4 research outputs found

    Pain and quality of life in patients undergoing radiotherapy for spinal metastatic disease treatment

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    Abstract Background Radiotherapy is an important tool in the control of pain in patients with spinal metastatic disease. We aimed to evaluate pain and of quality of life of patients with spinal metastatic disease undergoing radiotherapy with supportive treatment. Methods The study enrolled 30 patients. From January 2008 to January 2010, patients selection included those treated with a 20 Gy tumour dose in five fractions. Patients completed the visual analogue scale for pain assessment and the SF-36 questionnaire for quality of life assessment. Results The most frequent primary sites were breast, multiple myeloma, prostate and lymphoma. It was found that 14 spinal metastatic disease patients (46.66%) had restricted involvement of three or fewer vertebrae, while 16 patients (53.33%) had cases involving more than three vertebrae. The data from the visual analogue scale evaluation of pain showed that the average initial score was 5.7 points, the value 30 days after the end of radiotherapy was 4.60 points and the average value 6 months after treatment was 4.25 points. Notably, this final value was 25.43% lower than the value from the initial analysis. With regard to the quality of life evaluation, only the values for the functional capability and social aspects categories of the questionnaire showed significant improvement. Conclusion Radiotherapy with supportive treatment appears to be an important tool for the treatment of pain in patients with spinal metastatic disease

    Pain and quality of life in patients undergoing radiotherapy for spinal metastatic disease treatment

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    Background: Radiotherapy is an important tool in the control of pain in patients with spinal metastatic disease. We aimed to evaluate pain and of quality of life of patients with spinal metastatic disease undergoing radiotherapy with supportive treatment. Methods. The study enrolled 30 patients. From January 2008 to January 2010, patients selection included those treated with a 20Gy tumour dose in five fractions. Patients completed the visual analogue scale for pain assessment and the SF-36 questionnaire for quality of life assessment. Results: The most frequent primary sites were breast, multiple myeloma, prostate and lymphoma. It was found that 14 spinal metastatic disease patients (46.66%) had restricted involvement of three or fewer vertebrae, while 16 patients (53.33%) had cases involving more than three vertebrae. The data from the visual analogue scale evaluation of pain showed that the average initial score was 5.7 points, the value 30days after the end of radiotherapy was 4.60 points and the average value 6months after treatment was 4.25 points. Notably, this final value was 25.43% lower than the value from the initial analysis. With regard to the quality of life evaluation, only the values for the functional capability and social aspects categories of the questionnaire showed significant improvement. Conclusion: Radiotherapy with supportive treatment appears to be an important tool for the treatment of pain in patients with spinal metastatic disease. © 2013 Valesin Filho et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Bursite peritrocantérica: descrição de nova manobra semiológica para auxílio diagnóstico Peritrochanteric bursits: a description of a new semiologic maneuver for diagnostic assistance

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    O estudo tem como objetivo testar a validade de nova manobra semiológica no diagnóstico de bursite peritrocantérica. Foram avaliados 30 pacientes, com diagnóstico clínico de bursite do grande trocanter. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à radiografia de bacia AP e Perfil. Quando necessário, outros exames de imagem foram realizados, com a finalidade de descartar doenças associadas; os pacientes foram submetidos a duas manobras semiológicas no quadril são e afetado. TESTE 1: paciente em decúbito dorsal, o membro examinado é aduzido em extensão cruzando sobre o membro contralateral, com o calcâneo em contato com a maca, faz-se a flexão do quadril até aproximadamente 90º, o quadril ao final da manobra estará em flexão, adução e leve rotação externa, durante a manobra poderá ser referida dor na região do trocanter maior. TESTE 2: a posição final do TESTE 1, é a posição inicial desta, faz-se a adução forçada do quadril, pode haver referencia de dor ou exacerbação. Os resultados das manobras foram submetidos ao estudo estatístico, que demonstrou serem os exames diferentes entre si, porém complementares. O teste 2 mostrou ser positivo em 96,6%. As manobras semiológicas denominadas de TESTE 1 e 2, podem ser utilizadas como auxiliares nos diagnósticos clínicos das bursites peritrocanterianas.<br>The objective of the present study was to test the validity of a semiologic maneuver on the diagnosis of peritrochanteric bursitis. Thirty patients with a clinical diagnosis of great trochanter bursitis were assessed. All patients were submitted to X-ray studies at AP and LP. Whenever necessary, other imaging tests were performed, intending to rule out any associated diseases; the patients were submitted to two semiologic maneuvers on both hips, the affected and the normal one. TEST 1: with patient at supine position, the examined limb is adduced in extension and crossing it over the contralateral limb, with the calcaneus touching the bed, a hip flexion is produced at approximately 90º; at the end of this maneuver, the hip will be flexed, adduced and slightly externally rotated; during this maneuver, the patient may report pain at major trochanter region. TEST 2: the final position of TEST 1 is the initial position of TEST 2, with a forced hip adduction where pain or exacerbation may be reported. The maneuver results were submitted to statistical analysis, with both tests showing to be different from each other while supplementary. Test 2 was shown to be positive in 96.6%. Semiologic maneuvers referred as TEST 1 and TEST2 may be used to assist on providing a clinical diagnosis of peritrochanteric bursitis