27 research outputs found

    Parathyroid localization

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    Twenty-nine consecutive patients with suspected primary hyperparathyroidism were examined preoperatively using ultrasound, sonographically guided fine needle aspiration, and aspirate immunostaining for PTH. In 25 patients, localization of enlarged parathyroid glands was successful. In 2 patients, the tumors were located retrosternally and, thus, could not be detected by ultrasound. One patient had a multinodular goiter which impeded localization. In 1 patient with renal osteodystrophy, 2 enlarged parathyroid glands in the neck were not visualized preoperatively. Cytology was not diagnostic, although some cytological features were suggestive of parathyroid cells. Immunostaining of the aspirated smears for PTH, however, correctly diagnosed all preoperatively localized lesions. Ultrasound should be the routine procedure of choice for preoperative localization of abnormal parathyroid glands in primary hyperparathyroidism. Fine needle aspiration and immunocytochemistry can supply confirmation, if necessary

    FGFR4 Arg388 allele correlates with tumour thickness and FGFR4 protein expression with survival of melanoma patients

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    A single nucleotide polymorphism in the gene for FGFR4 (−Arg388) has been associated with progression in various types of human cancer. Although fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) belong to the most important growth factors in melanoma, expression of FGF receptor subtype 4 has not been investigated yet. In this study, the protein expression of this receptor was analysed in 137 melanoma tissues of different progression stages by immunohistochemistry. FGFR4 protein was expressed in 45% of the specimens and correlated with pTNM tumour stages (UICC, P=0.023 and AJCC, P=0.046), presence of microulceration (P=0.009), tumour vascularity (P=0.001), metastases (P=0.025), number of primary tumours (P=0.022), overall survival (P=0.047) and disease-free survival (P=0.024). Furthermore, FGFR4 Arg388 polymorphism was analysed in 185 melanoma patients by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). The Arg388 allele was detected in 45% of the melanoma patients and was significantly associated with tumour thickness (by Clark's level of invasion (P=0.004) and by Breslow in mm (P=0.02)) and the tumour subtype nodular melanoma (P=0.002). However, there was no correlation of the FGFR4 Arg388 allele with overall and disease-free survival. In conclusion, the Arg388 genotype and the protein expression of FGFR4 may be potential markers for progression of melanoma

    Ehlers-Danlos-Syndrom vom vaskulären Typ- seltene Entität, hohe Morbidität

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    Identification of Two Novel Loci for Dominantly Inherited Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rapidly progressive, adult-onset motor neuron disease that arises as a dominantly inherited trait in ∼10% of ALS cases. Mutations in one gene, cytosolic Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase ( SOD1 ), account for ∼25% of familial ALS (FALS) cases. We have performed a genetic linkage screen in 16 pedigrees with FALS with no evidence for mutations in the SOD1 gene and have identified novel ALS loci on chromosomes 16 and 20. The analysis of these genes will delineate pathways implicated as determinants of motor-neuron viability and provide insights into possible therapies for ALS