis regulation of lactoferrin glycosylation

    In depth analysis of the contribution of specific glycoproteins to the overall bovine whey N-linked glycoprofile

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    The N-linked glycoprofile of bovine whey is the combined result of individual protein glycoprofiles. In this work, we provide in-depth structural information on the glycan structures of known whey glycoproteins, namely lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, α-lactalbumin, immunoglobulin-G (IgG) and glycosylation dependent cellular adhesion molecule 1 (GlyCAM-1, PP3). The majority (~95%) of N-glycans present in the overall whey glycoprofile were attributed to three proteins; Lactoferrin, IgG and GlyCAM-1. We identified specific signature glycans for these main proteins; Lactoferrin contributes oligomannose-type glycans, while IgG carries fucosylated di-antennary glycans with Gal-β(1,4)GlcNAc (LacNAc) motifs. GlyCAM-1 is the sole whey glycoprotein carrying tri- and tetra-antennary structures, with a high degree of fucosylation and sialylation. Signature glycans can be used to recognize individual proteins in the overall whey glycoprofile, as well as for protein concentration estimations. Application of the whey glycoprofile analysis to colostrum samples revealed dynamic protein concentration changes for IgG, lactoferrin and GlyCAM-1 over time

    Inhibitory Effects of Dietary N-Glycans From Bovine Lactoferrin on Toll-Like Receptor 8; Comparing Efficacy With Chloroquine

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    Toll-like receptor 8 (TLR-8) plays a role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disorders and associated gastrointestinal symptoms that reduce quality of life of patients. Dietary interventions are becoming more accepted as mean to manage onset, progression, and treatment of a broad spectrum of inflammatory conditions. In this study, we assessed the impact of N-glycans derived from bovine lactoferrin (bLF) on the inhibition of TLR-8 activation. We investigated the effects of N-glycans in their native form, as well as in its partially demannosylated and partially desialylated form, on HEK293 cells expressing TLR-8, and in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDCs). We found that in HEK293 cells, N-glycans strongly inhibited the ssRNA40 induced TLR-8 activation but to a lesser extent the R848 induced TLR-8 activation. The impact was compared with a pharmaceutical agent, i.e., chloroquine (CQN), that is clinically applied to antagonize endosomal TLR- activation. Inhibitory effects of the N-glycans were not influenced by the partially demannosylated or partially desialylated N-glycans. As the difference in charge of the N-glycans did not influence the inhibition capacity of TLR-8, it is possible that the inhibition mediated by the N-glycans is a result of a direct interaction with the receptor rather than a result of pH changes in the endosome. The inhibition of TLR-8 in MoDCs resulted in a significant decrease of IL-6 when cells were treated with the unmodified (0.5-fold, p <0.0001), partially demannosylated (0.3-fold, p <0.0001) and partially desialylated (0.4-fold, p <0.0001) N-glycans. Furthermore, the partially demannosylated and partially desialylated N-glycans showed stronger inhibition of IL-6 production compared with the native N-glycans. This provides evidence that glycan composition plays a role in the immunomodulatory activity of the isolated N-glycans from bLF on MoDCs. Compared to CQN, the N-glycans are specific inhibitors of TLR-8 activation and of IL-6 production in MoDCs. Our findings demonstrate that isolated N-glycans from bLF have attenuating effects on TLR-8 induced immune activation in HEK293 cells and human MoDCs. The inhibitory capacity of N-glycans isolated from bLF onTLR-8 activation may become a food-based strategy to manage autoimmune, infections or other inflammatory disorders

    Large-scale quantitative isolation of pure protein N-linked glycans

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    Glycoproteins are biologically active proteins of which the attached glycans contribute to their biological functionality. Limited data is available on the functional properties of these N-glycans in isolation, without the protein core. Glycan release, typically performed with the PNGase F enzyme, is achieved on denatured proteins in the presence of detergents which are notoriously difficult to be completely removed. In this work we compared two methods aiming at recovering N-glycans in a high yield and at high purity from a PNGase F glycoprotein digest of bovine lactoferrin. Detergents were removed from the digest by two separate approaches. In the first approach, protein and glycans were precipitated with acetone and the detergent containing supernatant was discarded. In the second approach, detergent was removed by adsorption onto a polystyrene resin. Following detergent removal, the glycans were further purified by a sequence of solid phase extraction (SPE) steps. Both approaches for detergent removal yielded a final glycan purity above 85%. Recovery of the glycans from lactoferrin was, however, much lower when utilizing acetone precipitation versus the polystyrene resin; 52% versus 85% respectively. A more detailed analysis of the acetone precipitation step revealed a loss of shorter oligomannose structures specifically. A loss of glycans of lesser complexity (oligomannose and biantennary structures) was also observed for other glycoproteins (RNase B, porcine thyroglobulin, human lactoferrin). These results indicate that acetone precipitation, a commonly used step for small-scale glycan purification, is not suitable for all target glycoproteins. The polystyrene resin detergent removal step conserved the full N-glycan profile and could be applied to all mammalian glycoproteins tested. Using this optimized protocol, large-scale quantitative isolation of N-glycan structures was achieved with sufficient purity for functional studies

    Dietary N-glycans from Bovine Lactoferrin and TLR Modulation

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    SCOPE: Bovine lactoferrin (bLF) is an ingredient of food supplements and infant formulas given its antimicrobial and antiviral properties. We modified bLF enzymatically to alter its N-glycosylation and to isolate the glycan chains. The aims of this study were 1) to evaluate whether such derivates induce responses via Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) namely Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and 2) to relate those responses to their different glycosylation profiles. METHODS AND RESULTS: The unmodified and modified bLF fractions were incubated with reporter cell lines expressing PRRs. Afterwards we screened for TLRs and analyzed for Nuclear Factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF- κB) activation. Activation of reporter cells lines showed that signaling was highly dependent on TLRs. The activation pattern of bLF was reduced with the de-sialylated form and increased with the de-mannosylated form. In reporter cells for TLR, bLF activated TLR-4 and inhibited TLR-3. The isolated glycans from bLF inhibited TLR-8. TLR-2, TLR-5, TLR-7, TLR-9 were not significantly altered. CONCLUSION: The profile of glycosylation is key for the biological activity of bLF. By understanding how this affects the human defense responses, the bLF glycan profile can be modified in order to enhance its immunomodulatory effects when used as a dietary ingredient. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved