9 research outputs found

    A study of the weak-form efficiency of the Philippine stock market using artificial neural networks

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    This study employed artificial neural networks (ANN) to test the weak-form efficiency hypothesis in the context of the Philippine stock exchange index (PSEi) and the seven sector indices. It is a common expectation among researchers and practitioners that stock markets of emerging economies exhibit inefficiencies while the opposite is true of developed markets. Unlike some previous studies that utilized the augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) tests, runs tests and variance-ratio tests to test the weak-form efficiency hypothesis, this study used a model comparison approach utilizing the RMSE and MAE statistics to compare out-of-sample forecasts of the ANN models to their counterpart random walk or Naive models for the PSEi and the seven sector indices. Significant out performance of one model vis-a -vis another is validated using forecast encompassing tests. The study proved, once again, the weak-form efficiency of the Philippine stock market using more recent data over a longer period of time. It also resolved the mixed findings from earlier empirical studies of the Philippine stock market concerning the weak-form market efficiency hypothesis. Furthermore, this study showed that both the ANN and ARIMA methodologies failed to encompass the random walk models for the PSEi and the sector indices

    A system study on K-Lift Industrial Corporation

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    This study focused on the company, K-Lift Industrial Corporation, which is a company dedicated to distributing forklift trucks and other machine parts, particularly for material handling equipment. The study was conducted in their main office and warehouse in Pasay City, with a study period of August 2016 to January 2017, a total of 20 months. The company was first evaluated through the use of a SWOT analysis and a WOT-SURG analysis to determine which is the most prominent problem. Through this, it was found out that K-Lift Industrial experiences a deviation in the service fulfillment rate, which is below the standard by 24.65% resulting to a total cost of Php436,500 per year. The standard for the service fulfilment rate set by the company was found to be 90% however, the company only meets 65.36%. The problem was further studied by utilizing a why-why diagram in order to determine the root cause of the problem. There were five (5) final root causes identified and validated. Given these root causes, there were five (5) solutions implemented, namely, establishment of a process that would be updating the superseded part numbers in the system, 5S housekeeping system, job rotation, monthly inventory review, and the utilization of the warehouse team to check and monitor the product details. Total investment costs incurred for all these solution amounts to Php75,528.00 and total recurring costs per month amounts to Php2,994.50. however, total monthly benefits would sum up to Php31,047.41. given this, these solutions were implemented in the company and an initial dry run was executed for the implementation of a process that updates superseded part numbers, 5S housekeeping and job rotation

    Elogio histórico del valeroso Crillon

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    Sign.: A-H\p4\s, I\p6\sPortada con escudo real xilográficoPrecede a la portada, un retrato de: "Le brave Crillon

    Divulgação científica em tempos de pandemia: a importância de divulgar o fato em meio às fakes

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    A divulgação científica é uma forma de atrair o público infantojuvenil para a ciência desde cedo. Diante da pandemia atual, a sociedade foi bombardeada com informações sobre uma doença nova e de como se comportar perante ela. Entretanto, muitas dessas informações são falsas ou incompletas, levando a um julgamento errôneo. No intuito de divulgar a ciência, utilizando o contexto da pandemia de Covid-19, foi criada uma oficina virtual com estudantes entre 8-12 anos que foram expostos a afirmações sobre essa pandemia e após eles exporem suas opiniões, nossos facilitadores revelavam as respostas, justificando cada uma delas. Assim, a oficina cumpriu seu papel de informar as crianças de maneira lúdica e leve sobre a pandemia que enfrentamos, de modo a muni-las de conhecimento confiável para que possam agir na prática da maneira mais segura, além de estimular o pensamento científico e trabalho em equipe

    Substance P mediates inflammatory oedema in acute pancreatitis via activation of the neurokinin-1 receptor in rats and mice

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    1. Pancreatic oedema occurs early in the development of acute pancreatitis, and the overall extent of fluid loss correlates with disease severity. The tachykinin substance P (SP) is released from sensory nerves, binds to the neurokinin-1 receptor (NK1-R) on endothelial cells and induces plasma extravasation, oedema, and neutrophil infiltration, a process termed neurogenic inflammation. We sought to determine the importance of neurogenic mechanisms in acute pancreatitis. 2. Pancreatic plasma extravasation was measured using the intravascular tracers Evans blue and Monastral blue after administration of specific NK1-R agonists/antagonists in rats and NK1-R(+/+)/(−/−) mice. The effects of NK1-R genetic deletion/antagonism on pancreatic plasma extravasation, amylase, myeloperoxidase (MPO), and histology in cerulein-induced pancreatitis were characterized. 3. In rats, both SP and the NK1-R selective agonist [Sar(9) Met(O(2))(11)]SP stimulated pancreatic plasma extravasation, and this response was blocked by the NK1-R antagonist CP 96,345. Selective agonists of the NK-2 or NK-3 receptors had no effect. 4. In rats, cerulein stimulated pancreatic plasma extravasation and serum amylase. These responses were blocked by the NK1-R antagonist CP 96,345. 5. In wildtype mice, SP induced plasma extravasation while SP had no effect in NK1-R knockout mice. 6. In NK1-R knockout mice, the effects of cerulein on pancreatic plasma extravasation and hyperamylasemia were reduced by 60%, and pancreatic MPO by 75%, as compared to wildtype animals. 7. Neurogenic mechanisms of inflammation are important in the development of inflammatory oedema in acute interstitial pancreatitis