114 research outputs found

    The Size of the Ecumene of the Mediterranean in Ancient Times

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    For the purpose of this manuscript, we used the old maps of Europe and of the ecumene, as it was known at the time, in order to establish the ecumene properties, as well as the size of the Mediterranean in the time of Ptolemy.We obtained the coordinates (geographic longitude and latitude) from Ptolemy’s map of ecumene of ancient Mediterranean settlements.According to the historical data the coordinates of the Mediterranean ecumene were studied in the 7th century,since the Mediterranean was the centre connecting the civilizations of Europe, Asia and Africa.Although longitudinal and latitudinal errors are large,these coordinates are of great importance for the studies of the past settlements.Today,these settlements are the symbol of civilisation and of human existence.Using the data from 501 settlements overall,we obtained two principal maps of the Mediterranean ecumene with the average density of settlements on the area of 2000 km2.All Ptolemy’s maps, which were used,were of great significance from the scientific point of view, since they made the description of 2000 years old civilization possible.Historically,part of these civilizations,and those formed afterwards,belonged to the Mediterranean

    Digital topographic modelling in case with higher flood in the municipality Obrenovac

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    The town of Obrenovac is situated near the banks of three rivers, the Sava River, the Kolubara River and the Tamnava River. It looks like a modern town, though it has often developed in an unplanned manner. This causes huge problems as it thrives in a rough terrain, without a plan, which the communal infrastructure cannot follow. Today's needs in terms of spatial planning, envisaging projects and keeping track of a different kind of information on space demand that new technologies be applied since they make it possible for procuring efficient and reliable information as well as connecting and interconnecting various sorts of data. Also with advanced numerical GIS data and relief analysis we were successfully calculated consequence of the last big flood in 2014

    Primena GIS-a u održivom razvoju turizma i zaštiti životne sredine

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    Razvoj računarske tehnologije i tehnike virtuelne stvarnosti doveo je do brojnih promena u kartografiji. Od početnog razvoja računarske tehnologije čovek je pokušavao stvoriti virtuelnu sliku sveta koju bi na istovetan način, kao i sliku „stvarnog“ sveta, mogao doživeti svim čulima. Digitalnom revolucijom u poslednjoj četvrtini XX veka, 2D digitalne karte su počele da održavaju interaktivnu komunikaciju geoinformacija, premijerno omogućujući prilagođavanje sadržaja karte zadacima i kontekstima zasnovanim na uslužno orijentisanoj arhitekturi. Turizam je postao važna privredna grana - povećava rast bruto domaćeg proizvoda, izvoz i zaposlenost. Kao heterogena delatnost ima uticaj i na srodne privredne delatnosti -poljoprivredu, trgovinu, građevinarstvo, saobraćaj itd. Opšti privredni razvoj, urbanizacija, neracionalno korišćenje prirodnih resursa, odlaganje svih vrsta otpada, kao i masovna i nekontrolisana primena hemijskih sredstava u poljoprivredi, doveli su do veoma nezadovoljavajućeg stanja u životnoj sredini. Turizam karakteriše hipermobilnost- porast životnog standarda, nivoa obrazovanja, višak slobodnog vremena itd., što dovodi do negativnih globalnih efekata po životnu sredinu

    Digital analyses of cartometric Fruska Gora guidelines

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    Modern geo morphological topography research have been using quantity statistic and cartographic methods for topographic relief features, mutual relief features, mutual connection analyses on the grounds of good quality numeric parameters etc. Topographic features are important for topographic activities are important for important natural activities. Important morphological characteristics are precisely at the angle of topography, hypsometry, and topography exposition and so on. Small yet unknown relief slants can deeply affect land configuration, hypsometry, topographic exposition etc. Expositions modify the light and heat of interconnected phenomena: soil and air temperature, soil disintegration, the length of vegetation period, the complexity of photosynthesis, the fruitfulness of agricultural crops, the height of snow limit etc. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176008 i br. III44006

    Primena GIS-a u održivom razvoju turizma i zaštiti životne sredine

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    Razvoj računarske tehnologije i tehnike virtuelne stvarnosti doveo je do brojnih promena u kartografiji. Od početnog razvoja računarske tehnologije čovek je pokušavao stvoriti virtuelnu sliku sveta koju bi na istovetan način, kao i sliku „stvarnog“ sveta, mogao doživeti svim čulima. Digitalnom revolucijom u poslednjoj četvrtini XX veka, 2D digitalne karte su počele da održavaju interaktivnu komunikaciju geoinformacija, premijerno omogućujući prilagođavanje sadržaja karte zadacima i kontekstima zasnovanim na uslužno orijentisanoj arhitekturi. Turizam je postao važna privredna grana - povećava rast bruto domaćeg proizvoda, izvoz i zaposlenost. Kao heterogena delatnost ima uticaj i na srodne privredne delatnosti -poljoprivredu, trgovinu, građevinarstvo, saobraćaj itd. Opšti privredni razvoj, urbanizacija, neracionalno korišćenje prirodnih resursa, odlaganje svih vrsta otpada, kao i masovna i nekontrolisana primena hemijskih sredstava u poljoprivredi, doveli su do veoma nezadovoljavajućeg stanja u životnoj sredini. Turizam karakteriše hipermobilnost- porast životnog standarda, nivoa obrazovanja, višak slobodnog vremena itd., što dovodi do negativnih globalnih efekata po životnu sredinu

    GIS modelling of solar potential in Toplica region

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    In this paper we investigated possible potential solar area on Toplica region based on GIS (Geographical Information system) and using a special kriging method with the help of open sources GIS software Quantum GIS. This kriging method is very special to vectorized and calculated the small area. The statistical approach calculated between datasets of three meteorological stations (Niš, Prokuplje, Kuršumlija). Data using of insolation from that meteorological stations from the period of (1953-2013) is useful for a solution to calculating solar potential. The also used parameter is hypsometry of relief of the whole area of Toplica region. Area of Toplica region is 2.231 km2 with a population of 90600 citizens. Divided into fourth municipalities (Prokuplje, Žitoradja, Black, Kuršumlija). The GIS modeling indicates that ideal areas for solar development are located the potential places in Toplica region. Only 13.6 km2 of the head model scores that were in the 90-100% range. However, given the statewide high insolation values with minimal variance, solar projects may be better suited for small-scale residential or commercial projects

    The probability of flooding wave occurrence and the vulnerability of the Kosovo territory settlements

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    The work displays the presumed laws of flooding waves which would occur if the 1976 situation when the great floods in Kosovo happened reoccurred again. On a 1:300000 multilayer map of Kosovo and Metohia, there are areas which would have been flooded in case of a maximum flooding wave, and what is also shown is the areas which were covered in water as the average was measured, including the areas used as projects of minimal flooding wave value. There is a layer showing the points with regular flood defense, including the places where protection needs to establish. The map includes the ratio of 1:300000, whilst the areas are calculated with the help of processing their dynamic static’s, as well as using the formulae Gumbel Distribution and Weibull Formula. The data have been calculated with their maximum value, including the average and the minimum of flooding period embracing the time of 40 years. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III44006 i br. 176019

    The probability of flooding wave occurrence and the vulnerability of the Kosovo territory settlements

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    The work displays the presumed laws of flooding waves which would occur if the 1976 situation when the great floods in Kosovo happened reoccurred again. On a 1:300000 multilayer map of Kosovo and Metohia, there are areas which would have been flooded in case of a maximum flooding wave, and what is also shown is the areas which were covered in water as the average was measured, including the areas used as projects of minimal flooding wave value. There is a layer showing the points with regular flood defense, including the places where protection needs to establish. The map includes the ratio of 1:300000, whilst the areas are calculated with the help of processing their dynamic static's, as well as using the formulae Gumbel Distribution and Weibull Formula. The data have been calculated with their maximum value, including the average and the minimum of flooding period embracing the time of 40 years

    Rural Tourism and Regional Development: Case Study of Development of Rural Tourism in the Region of Gruţa, Serbia

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    AbstractGeographical area of Gruţa, with its intact natural beauty and important cultural and historical monuments, has significant potential for tourism development. Local government is particularly important to tourism development and promotion in several aspects. Respondents, rural hosts from Gruţa region complained of the lack of cooperation on the part of local government. The experimental research comprises three parts; the first part includes a questionnaire that was conducted in regional and local organizations which have a decisive impact on regional economic development and tourism. The second part of the research was focusing on the basic characteristics of rural households owners. The third part includes qualitative research about rural tourist characteristics. Experimental research for this study was performed in the region of Gruţa in Central Serbia, including registered rural households that have participated in rural tourism in the last few years. Results indicate that rural home owners involved in rural tourism are members of the Tourist Organization of Knić, predominantly male, from 40 to 60 years old and they hold secondary school diplomas. The results of the research suggest that an average tourist in Gruţa is at a higher social and cultural level, with medium income and mostly coming from urban areas. This type of tourist is open to typical rural activities including sports, farm works, as well as to enjoying nature and gastronomy

    Nedostaci i prednost saobraćajne mreže u Beogradskom regionu

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    Geografski informacioni sistem (GIS) i numerička analiza mogu dati zadovoljavajuće rezultate u analizi svojstva saobraćaja. Beograd predstavlja prostor najveće populacije u Republici Srbiji. Ovaj region je podeljeno u 17 opština, neke od njih nisu podjednako povezane saobraćajnom mrežom. U ovom radu smo analizirali svojstva saobraćajne mreža, sistem javnog prevoza i disperziju stanovništva u regionu Beograda. Prema podacima Republičkog zavoda za statistiku, trenutni broj stanovnika u gradu iznosi oko 1,6 miliona, stopa stanovništva raste za 0,46% godišnje. Ova situacija predstavlja veliki problem za javni prevoz, pogotovo zato što Beogradski region nema izgrađen metro sistem. Ostali nedostaci saobraćaja predstavljaju se kroz vrlo slabu povezanost između drumskog i železničkog saobraćaja i mali broj noćnih linija. Pomoću naprednog GIS-a i numeričke analize moramo odgovoriti na mnoga pitanja? Koja je budućnost saobraćajnog sistema u regionu i na koji način se mora promeniti