7 research outputs found

    Grass Availability in Ultramafic Cattle Areas.

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    Availability of grass in ultramafic cattle areas in Camaguey, Cuba, was determined. The research comprised the 2004-2013 period  in the rainy and dry seasons.  The area has  Brown Fersialitic Ferromagnesial Soil (Inceptisol-Cambisol). Total and individual  species’ availabilities  were tested using the practical variant of the Haydock and Shaw visual method for production areas.  Sampling was made at the beginning of each rotation (five in the rainy season and three in the dry season) at a rate of 100 observations/ha.  Forage balance was determined for the rainy and dry seasons, and the botanical composition was assessed using the steps method, and dry matter yields were determined in situ.  SPSS 15.0.1 was used to make the statistical analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis for Mean and Standard deviation were determined  for availability of each species.  Grass availability in the ecosystems is 5.15 t MS/ha, distributed in 2.83 t MS/ha in the rainy season; and 2.31 t MS/ha in the dry season. The forage balance showed a deficiency in feedstuffs in the two seasons, affecting milk production and the reproduction indicators

    Agroproductive Evaluation of Moringa oleifera Lamin Hedges, under Edafo-climatic Conditions.

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    Agroproductive behavior of Moringa oleifera Lam was evaluated in edafo climatic conditions in Camagüey, Cuba, in a year-old hedge on typical gray-brown soil. This species contributes with 6.2 kg/year of green matter (MV) and 2.52 kg/year of dry matter (MS), with annual trimming, and 41.09 % of MS; 105 fruits per plant with 19.4 average of seeds per fruit, and approximately 2 037 seeds per plant. Wood production accounts for 0.029 m3 /plant and 19.34 m3 /km of hedges. M. oleiferaLam produces significant volumes of forrage and firewood, which valorize hedges in agriforestry systems

    Native Pasture Quality in Cattle Raising Areas on Ultramafic Groundmass.

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    The quality of native pasture in cattle raising areas on ultramafic groundmass, in the municipality of Minas, Cama-güey, Cuba,  was assessed. The area studied has brown Fersialitic, ferromagnesial soil (Inceptisol-Cambisol). The climate is tropical humid. Dry matter, calcium, phosphorous and raw protein were estimated for compound samples of the predominant pastures, using an AOAC  methodology at the Provincial Soil Management, in Camagüey. De-scriptive statistics for the bromatological composition (mean and standard error) were determined, considering every species, season and group. Group comparison was made by the Kruskal-Wallis test. Legume quality in both seasons had protein levels above 7 % in all the cases; whereas graminaceae quality had values under that percent. In all the cases, the contents of P are insufficient to meet the minimum needs, and the protein and calcium values   are near the required limits for cattle

    Valoración agroecológica de Ateleia cubensis (DC)Dietr. var. cubensis (Griseb.)Mohlenberen sistemas ganaderos de sabanas ultramáficas.

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    Se valoró la presencia y efectividad de nódulos de 20 ejemplares jóvenes deAteleia cubensis (DC)Dietr. var. cubensis (Griseb.) Mohlenber; igualmente, la deposición de hojarasca y la fauna edáfica asociada a esta especie, en sis-temas ganaderos de sabanas ultramáficas sobre suelo  Fersialítico Rojo Parduzco Ferromagnesial (Inceptisol-Cambisol), del municipio Minas, Camagüey, Cuba. Con este fin, se determinaron los estadísticos descriptivos media, Chi-cuadrado, normalidad K-S, ANOVA simple para la fauna edáfica y Duncan para la comparación de medias. La especie aporta altos niveles de hojarasca al suelo; posee abundante nodulación efectiva y abundante fauna edáfica.Agroecological assessment of Ateleia cubensis (DC)Dietr. var. cubensis (Griseb.)Mohlenber in live-stock systems of ultramafic savannah.ABSTRACTThe presence and effectiveness of nodules of 20 samples of young Ateleia cubensis (DC)Dietr. var. cubensis (Griseb.) Mohlenber; likewise, the hojarasca deposit and the edafic fauna associated to this species in livestock sys-tems of ultramafics savannah on Fersialítico red brownish-grey Ferromagnesial (Inceptisol-Cambisol) soil of Minas municipality, Camagüey, Cuba. The descriptive statistics suchas mean, Chi-square, normality K-S, simple ANOVA were determined for edafic fauna and Duncan for means comparison. The sepcies contribute with high levels of hojarasca to soil, possesses abundant nodulacion and edafic fauna

    Disponibilidad de pastos en áreas ganaderas sobre un núcleo ultramáfico.

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    Se determinó la disponibilidad de pastos en áreas de producción ganadera sobre el núcleo ultramáfico de Camagüey, Cuba, desde 2004 hasta 2013, durante los períodos lluvioso y poco lluvioso. El área posee sue-lo Fersialítico rojo pardusco ferromagnesial (Inceptisol-Cambisol). La disponibilidad de cada especie y total se comprobó utilizando la variante práctica del método visual de Haydock y Shaw para áreas de producción. Los muestreos se realizaron al inicio de cada rotación (cinco en el período lluvioso y tres en el poco lluvioso), a razón de 100 observaciones/ha. Se determinó el balance forrajero para el período lluvio-so y el poco lluvioso y se valoró la composición botánica por el método de los pasos y el rendimiento de materia seca determinado en la zona. Los análisis estadísticos se realizaron con el programa SPSS, versión 15.0.1. Se determinaron los estadísticos descriptivos Media y ES para la disponibilidad de cada una de las especies. La disponibilidad de pastos para estos ecosistemas es de 5,15 t MS/ha, distribuidas en 2,83 t MS/ha en el período lluvioso y 2,31 t MS/ha en el poco lluvioso y el balance forrajero muestra défi-cit de alimentos en los dos períodos del año que incide en la producción de leche e indicadores reproductivos.Pasture Availability in Cattle Grazing Grounds with Dominant Serpentine Stratum.ABSTRACTPasture availability in cattle grazing soils with dominant serpentine stratum was determined in Minas municipality, Camagüey province, Cuba, during the rainy and less rainy seasons from 2004 to 2013. The studied area is characterized by red-brownish ferromagnesial fersialitic soils (Inceptisol-Cambisol). The practical variant of Haydock-Shaw’s visual method was used to find out the availability of each pasture species and total pasture. Samples con-sisted of 100 observations per hectare at the beginning of each pasture rotation cycle (five in the rainy season, and three in the less rainy season). Forage balance was determined for both seasons, and botanical composition was as-sessed by the stepwise discriminant method and dry matter yield. Version 15.0.1 SPSS software program was used for statistical analyses. Median and standards error descriptive statistical tests were performed to determine each pas-ture species availability. Results showed that pasture availability for such ecosystem was 5,15 t DM/ha distributed into 2,83 t DM/ha during the rainy season and 2,31 t DM/ha during the less rainy season. On the other hand, forage balance revealed a deficient supply of food in both seasons which hindered milk production and breeding indicators

    Evaluación agroproductiva de Moringa oleifera Lam en cercas vivas en condiciones edafoclimáticas.

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    Se evaluó el comportamiento agroproductivo de Moringa oleifera Lam en condiciones edafoclimáticas de Cama-güey, Cuba, en una cerca viva ya establecida de un año de edad sobre un suelo Pardo Grisáceo Típico. La especie aporta 6,2 kg/año de MV y 2,52 kg/año de MS de follaje con un corte anual y 41,09 % de MS; 105 frutos por planta con promedio de 19,4 semillas por fruto y, aproximadamente, 2 037 semillas por planta. El volumen de madera re-presenta 0,029 m 3 /planta y 19,34 m3 /km de cerca. M. oleiferaLam produce niveles apreciables de forraje y leña que valorizan el uso de las cercas vivas en sistemas agroforestales.Agro-productive Evaluation of Moringa oleiferaLam in Alive Fences under Edafoclimatics Conditions.ABSTRACTThe agro-productive behavior of Moringa oleifera Lam was evaluated under edafoclimatics conditions of Ca-magüey, Cuba in one-year-old alive fence over typical grizzly brown floor. The species produces 6,2 kg/a of green matter and 2,52 kg/year foliage dry matter with an annual cut and 41,09% of dry matter; the production of fruits and seeds amounts to 105 fruits per plant, with an average of 19,4 seeds per fruit and approximately 2 037 seeds per plant. The wood volume represents 0,029 m3/plant and 19,34 m3/km of fence. M. oleifera Lam. produces considerable levels of forage and firewood which increases the value of use of alive fences

    Calidad de pastos naturales en áreas ganaderas sobre un núcleo ultramáfico.

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    Se evaluó la calidad de los pastos naturales en áreas ganaderas sobre el núcleo ultramáfico del municipio Minas, Camagüey, Cuba. El área estudiada posee un suelo fersialítico rojo pardusco ferromagnesial (Inceptisol-Cambisol). El clima de la región es tropical húmedo. A muestras compuestas de los pastos predominantes se les estimaron los parámetros materia seca, calcio, fósforo y proteína bruta, mediante la metodología de la Association of Official Agri-cultural Chemistry en los laboratorios de la Dirección Provincial de Suelos de Camagüey. Se determinaron para la composición bromatológica los estadísticos descriptivos Media y error estándar, considerando cada especie, época y grupo. Se compararon los grupos mediante la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis. La calidad de las leguminosas es superior a la de las gramíneas en ambos períodos, con niveles de proteínas por encima del 7 % en todos los casos, mientras que las gramíneas mostraron valores por debajo de este por ciento. En todos los casos los contenidos de fósforo son insu-ficientes para cubrir las necesidades mínimas de los animales y los valores de proteína y calcio son cercanos a los límites requeridos por el ganado.Natural Pastures Quality in Cattle Grazing Grounds with Dominant Serpentine Stratum.ABSTRACTQuality of natural pastures in cattle grazing soils with dominant serpentine stratum was assessed in Minas municipality, Camagüey province, Cuba. The studied area is characterized by red-brownish ferromagne-sial fersialitic soils (Inceptisol-Cambisol) and humid tropical climate. Dominant pastures were sampled to estimate dry matter, calcium, phosphorous, and raw protein levels. To this end, Association of Official Agricultural Chemistry methodology was applied at the laboratory from the Soil Provincial Administra-tion in Camagüey. Median and standard error descriptive statistical tests were performed to determine pas-ture bromatological composition in each pasture species, season, and forage group. Legume and grass groups were compared by the Kruskal-Wallis test. Legumes showed a higher forage quality compared to grass in both seasons, with protein levels above 7 %. In contrast, grass protein levels were below 7 %. Pas-ture phosphorous content for cattle feeding was below the standards, but protein and calcium contents al-most reached the required levels