8 research outputs found

    Evolution of ferromagnetic and non-Fermi liquid state with doping:the case of Ru doped UCoGe

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    We have investigated the impact of Ru substitution for Co on the behavior of the ferromagnetic superconductor UCoGe by performing x-ray diffraction, magnetization, specific heat and electrical resistivity measurements on polycrystalline samples of the UCo1−xRuxGe\mathrm{UCo}_{1-x}\mathrm{Ru}_{x}\mathrm{Ge} series (0≥x≤0.90\geq x\leq0.9). The initial Ru substitution up to x≈0.1x\approx0.1 leads to a simultaneous sharp increase of the Curie temperature and spontaneous magnetization up to maximum values of TC=8.6KT_{\mathrm{C}}=8.6 K and MS=0.1μBM_{\mathrm{S}}=0.1 \mu_{\mathrm{B}} per formula unit, respectively, whereas superconductivity vanishes already for x≈0.03x\approx0.03. Further increase of the Ru content beyond x≈0.1x\approx0.1 leads to a precipitous decrease of both, TCT_{\mathrm{C}} and MSM_{\mathrm{S}} towards a ferromagnetic quantum critical point (QCP) at xcr=0.31x_{\mathrm{cr}}=0.31. Consequently the T−xT-x magnetic phase diagram consists of a well-developed ferromagnetic dome. We discuss the evolution of ferromagnetism with xx on the basis of band structure changes due to varying 5ff-ligand hybridization. This scenario is supported by the results of electronic structure calculations and consideration of the simplified periodic Anderson model. The analysis of the temperature dependencies of the electrical resistivity and heat capacity at low temperatures of the samples in the vicinity of the QCP reveals a non-Fermi liquid behavior and assigns the ferromagnetic quantum phase transition to be most likely of a continuous Hertz-Millis type.Comment: accepted for publication in PR

    Field-Induced Superconductivity near the Superconducting Critical Pressure in UTe2

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    We report the magnetoresistance in the novel spin-triplet superconductor UTe2 under pressure close to the critical pressure Pc, where the superconducting phase terminates, for field along the three a, b and c-axes in the orthorhombic structure. The superconducting phase for H // a-axis just below Pc shows a field-reentrant behavior due to the competition with the emergence of magnetic order at low fields. The upper critical field Hc2 for H // c-axis shows a quasi-vertical increase in the H-T phase diagram just below Pc, indicating that superconductivity is reinforced by the strong fluctuations which persist even at high fields above 20T. Increasing pressure leads to the disappearance of superconductivity at zero field with the emergence of magnetic order. Surprisingly, field-induced superconductivity is observed at high fields, where a spin-polarized state is realized due to the suppression of the magnetic ordered phases; the spin-polarized state is favorable for superconductivity, whereas the magnetic ordered phase at low field seems to be unfavorable. The huge Hc2 in the spin-polarized state seems to imply a spin-triplet state. Contrary to the a- and c-axes, no field-reinforcement of superconductivity occurs for magnetic field along the b-axis. We compare the results with the field-reentrant superconductivity above the metamagnetic field, Hm for the field direction tilted by about 30 deg. from b to c-axis at ambient pressure as well as the field-reentrant (-reinforced) superconductivity in ferromagnetic superconductors, URhGe and UCoGe.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Gradual localization of 5f states in orthorhombic UTX ferromagnets - polarized neutron diffraction study of Ru substituted UCoGe

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    We report on a microscopic study of the evolution of ferromagnetism in the Ru substituted ferromagnetic superconductor (FM SC) UCoGe crystallizing in the orthorhombic TiNiSi-type structure. For that purpose, two single crystals with composition UCo0.97Ru0.03Ge and UCo0.88Ru0.12Ge have been prepared and characterized by magnetization, AC susceptibility, specific heat and electrical resistivity measurements. Both compounds have been found to order ferromagnetically below TC = 6.5 K and 7.5 K, respectively, which is considerably higher than the TC = 3 K of the parent compound UCoGe. The higher values of TC are accompanied by enhanced values of the spontaneous moment mspont. = 0.11 mB/f.u. and mspont. = 0.21 mB/f.u., respectively in comparison to the tiny spontaneous moment of UCoGe (about 0.07mB/f.u.). No sign of superconductivity was detected in either compound. The magnetic moments of the samples were investigated on the microscopic scale using polarized neutron diffraction (PND) and for UCo0.88Ru0.12Ge also by soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). The analysis of the PND results indicates that the observed enhancement of ferromagnetism is mainly due to the growth of the orbital part of the uranium 5f moment mL(U), reflecting a gradual localization of the 5f electrons with Ru substitution. In addition, the parallel orientation of the U and Co moments has been established in both substituted compounds. The results are discussed and compared with related isostructural ferromagnetic UTX compounds (T - transition metals, X - Si, Ge) in the context of a varying degree of the 5f-ligand hybridization

    On the crossing numbers of join products of W4+PnW_4 + P_n and W4+CnW_4 + C_n

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    The crossing number cr(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of edge crossings over all drawings of G in the plane. The main aim of the paper is to give the crossing number of the join product W4+PnW_4 + P_n and W4+CnW_4 + C_n for the wheel W4W_4 on five vertices, where PnP_n and CnC_n are the path and the cycle on n vertices, respectively. Yue et al. conjectured that the crossing number of Wm+CnW_m + C_n is equal to Z(m+1)Z(n)+(Z(m)−1)[n/2]+n+[m/2]+2Z(m+1)Z(n)+(Z(m)-1)[n/2]+n+[m/2]+2, for all m,n ≥ 3, and where the Zarankiewicz’s number Z(n)=[n/2][n−1/2]Z(n)=[n/2][{n-1}/2] is defined for n ≥ 1. Recently, this conjecture was proved for W3+CnW_3 + C_n by Klesc. We establish the validity of this conjecture for W4+CnW_4 + C_n and we also offer a new conjecture for the crossing number of the join product Wm+PnW_m + P_n for m ≥ 3 and n ≥ 2

    Spin-Triplet Superconductivity in UTe2 and Ferromagnetic Superconductors

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    6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in JPSJ Conference ProceedingsInternational audienceThe spin-triplet state is most likely realized in uranium ferromagnetic superconductors, UGe2, URhGe, UCoGe. The microscopic coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity means that the Cooper pair should be realized under the strong internal field due the ferromagnetism, leading to the spin-triplet state with equal spin pairing. The field-reinforced superconductivity, which is observed in all three materials when the ferromagnetic fluctuations are enhanced, is one of the strong evidences for the spin-triplet superconductivity. We present here the results of a newly discovered spin-triplet superconductor, UTe2, and compare those with the results of ferromagnetic superconductors. Although no magnetic order is found in UTe2, there are similarities between UTe2 and ferromagnetic superconductors. For example, the huge upper critical field exceeding the Pauli limit and the field-reentrant superconductivity for H || b-axis are observed in UTe2, URhGe and UCoGe. We also show the specific heat results on UTe2 in different quality samples, focusing on the residual density of states in the superconducting phase