6 research outputs found


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    Developed have been the methods of investigation of the probable-temporal characteristics of the records of the datalink synchronous control, allowing to eliminate the short-comings of the existing methods. The software on the desing of characteristics and determination of the linear records optimum parameters, the complex of the softwares on the simulation modeling of the phase of the linear records information transmissionAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Innovation and certification as the basis for the development of energy-efficient construction

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    Within the framework of the concept of sustainable development, issues of energy efficiency, environmental safety, minimization of anthropogenic impact on the environment are of particular relevance. In construction, these theses are projected onto the segment of energy-efficient, “green” construction. Nowadays, the development of energy-efficient construction in Russia is progressing at a slow pace, and this is primarily due to the lack of an integrated energy management system, environmental certification of construction products, and institutional features of the real estate market. The authors systematized the methods of improving energy efficiency and greening of construction regarding the types of real estate, analyzed the main global and Russian environmental certification systems in construction, identified the features, advantages and disadvantages of each system, substantiated the need to ensure the generally accepted Russian certification system. The problem of enhancing energy-efficient construction is also interconnected with the need to increase the level of innovation in construction, which is substantiated by the authors in the paper. The authors substantiated the need to change the criteria for monitoring investment projects, taking into account the optimization of energy efficiency and environmental performance of real estate

    Creation of integrated energy supply systems

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    A brief description of the State Electrification Plan of Russia (GOELRO plan), developed on the initiative of V.I. Lenin by the GOELRO commission headed by G.M. Krzhizhanovsky and adopted on December 22, 1920 by the 8th All-Russian Congress of Soviets, as well as key directions of a long-term plan for research on the problem of the creation of the Unified Power System of the Country (UPS), developed by the commission under the leadership of G.M. Krzhizhanovsky in 1957, which laid the foundation for the formation of the UPS - the largest in the world at the end of the 80s centrally managed interconnected power system, is presented. The indicators of development and efficiency of the country's electric power industry are given. The essential part of the reforms in the electric power industry of Russia carried out at the beginning of the 21st century, their shortcomings that led to a decrease in the efficiency of the industry and the emergence of various kinds of bottlenecks and imbalances are analyzed. The processes of transformation of energy systems in the world are considered, as a result of which a new architecture of energy systems is created. The primary tasks facing the Russian power industry in these conditions are formulated