16 research outputs found

    The 21st edition of the national conference on soil science "The Historical Banat: soil, agriculture, traditions", 23-28 august 2015, Timisoara

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    The United Nations decided 2015 to be the International year of soils in order to raise awareness and promote a more sustainable usage of these critical resources worldwide. Healthy soils represent the key support for obtaining agroalimentary products, fuel, fibres, and medical products, as they play an essential role in the ecosystems. The 21st edition of the National Conference on Soil Science with international participation was organized in Timisoara on 23 - 28 August 2015, under the care of the Romanian National Society of Soil Science. The conference represented a good opportunity to analyse and debate the current soil issues, in their various aspects in order to establish viable agricultural strategies and policies. Since 1961, when the first National Conference on Soil Science was organized in Timisoara, coordinated by the founding members of the Romanian National Society of Soil Science, until today there have been organized 20 editions. Among the latest events organized by the territorial organizations of the Romanian National Society of Soil Science we can mention the ones organized in Timisoara (2003, 2015); Cluj – Napoca (2006); Iasi (2000, 2009); Craiova (2012). Banat represents the historical region situated between the rivers Mures (North) and Tisa (West) the Danube river (South) and The Carpathians, between the narrow pass from Zam and Cerna river springs (East). The total surface of the historical Banat is of 28,526 Km2, being currently situated on the territory of three states: Romania – Romanian Banat with the surface of18, 966 Km2 (66.5%); Serbia – Serbian Banat with the surface of 9,276 Km2 (32.5%) and Hungary with the surface of 284 Km2 (1.0 %). During the 21st edition of the National Conference on Soil Science organized in Timisoara there have been analysed and discussed the current aspects related to the use of soil resources, with practical on field applications in the following counties Timis, Arad, Caras – Severin (Romania); Csongrad (Hungary) and Pancevo (Serbia)

    Use of cadastral plan in digital form and the databases informations system for the national vineyard landsurvey

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    Getting vineyard cadastre database in the unitary system of technical, economical and legal will be done according to Law vine and wine No.67/1997, by identifying, recording, delineation and mapping of all land and cadastral plans of the national vineyard property and other real estate related, irrespective of their destination and owners. Making a modern cartographic database compatible with those from the European Union, involves continuous improvement of methods of measurement. Based on new technologies to ensure performance of terrestrial measurements it will be determined surface and size configuration by destinations, categories of use and owners. To achieve the technical and specialized vineyard landsurvey it was made the collection, processing and management of primary database from a vineyard with a total area of 111.06 hectares. The case study was done for a unit of 111.06 hectares vineyard, located in the North-West of terrain City, framed by 2 trapezes lifting map scale 1: 5000, lifting the 4 trapezes scale 1: 2000 and 10 trapezes lifting scale 1: 1000. The vineyard unit of the year 2004, when it was made its first cadastral register, consisting of 270 parcels was distributed to 51 owners of 97 parcels of vines which occupy 75.59% of total area. Because fragmentation tendency the vineyard unit currently has 387 parcels, instead 270, this means a growth of 43.33%. To have a clear picture of the situation on the ground level of a parcel, cadastral file must include basic and specialized data on vineyard land, the owner and cadastral records of real estate

    Updating of the cartographic database of the administrative territorial - units from the surface drainage and underground pipe drainage systems

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    The natural conditions from the extra Carpathian region of Suceava County have favored the humidity excess at the surface of the agricultural fields and in the superficial layers of the soil profile. In order to eliminate the water excess from the natural field-soil units the following systems have been created: surface drainage, underground drainage, ridged rows, deep harrowing. In the Suceava Plateau, with the following sub-units: Baia Depression, Falticeni Plateau, Dragomirnei Plateau and Radauti. Depression have been created more than 20 large hydroameliorative systems and a series of local systems for regulating the water regime in the soil and for effectively using the land resources. The case study included the framing of Suceava County in cadastral maps, scale 1: 50,000. Based on these geospatial data the land boundaries of the Baia - Sasca surface draining and underground draining system have been drawn up on 28 trapeziums, scale 1:5,000. The hydrotechnical scheme of the Baia - Sasca hydroameliorative system has been created between 1978 and 1980 on a total surface of 5,500 ha. The territorial distribution of the hydroameliortive system included the following five territorial - administrative units of the communes: Horodniceni, Cornu Luncii, Radaseni, Baia and Vadu Moldovei. The updating of the cartographic database was made using the coordinates system of the 1970 Stereographic projection for the 28 geodetic trapeziums at scale 1:5,000 that rigorously framed the hydroameliorative system studied, which represents the graphic support of the cadastral records of the land surfaces officially registered in the land register.

    Behavior of underground drainage after 30 years of functioning, in the Baia experimental field of agricultural drainages, Suceava county

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    The exploitation of the output of agricultural land, and of the surfaces of arable land in particular, occurred in time, via works of draining off, embankment-regulation, underground drainage, prevention of soil erosion and other works. In the Suceava county, according to the A.N.I.F. data, there is a surface of 44.904 ha with draining off works, of which 27.455 ha with drainage works. The network of draining off channels is 1875 km long, and the underground drainage network made up of suction and collection drains has a total length of 11.909 km. The findings of the research conducted in the pedo-climatic conditions of the water basin of the Moldova river showed that the modeling of the land in ridges, for the drains situated at a 20 m distance from one another, leads to the elimination of the humidity excess, similar to that for the drains situated at a 12 m distance. The use, as a filler material, of flax stems, irrespective of the thickness of the layer, is not recommended because of the reduction, in time, of permeability. However, their association with ballast ensures, even after 30 years of functioning, the best elimination of humidity excess. The average water content of the soil 1-2 days after rain has the smallest value in the vicinity of the drain lines, due to the water inflow created towards the drain filter and to the reduction of the permeability of the filler layer, in 30 years of functioning. 10-15 days after the last rain, the average water content decreases from the middle of the distance between the drains to the drain line

    Cadastral information system on the agricultural fields foreseen with underground drainage pipes

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    Based on the primary data of the unitary cadastral and land registry system the information subsystems are organized; they include the technical, economic and legal situation of the real properties for various specialty fields. As far as the agricultural fields are concerned, information subsystems on usage categories are made on regular basis, the delimitation and the representation of irrigation, draining – drawing off and anti-soil erosion systems being included in the cadastral plans. The cadastral information system for the agricultural fields foreseen with underground drainage pipes is formed from the univocal relations from the graphic entities: cadastral plan, hydro technical scheme and the descriptive attributes: climatological chart of the area, terrain relief, soil units, quality and suitability class for certain cultures.The totality of natural factors from the geographical unit of the administrative – territorial units of Bilca commune situated in the north of Suceava county has favoured, in time, the appearance of humidity excess with stagnant features and/or from the soil’s profile, which was associated with soil acidity and compaction. In the structure of the cadastral information system analysed in the present case study, it was used the textual and graphic data base resulted after the implementation of the cadastral works from the experimental field foreseen with underground draining pipes from the territory of Bilca commune which was set up in 1988 on a surface of 10 ha

    The use of spatial and numeric databases of digital orthophotomaps in soil quality evaluation papers

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    In the period between 2003-2007, digital and analog orthophotomaps at a scale 1 : 10 000 were designed for a series of territorial administrative unities, based on aerial photogrammetric methods. The use of the digital support of the orthophotomaps facilitates the retrieval in real time of primary technical data for the cadastre general of the graphic fund of agricultural physical blocks and their contained plots. Within the grounds of the administrative territory of Bilca, in Suceava County, 315 physical blocks have been identified, with a total area of 2000,43 ha. According to the nature of the physical blocks 189 agricultural physical blocks (AB), occupying an area of 1853,81 ha have been delimited in the unincorporated area of the territory and 126 physical blocks (SA), in the residential area, with a surface of 146,62 ha. On the digital format of the orthophotomap, at a scale 1 : 10 000 of the physical blocks, an overlap was carried out of the thematic layer with the graphic entities of the 24 soil unities (SU), at a scale of 1: 10 000, identified and mapped on an agricultural area of 1358,14 ha. For the organisation, collection and validation of the technical data necessary for the cadastre general and the quality of the soils, has been considered an area of 100,4628 ha of an agricultural sector. The overlapping of the data layer of the soils map, one that included a spatial distribution for 10 soil units (SU) has been carried out on the digital support of the six agricultural physical blocks and the 228 cadastral plots, respectively. The interrogation of the relational model of the digital orthophotomap spatial and numeric database, according to the codes of the physical blocks and the cadastral plots respectively, enables the use of this type of data in various scopes. The informational model is based on the univocal relations between the graphic entities of the 228 cadastral plots and the specific attributes of the cadastre general entities and the descriptive and analytical data of the soil resources quality, respectively

    Correlation of the informatic system on agricultural cadastre with the soil resources from the territorial administrative units with underground drainage systems

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    The National Cadastre and Land Registration Program that started in 2015 and is scheduled to be finished in 2023 is meant to ensure the systematic registration of all real estates in Romania, for the cadastral sectors of 3181 administrative territorial units. Some of the basic elements in favour of these changes are: the development of irrigation systems, rehabilitation of land developments works, the development of infrastructure projects for transport routes, unprivileged areas, etc. In this context, there are included all the administrative territorial areas where, at various moments in time, there have been conducted different hydro-ameliorative works and underground drainage systems have been implemented. In Suceava County, these works covered 55,100 ha and included 20 large systems and numerous local systems. The case study consists in the correlation of the graphic and alphanumeric database with the soil-land cartographic units that were identified in the Baia – Sasca hydro-ameliorative system. The mapping activity was conducted between 1976-1977 on a surface of 6,500 ha, and the hydrotechnical schemes were created in 1978-1980 on a total surface of 5,527 ha; from the total surface mentioned before, 1,806 ha also included a systematic underground drainage system with ceramic pipes. The cadastre and land registration activity from the six territorial administrative units of the Baia – Sasca system permited the correlation of the database into an integrated system. The present spatial distribution of the six territorial administrative units: Horodniceni, Cornu Luncii, Rădăşeni, Baia, Fântana Mare and Vadu Moldovei, includes 30,167 ha of the total surface of the agricultural and non-agricultural land

    Analysis of the transformation of a cadastral documentation made for the agricultural lands from the local projection system - Iasi into the 1970-stereographic projection system

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    The cadastral and land registration activity from the administrative territorial unit of Iasi city was conducted in various time intervals and it was characterized by different work instruments and methods. Thus, there are mentioned the topographic measurements made between 1950-1990 when the classical measuring technique and a local system of rectangular coordinates were used. In 1950 a Local – Stereographic projection – Iasi was adopted; it had its own 2D system of coordinates and the origin in the Golia point. After 1990, in a relatively short interval, the modern measuring methods started being used. There were included, among others, the measurement of distances using waves, the automatic processing of data and transmission of topographic plans. The cartographic documentations made between 1991 – 2009 also relied on the local projection system of coordinates – Iasi. Some of the works included: the measurement and evaluation of agricultural lands, the temporary registration in the land register etc. Starting with 2010 the system of plane rectangular coordinates from the 1970 Stereographic projection became official. From 2013 the Goliath transcalculation program started being used for the transformation of the plane rectangular coordinates from the old cadastral documentations of the Local system – Iasi into the official 1970 - Stereographic projection. The way in which cadastral sectors and real estates from the Local – Iasi system was integrated into the 1970 - Stereographic projection system was analysed considering the technical cadastral documentation from 2004. The case study included a total surface of 50.1808 ha of agricultural land from the unincorporated area of Iasi city. Cartographically speaking, the area was represented by the geodetic trapeziums L–35-32-A–c–3–II-3 and L–35-32-A–c–3–II-4, scale 1:2000, identified with ”Vasile Adamachi” farm of Iasi

    Comparative study on the determination of surfaces from the digital orthophotomaps and field measurements with precision GPS receptors

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    In the period between 2003-2007, digital and analog ortophotomaps at a scale 1:10 000 were designed for a series of territorial administrative units in Romania, based on aerial photography methods. The use of the digital support of the ortophotomaps facilitates the retrieval in real time of the position, configuration and size of the agricultural and nonagricultural physical blocks surfaces, which represent the primary technical database for the general cadastre. In the case study of Bilca territorial unit from Suceava County, 315 physical blocks were identified, out of which: 189 agricultural physical blocks in the area outside the township, with a surface of 1853.81 ha and 126 nonagricultural physical blocks, within the built-up area, with a surface of 146.62 ha. For the testing of the retrieval method of surfaces on digital support and from field measurements with GPS receptors, six agricultural physical blocks from the unincorporated area have been considered, with the numbers: 225, 243, 254, 275, 231 and 255, with areas comprised between 10.38 ha (block 275) and 23.23 ha (block 225). The field measurements were carried out with the help of a GPS receptor (Global Position System), of a GNSS South S82T type, which ensured advanced technologies of satellite GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System – GPS and GLONASS) measuring. Field observations were conducted with the kinematic positioning method in real time, which is also known as the RTK method ((Real-Time Kinematic). In the case of the carried out measurements the ROMPOS – RTK (Romanian Position Determination System) was used, which is based on the national network of GNSS Stations. By using the ROMPOS – RTK service for precise kinematic applications in real time, a horizontally positioning precision of up to ± 2 cm was acquired. With the help of SurvCE field software were determined the plane rectangular coordinates of the points from the outline of the physical blocks, directly into the national projection system STEREO70. The absolute positioning precision of the considered points allowed for a thorough calculation of the physical blocks’ surfaces