42 research outputs found

    Quality control in cross-border agro-based supply chains: Modes of regulation in coffee, cocoa, bananas, palm oil, timber and aquaculture.

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    This report describes the regulation and control of quality of product and process in a selection of cross-border agro-based supply chains. The factual presentation reveals the specific nature of regulation in a product group. It also provides a basis for comparing the modes of regulation and informs a discussion on horizontal policy and strategy issues. The review of the presented material identifies a number of issues helping to identify crossproduct dimensions of regulation and the epilogue elaborates on the continuum between regulation based in public interests and regulation based in particular private interests

    Parallel development of five partnerships to promote sustainable soy in brazil: solution or part of wicked problems?

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    The central question of this paper is how to understand and characterize the parallel development of global private partnerships and other partnerships at the global level or national level, that all aim to promote sustainability of a global commodity. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the discussion on the role and use of global private partnerships in coping with sustainability as a wicked problem. For this purpose we have constructed and used a theoretical framework on complex decision-making processes with a grounded theory that explains diversity of private governance networks in terms of rivalry and exclusion. Focusing on five partnerships that promote sustainable production of soy in Brazil, the paper concludes that their development is highly interdependent and dialectical. One of the five partnerships is the Round Table on Responsible Soy. Both the start and development of this global private partnership have not ended but fuelled rivalry between different partnerships, herewith reproducing the wickedness of governance of sustainable production of soy. Managing sustainability as a wicked problem requires an understanding of the dialectical development of partnerships. Instead of embracing one partnership as the best or the benchmark, it may be wiser for policymakers to invest in managing interactions and articulating relationships between different partnerships at the global and national level. Key words: Private partnerships, rivalry, wicked problems, sustainable soy, Brazi

    Mexican protected horticulture: Production and market of Mexican protected horticulture described and analysed

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    Referaat Deze studie beschrijft en analyseert de Mexicaanse bedekte tuinbouwsector, die zich sterk ontwikkelt, en daarmee een relevante partner voor de Nederlandse toeleverende industrie is. De sector is geografisch over het grote land verspreid, en wordt gekenmerkt door een grote variatie in technologisch niveau. De export naar de VS en Canada zijn belangrijk voor de ontwikkeling van de groentesector. Moment van productie, logistiek, kwaliteit en traceability, kostenreductie en samenwerking zijn essentieel. De sierteeltsector kan niet met andere Latijns Amerikaanse landen op de exportmarkt concurreren, en zal sterk afhankelijk zijn van de nationale situatie. Hardware, kennis, infrastructuur, en samenwerking zijn enkele verbeterpunten. De Nederlandse tuinbouwindustrie is leidend en levert hoge kwaliteit producten en diensten. De voor de hand liggende markten in Mexico voor Nederlandse leveranciers liggen op het midden- en hoogtechnologische niveau. Het meest interessant zijn: 1. Kleine tot middelgrote (0,5 tot 2 ha) groentebedrijven die zich hebben geclusterd. 2. Kleine tot middelgrote bloemen- en sierplantenbedrijven die goede variëteiten nodig hebben. 3. Middelgrote tot grote groentebedrijven in verschillende gebieden die met maatwerk vooruit geholpen kunnen worden. 4. Middelgrote tot grote snijbloembedrijven in Baja California die naar de VS exporteren. 5. Agroparken. Abstract This study describes and analyses the strongly developing Mexican greenhouse horticultural sector, which is a relevant partner for the Dutch supply industry. The sector is geographically spread over the large country, and characterized by wide variation in technology level. The export to the USA and Canada is relevant for the development of the vegetable sector. Timing of production, logistics, quality and traceability, cost reduction and cooperation are essential. The ornamental sector can not compete with other Latin American countries on the export market, and will largely depend on the domestic situation. Hardware, knowledge, infrastructure, cooperation are some of the issues. The Dutch horticultural industry is world-leading and supplies high-quality products and services. Therefore, the obvious markets for Dutch suppliers in Mexico are formed by the medium and high-tech sectors. Most interesting are: 1. Small to medium scale (0.5 to 2 ha) vegetable farms that have formed clusters. 2. Small to medium scale flower and ornamental farms that need good varieties. 3. Medium to large vegetable growers in various regions can be assisted in their advancement through a tailormade approach. 4. Medium to large-scale cut flower farms in Baja California that exporting to the USA. 5. Agroparks

    Naar 20% reductie van voedselverspilling in 2015 : een verkenning van behoeften en kansen

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    In dit rapport wordt aangegeven wat de belangrijke aanknopingspunten vormen voor vermindering van voedselverspilling, welke aandachtspunten prioriteit hebben voor de korte en lange termijn, en met welke partijen samengewerkt kan worden om de reductiedoelstelling te behalen

    Partnership for Market Access; towards a sustainable market-oriented horticultural sector in Uganda

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    The Netherlands has taken the initiative for a Partnership on Market Access through meeting quality standards for food and agricultural products, for which a number of countries showed interest. With the respective governments of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda en Zambia it has been agreed to start a partnership programme on horticulture, whereby in Zambia the first priority will be given to phytosanitary issues. The main objective of the partnership initiative is to improve access of horticultural products to the markets of Europe and other industrialized countries by enhancing cooperation in the field of quality standards, the natural environment and phytosanitary issues. The ultimate aim is to increase the global competitiveness of horticulture sector in developing countries thereby contributing to poverty reduction and sustainable production and consumer concerns